Hi ladies. I have been reading this post for days. I have read all 170 some pages and I can't thank you enough for sharing your stories. Reading about what you all have been through has really helped me to get through it myself. and then all of the success stories that came later! i hope to be joining you soon!
Here's my story:
I was on BC for about 15 years. In December we (dh and I) decided to stop the pill and begin trying for a little one. I was told that as long as my body was having regular periods, we were good to go. I stopped the pill in december and had the regular pill period. I had a normal period in january, and we thought we were all good, which we were, sort of...
I found out i was pregnant on Feb. 17 (meaning that we had success that very first month). We were so excited, but the excitement didnt last too long. I started spotting on Feb. 24. I immidiately called the doctor, and they said that spotting is quite normal, and that they didnt want to see me until the 8 week mark. I was worried, but thought ok. After 1 week of light spotting, it turned to more. I was sitting at my desk after school one day (i am a teacher) and had that feeling of blood passing. I ran to the bathroom and it was bright red and alot. I called the doctor again, and this time he said to come in the next morning. We went in and had an ultrasound, which didnt show anything (but they said that was to be expected since i was only about 5 weeks). I also gave blood that day. My hgc came back in the normal range, and the doctor recomended testing every few days. It steadily went up (never doubled, but went up about 60-65% each time), and the doctors thought i would be fine. On tuesday march 6 i began to what they thought was miscarry on my own. (TMI ALERT!) I was bleeding so bad, it was like chuncks. and the pain, it was so bad that i actually began to throw up. I ended up having to have my doctor emergency paged that night, he told me it all sounded ok, but he wanted to see me in a few days to make sure that the numbers were going down. They werent, and actually continued to rise. At that time I was scheduled for an emergency D&C on march 13 with the 2 small slits to go in and make sure that it wasn't in my tubes. After the surgery i was told that there was some retained tissue, but they got it all, and that it was not in my tubes (thank goodness). After a week of healing i went back in for another hgc test. My numbers still contuinued to rise. At this time they didint know where the pregnancy was and decided to give me the methotrexate shot on March 22. i bled for aout 1 1/2 weeks, and thenm conmtinued to spot for another month. In the mist of all of the spotting, my numbers were finally negative on april 17. I think i had a period on april 22, and my doctor said that i probably did, but we couldn't be sure if i ovulated. So here we are may 15 and i think i am showing signs of ovulation now. lots of watery cm, not really egg white, but stretchy none the less. I hope that i am ovulatiing now becuase that would mean my period in about 2 weeks, and then if everything falls into place, i would be ovuilating on the same weekend that i will hit my 12 weeks of waiting! I am desperate to get pregnant again, it consumes my mind. Everyday it is all i can think about. its been hard lately since my BFF from college called to tell me that she is preganant anf due 3 days before i would have been, then the next day my brother called to tell me they are prgnant and due one month after i would have been. ):
it's definitely been a trying time the last couple of months, so many emotions, so many ups and downs. But i did want you all to know that i can very grateful for this post, and for all of your stories. It has really given me hope that this will all be a distant memory soon, and that i will be holding my own little one in time.