Mssk, just a little darker today, but still progressing. Will do another in the am, and I told DH that as soon as the test line is as dark as the control, I will tell my OB... Maybe. I'm still thinking maybe just wait til my appointment with him, I'd be 6.5 weeks then anyway, and it's not like he can do anything except monitor my betas.... I just don't know yet.
And the waiting is completely up to you, and I'm sure your Dr will say the same thing, he advises a wait probably based on what he was taught, but the decision is yours. I've done the wait, then still mc, and I've not waited and still mc. And now this is my 3rd cycle in a row with a BFP (no wait cycles between), and this one is already going better than the last 2 at least. So I am in the same boat as TTCnumber2, it hasn't helped or hurt us, and it is a decision that you and hubby have to make.
Good luck!