kmp - thank you so much for that info. that is exactly what I was looking for. Do you mind if I ask about your ectopic? what happened? I assume it didn't rupture, but did you have any pain? how did they find it?
I bled on and off from bfp, and then finally, i ended up in the ER due to pain. i probably wouldn't have gone in but I knew my numbers were not rising appropriately and there was a risk of ectopic. The pain was not because of a rupture, it was b/c my tube spit it out and the blood was pooling in my uterus. I just don't know if that damaged my tube. My numbers were still low at the time this happened. I think there were like 2,300 or something (but I was 8 weeks at that point). I am hopeful that my tube is healing. Did you say you were due in May? Congrats!
I got my bfp at 14 dpo. I already had an appt set up before I got bfp with a high risk dr cause of my previous mc. So when I went in due to a late ovulation they dated my at 6 wks and did a transvaginal u/s and they could not find anything, but my uterus was very large and thought they saw a septate. They thought it may just be too early so scheduled for a week later. The following week the drew blood and did another u/s and again saw nothing so had me get bloods 48 hours later. My numbers rose but did not double so they assumed it was an ectopic and had me come in right away for the shot. I did not bleed or anything and got my blood drawn two more times and by then they went to like 5200 so a week after the first shot I went in for another. If finally started working and numbers dropped in half for several weeks, but the whole thing lasted from a bfp on nov 7, dr appt nov 14, dr appt nov 21, mtx nov 22, mtx nov 29, and blood finally negative Jan 30. My hsg was in feb and tubes were fine, but had surgery in march to remove a septate and large fibroid which could have contributed to ectopic.
I am sure your tube is fine, but an Hsg will be reassuring. I am not pregnant yet, but can finally try again in may. I have a post-op hsg in early may and expect a green light then. Sorry for the lengthy response.