TTC baby number #1

I wish I could say I'm close too but unfortunately I'm in sunny Scotland haha!

I'm the same with my partner, I try not to mention it too much because he keeps telling me to just chill out and it will happen when it happens so I don't really want him knowing that its literally ALL I'm thinking about as I fear he may have me sectioned lol. That's why I'm loving this thread as I can share my worries etc and no one is going to judge me as we are all in the same boat!

Anyone feeling like they may have caught the egg this month then? I know I certainly haven't so I'm just wanting AF to show her ugly fave ASAP so I can get to trying again!! I have ordered about 100 OPKs so here's hoping July will be my month :) x

Aww we'll there's hope until the AF arrives :) but I don't think I have either I think I can feel my AF coming if that makes sense haha

Yeah I looked on amazon for some OPKs but wasn't 100% I think I'm going to leave it a few months n then get some

Chilling out is a lot easier than done haha it's all I seem to think about I'm soo glad we can come here and chat because when ever I mention baby's I can see my OHs eyes about to roll his had me going on at him for a long time to start trying but we weren't in the best position until now so I know he was right but I'm soooo inpatient and by the sounds of it I'm not the only one but who can blame us!! Xx
Aww we'll there's hope until the AF arrives :) but I don't think I have either I think I can feel my AF coming if that makes sense haha

Yeah I looked on amazon for some OPKs but wasn't 100% I think I'm going to leave it a few months n then get some

Chilling out is a lot easier than done haha it's all I seem to think about I'm soo glad we can come here and chat because when ever I mention baby's I can see my OHs eyes about to roll his had me going on at him for a long time to start trying but we weren't in the best position until now so I know he was right but I'm soooo inpatient and by the sounds of it I'm not the only one but who can blame us!! Xx

I think I'm going to give it a few months as well before trying OPK's.....I get the feeling I'll be like Pringles...Once I start I'll not stop! lol.:winkwink:

Well as long as we have each other then I think we should be pretty good....

So what CD/DPO is everyone at? I'm at CD10/11.....xx
I know exactly what you mean because I can feel mine coming too lol. Been feeling mild cramps since Monday and had increases CM so hopefully it just hurries up!

My partner is the exact same, I pestered him for about a year before he finally caved and said okay lets go for it. It's defo easier said than done to try and chill out but I don't think I've ever wanted anything as much as I want this in my whole life so your right, who can blame us for being impatient lol!?

To be honest, if I was in a regular cycle I probably wouldn't bother with the OPK's but it's be a use my cycles are completely all over the place that I just don't know when I'm going to O or when to expect AF so hopefully these will help. For example last cycle we BD'd about every second day from CD 10 till about CD 26 and to be honest we were exhausted after that so chilled out a bit only BDing about once or twice a week thinking I must have O'd in that time but then I went on to have a 56 day cycle so I was clearly way off! I just really hope they work as I feel like I need all the help I can get lol x
Aww we'll there's hope until the AF arrives :) but I don't think I have either I think I can feel my AF coming if that makes sense haha

Yeah I looked on amazon for some OPKs but wasn't 100% I think I'm going to leave it a few months n then get some

Chilling out is a lot easier than done haha it's all I seem to think about I'm soo glad we can come here and chat because when ever I mention baby's I can see my OHs eyes about to roll his had me going on at him for a long time to start trying but we weren't in the best position until now so I know he was right but I'm soooo inpatient and by the sounds of it I'm not the only one but who can blame us!! Xx

I think I'm going to give it a few months as well before trying OPK's.....I get the feeling I'll be like Pringles...Once I start I'll not stop! lol.:winkwink:

Well as long as we have each other then I think we should be pretty good....

So what CD/DPO is everyone at? I'm at CD10/11.....xx

I'm on CD 33 but have absolutely no idea how many DPO I am or if I even have O'd yet at all that's why I think I need the help of the OPKs lol x
I'm on CD 33 but have absolutely no idea how many DPO I am or if I even have O'd yet at all that's why I think I need the help of the OPKs lol x

Were you on the pill previously Tess? I would defo try out the OPK's if I was you. Yeah bf's/hb's are very laidback about all of this...Mine seems to think all we need is to stop the pill, DTD a couple of times and job's a good un.....Needless to say I've convinced him DTD every other day is the best approach for now....

I have a range of experiences from my friends with TTC, one friend had 2 ectopics and lost her tube but now has 2 (naturally conceived) beautiful children aged 2 and 3 months. Another friend had a mc at the beginning of last year but is now expecting her first child in the next 3 weeks, another friend decided December 2011 she wanted a baby and 2 weeks later she was pregnant and gave birth to her gorgeous little girl last year and my other friend tried for 2 years with her hb, no success, tried one round of IUI and was unsuccessful, took Clomid to assist with 2nd round, never managed to get to her IUI appt because she fell with Triplets and they arrived this year! So quite a range of experiences really....Now it's my turn....God knows what my story will be but I'm sure it'll end positively....I hope :)
Everyone really does have there own story don't they and some really are long journeys!!

A friend of a friend she had a baby at a young age 12 years later she was trying for 2 years no luck she had 2 rounds of IVF no luck and then they had some inheritance money which they used for a last go at IVF n she now has 1 year old twins I think we will all get what we want eventually we all just have to go through different journeys of life and experiences before we get there they say everything happens for a reason maybe it's true... Who knows lol xxxx
I'm on CD 33 but have absolutely no idea how many DPO I am or if I even have O'd yet at all that's why I think I need the help of the OPKs lol x

Were you on the pill previously Tess? I would defo try out the OPK's if I was you. Yeah bf's/hb's are very laidback about all of this...Mine seems to think all we need is to stop the pill, DTD a couple of times and job's a good un.....Needless to say I've convinced him DTD every other day is the best approach for now....

I have a range of experiences from my friends with TTC, one friend had 2 ectopics and lost her tube but now has 2 (naturally conceived) beautiful children aged 2 and 3 months. Another friend had a mc at the beginning of last year but is now expecting her first child in the next 3 weeks, another friend decided December 2011 she wanted a baby and 2 weeks later she was pregnant and gave birth to her gorgeous little girl last year and my other friend tried for 2 years with her hb, no success, tried one round of IUI and was unsuccessful, took Clomid to assist with 2nd round, never managed to get to her IUI appt because she fell with Triplets and they arrived this year! So quite a range of experiences really....Now it's my turn....God knows what my story will be but I'm sure it'll end positively....I hope :)

Hey sookie!

Yup I was on the pill for 5 years. Came off in feb so had my withdrawal bleed and since then I have had 2 real periods around 8 weeks apart. I really think the OPKs are the best way to go! Can't stand the thought of having an 8 week cycle :|

God sounds like you have a lot of friends stories to help you along whereas all of my friends have just fell pregnant 'accidentally' with no problems at all! My bfs sister has also just announced she is pregnant with her third. I think she is just being greedy haha :p just kidding I really am pleased for her but can't help but be a little jealous! X
I'm on CD 33 but have absolutely no idea how many DPO I am or if I even have O'd yet at all that's why I think I need the help of the OPKs lol x

Were you on the pill previously Tess? I would defo try out the OPK's if I was you. Yeah bf's/hb's are very laidback about all of this...Mine seems to think all we need is to stop the pill, DTD a couple of times and job's a good un.....Needless to say I've convinced him DTD every other day is the best approach for now....

I have a range of experiences from my friends with TTC, one friend had 2 ectopics and lost her tube but now has 2 (naturally conceived) beautiful children aged 2 and 3 months. Another friend had a mc at the beginning of last year but is now expecting her first child in the next 3 weeks, another friend decided December 2011 she wanted a baby and 2 weeks later she was pregnant and gave birth to her gorgeous little girl last year and my other friend tried for 2 years with her hb, no success, tried one round of IUI and was unsuccessful, took Clomid to assist with 2nd round, never managed to get to her IUI appt because she fell with Triplets and they arrived this year! So quite a range of experiences really....Now it's my turn....God knows what my story will be but I'm sure it'll end positively....I hope :)

Hey sookie!

Yup I was on the pill for 5 years. Came off in feb so had my withdrawal bleed and since then I have had 2 real periods around 8 weeks apart. I really think the OPKs are the best way to go! Can't stand the thought of having an 8 week cycle :|

God sounds like you have a lot of friends stories to help you along whereas all of my friends have just fell pregnant 'accidentally' with no problems at all! My bfs sister has also just announced she is pregnant with her third. I think she is just being greedy haha :p just kidding I really am pleased for her but can't help but be a little jealous! X

Hi Tess it's completely normal to feel jealous I bumped into an old friend yesterday who has 4 baby's and just had another a few weeks ago and she brags about only having to look at her BF and she's pregnant she has 5 baby's by 3 different dads and brags about being able to go out every weekend as her mom has them or there at there dads it winds me up because I'd give up my nights out and anything to just have 1 baby.

My aunt has also just announced she's pregnant she's 23 a couple of years younger and she had a baby very very young at the age of 15 but this time round she's been trying for 12 months I'm really happy for her and over the moon she's a brilliant mom but I'm still a incy but jealous. I think it's normal to be honest :)

Hey sookie!

Yup I was on the pill for 5 years. Came off in feb so had my withdrawal bleed and since then I have had 2 real periods around 8 weeks apart. I really think the OPKs are the best way to go! Can't stand the thought of having an 8 week cycle :|

God sounds like you have a lot of friends stories to help you along whereas all of my friends have just fell pregnant 'accidentally' with no problems at all! My bfs sister has also just announced she is pregnant with her third. I think she is just being greedy haha :p just kidding I really am pleased for her but can't help but be a little jealous! X

Hi Tess it's completely normal to feel jealous I bumped into an old friend yesterday who has 4 baby's and just had another a few weeks ago and she brags about only having to look at her BF and she's pregnant she has 5 baby's by 3 different dads and brags about being able to go out every weekend as her mom has them or there at there dads it winds me up because I'd give up my nights out and anything to just have 1 baby.

My aunt has also just announced she's pregnant she's 23 a couple of years younger and she had a baby very very young at the age of 15 but this time round she's been trying for 12 months I'm really happy for her and over the moon she's a brilliant mom but I'm still a incy but jealous. I think it's normal to be honest :)


I know, my friends have all had very different journeys.....I can completely understand where you're coming from when u feel a little jealous, specially when people are onto their 2nd,3rd,4th etc. When my friend had her triplets and she used to get jealous about our friend who fell prego within 2 weeks because it took her 2 years I used to say to her, yes she had efficiency but look at your output! 3 gorgeous little ones and they're all yours!

I'm not too bad at the moment because we've just began our journey but I imagine in a few months I may start to get a little green eyed! lol xx
Good luck with testing Kalia! Sending Baby dust your way!
I did a test and it was a BFN which I expected as iv only been trying for 2 weeks! Lol but it was wishful thinking ay.

I had a chat with my mom today she had me when she was 16 and since then she's had lots of problems such as endometriosis and cysts on her ovaries ect that she decided I was more than enough in her late 20s.. But we had a chat and she said with me having ploycystic ovarys as long as I'm having a period every month then it shows I'm ovulating and that's a good thing right? As if I wasnt ovulating then I wouldn't have a period would I? Maybe a silly question but still all new to this and silly questions well I'm full of them haha x
That's not. Silly question at all.....personally I would agree with your ma....surely u must be ovulating if ur having periods, but like u I'm also new to this.

Sorry about ur bfn but as you said u have only been trying for 2 weeks so is there a poss you have tested too early? Xx
My AF is due on Sunday and although I feel like I'm due on iv not had the bad period pains iv usually had by now, I usually get really bad pains 3-4 days before I come on so that's a good sign..

How's every one else feeling today? Xxx
Well I'm feeling great....due to ovulate on Sunday ish me thinks so my bf is loving my increase in dtd requests(unbeknownst to him I'm ovulating) lol. I'm having some tummy twinges today but nothing note worthy really.

Went to my docs today to discuss folic acid n ttc....I have close family members with Pierre Robin syndrome(hair lip, cleft palette) so we had recommendations from a geneticist to take more colic instead of the pregnacare 0.4mg dose which is 200% of normal rda I'm on 5mg!

He also talked about how apparently when u first stop the pill u have a hormone surge and release multiple eggs...talking 5-6!! So he said If I fall prego (1% chance) then there's a big possibility it'll be twins or more! Surely he was just having my life n trying to put me off trying so soon after the pill!?! Lol xx
Well I'm feeling great....due to ovulate on Sunday ish me thinks so my bf is loving my increase in dtd requests(unbeknownst to him I'm ovulating) lol. I'm having some tummy twinges today but nothing note worthy really.

Went to my docs today to discuss folic acid n ttc....I have close family members with Pierre Robin syndrome(hair lip, cleft palette) so we had recommendations from a geneticist to take more colic instead of the pregnacare 0.4mg dose which is 200% of normal rda I'm on 5mg!

He also talked about how apparently when u first stop the pill u have a hormone surge and release multiple eggs...talking 5-6!! So he said If I fall prego (1% chance) then there's a big possibility it'll be twins or more! Surely he was just having my life n trying to put me off trying so soon after the pill!?! Lol xx

That's a shame about your BFN kalia but as you said you haven't been trying long and it was poss too early to test so I will keep everything crossed for you!

And wow sookie I didn't know that about coming off the pill!! Is there any chance your doctor mentioned anything about how long it may take for cycles to regulate after the pill? I'm trying really hard not to worry about how long my cycles are but as the days goes on and I still don't have AF and keep getting BFNs it's really hard not to! The NHS website though advises you should only go to your doctor when cycles are still irregular after 8-12 months so don't want to be laughed out the door since I have only been off for 4-5 months. I never go to the doctor for anything so I wouldn't even know what to say lol.

I made the mistake if telling my friend we are TTC tonight. I told her we have been trying for 4-5 months and she decided to tell me about her friends who have been trying for 18 months and have had fertility tests showing they are both fine but the doctor says they may just be incompatible! Not exactly what I wanted to hear as now I have something else to worry about. I think in future I will just stick to talking about it with you ladies! X
My doctor drew me a lovely graph lol.....apparently a surge at the beginning then goes right down for cycle 2&3 then slowly starts to rise....he was saying "don't make it scientific, don't count days just listen to your body n ur own urges will tell u when it's right to do it" I have to be honest it was hard to keep my face straight when he started going on about how animals manage it n they don't count days....I mean wtf?!? Lol

Well, my fiends have had alsorts of experiences...the one who took two years was told about the incompatibility aspect with her hubby n now they have triplets! So try not to let it get you! Xx
Well, my fiends have had alsorts of experiences...the one who took two years was told about the incompatibility aspect with her hubby n now they have triplets! So try not to let it get you! Xx

Okay so just so I'm understanding lol, does that mean the doctor is saying there's a high chance of falling preg in cycle 1 after coming off pill, then less in cycles 2&3 and then it starts to go up again? Haha the animal thing must have been funny but to be honest he makes a good point! I wish I could just sit back and see what happens but I'm a bit if a control freak so there's no chance of that lol.

I know I'm not really letting it get to me but I was just quite annoyed with her! There was me spilling my heart out to her, telling her we have been TTC so she then asks me how long for and I say 5 months which obviously made her think it was a good idea to suggest that me and DP may not me compatible with each other. I just found it really insensitive and it made me wish I could take it back and not tell her at all x
Well, my fiends have had alsorts of experiences...the one who took two years was told about the incompatibility aspect with her hubby n now they have triplets! So try not to let it get you! Xx

Okay so just so I'm understanding lol, does that mean the doctor is saying there's a high chance of falling preg in cycle 1 after coming off pill, then less in cycles 2&3 and then it starts to go up again? Haha the animal thing must have been funny but to be honest he makes a good point! I wish I could just sit back and see what happens but I'm a bit if a control freak so there's no chance of that lol.

I know I'm not really letting it get to me but I was just quite annoyed with her! There was me spilling my heart out to her, telling her we have been TTC so she then asks me how long for and I say 5 months which obviously made her think it was a good idea to suggest that me and DP may not me compatible with each other. I just found it really insensitive and it made me wish I could take it back and not tell her at all x

Wow! Some people have the emotional sensitivity of a teaspoon!! Don't let it worry you!

That is why we haven't really told anyone we are ttc. Its hard enough with the pressure we put on ourselves without knowing everybody else is waiting for you to announce a bfp and then wondering why its taking a while!
Ahhhh I need to vent OH just don't get the fact of having to BD at certain times his reaction is it will happen when it happens so if we don't do it today there's always tomorrow which is fine I know I'm not ovulating at the moms t as AF is due any day but still it's only been 2 weeks and his already turning me down saying don't put pressure on your self or us its been 2 weeks my point is its 2 weeks so he should be more up for it at the moment.

He don't have a high sex drive and when I went on the patch my sex drive kind of went so we were having sex once a week if that some times and since coming of the patch it's come back and obv were doing it slot more but we haven't BD since Tuesday what if that was a day we could of cell pregnant his attitude today is well ur due on now so let's just see if you come on if you don't we will just start trying again after that i just feel like screaming right now....

Sorry for the rant... And to much info just needed to get it out my system :( xxx

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