TTC baby number #1

Well I'm feeling great....due to ovulate on Sunday ish me thinks so my bf is loving my increase in dtd requests(unbeknownst to him I'm ovulating) lol. I'm having some tummy twinges today but nothing note worthy really.

Went to my docs today to discuss folic acid n ttc....I have close family members with Pierre Robin syndrome(hair lip, cleft palette) so we had recommendations from a geneticist to take more colic instead of the pregnacare 0.4mg dose which is 200% of normal rda I'm on 5mg!

He also talked about how apparently when u first stop the pill u have a hormone surge and release multiple eggs...talking 5-6!! So he said If I fall prego (1% chance) then there's a big possibility it'll be twins or more! Surely he was just having my life n trying to put me off trying so soon after the pill!?! Lol xx

Really that's a high dosage I'm taking folic acid and multi vitamins not sure what else or if anything else I should be taking xx

That's really interesting what dr said but confusing so is there more chance you getting pregnant on first month of the pill than any other time then?

Soooo true about the animals wish I could think like an animal haha xxx
Ahhhh I need to vent OH just don't get the fact of having to BD at certain times his reaction is it will happen when it happens so if we don't do it today there's always tomorrow which is fine I know I'm not ovulating at the moms t as AF is due any day but still it's only been 2 weeks and his already turning me down saying don't put pressure on your self or us its been 2 weeks my point is its 2 weeks so he should be more up for it at the moment.

He don't have a high sex drive and when I went on the patch my sex drive kind of went so we were having sex once a week if that some times and since coming of the patch it's come back and obv were doing it slot more but we haven't BD since Tuesday what if that was a day we could of cell pregnant his attitude today is well ur due on now so let's just see if you come on if you don't we will just start trying again after that i just feel like screaming right now....

Sorry for the rant... And to much info just needed to get it out my system :( xxx

I know and the worst thing is I don't even think she realised what she was saying until she saw my face drop! Just glad I have you ladies to keep me thinking positive as you all know exactly what I'm going through.

I know exactly what you mean kalia!! My DP also has quite a low sex drive so he is happy just having sex once a week (usually on a Saturday when neither of us have been working all day) but any other day of the week he will say he is 'too tired'. And I also get the 'it will happen when it happens' speech on a regular basis. I just don't think they understand how much we feel like we NEED this. I think it's good that we can vent on here now because my partner and I have actually had a few arguments over him saying that I am trying to force it too much and that it will never happen if I keep putting so much pressure on it but as I said, I don't think he realises just how much I want this. That's why I think the OPK's will be good for me because if I can tell him for definite that I am O'ing he won't be able to get away with saying there's always tomorrow, because that might be too late. I wish they felt it as much as we did lol x
Yeah it is really high but apparently that's what I gotta take it I shall :)

Well according to my doc yes, 1st month off pill fertility through roof, 2nd and 3rd cycle it's through the floor, so if I don't get prego this month I'm going to resign myself to another 2months of bfn's lol, but then it is supposed to go back up to 1st month strength after 9-12 months....I was thinking 'bd'ing every other for the next 12 months.....I'm gonna be knackered!!'

The animal thing was v funny, he was going on about how our smells change n maybe we should take more notice of our smells....when we smell nice it's BD time! Maybe my doc is losing the plot....he has been my doc for over 20 yrs lol.

I can understand ur frustration Kalia, my bf is very much a "don't pressure me cos I won't want to" kinda other than him knowing we are trying that's his extent of ttc knowledge lol.

Tess, I cannot believe how insensitive ur friend was suggesting u n ur OH may "not be compatible" I mean please!! Have some manners/ time she tries to "make u feel better" tell her to do fact tell her to come on this forum nod we will tell her for u ;-) xx
Haha yeah point your friend in our direction we will give her a piece of our mind :) some people are so selfish and inconsiderate to feelings.

My OH just come into me and was like it will happen when it happens we can't force it I said to him no we can't force it but we can try but yeah I agree every other day for how ever many months il be knackered I may shift some of this un wanted weight though haha

I love it we can come here and vent I have a feeling it will stop me arguing with OH because I can get it of my chest here haha xxx
Can you try and BD at a different time of day when he might have more energy?

My DH works ridiculously long days so if I leave BD till the time we are going to bed I have no hope as he falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow which means we pretty much only get to BD at weekends.

TMI I am going to try BDing as soon as he gets in from work (literally ambush him when he arrives so he has no option!) At least then I won't get the too tired excuse!
Yeah we'll it's a rare weekend of for me so I tried to get him earlier but he was like I'm doing stuff I was like god what have I got to to do to get attention Iv got to do stuff to give him no option I think I may be spending my wages next week on loads of new under wear and pounce at every opportunity haha n not even mention baby making as the more I talk about it the more its like a chore I'm going to come here n have me chats n to him for the BD then he can't moan lol I think it's because we've been set in our ways for so long n now it's getting out of that n making more time and effort

I'm glad I'm not alone though :) thanks ladies feel much better xxx
Its crazy isn't it?! You would think our OHs would be thrilled to have BD literally everyday......apparently not!
I knowwww I thought there was summat wrong with me and he didn't fancy me any more n getting insecure as I have put a bit of weight on but maybe it is just him being a man I think it might be harder for men to get out of a routine of what there usually in maybe xx men ay they say us women are weird but I think there way weirder lol xx
Lol, well my oh is loving it at the minute but I can imagine after a good few months he will get sick. I have been jumping my oh as soon as I've got in from work lol, specially when I have plans later on in the night.....heehee, he is enjoying the whole ttc right now....purely for the fact that I'm up for BD pretty much be honest I'm the one who can't hack doing it later on when we go to bed....once I'm in bed to sleep well that's me out for the count lol.

I'm glad we have each other, it's good to know we can vent pretty much anything we want n we know we will get an understanding response.

Gotta say this evening my stomach is twinging big time....extremely hard lower abdomen but I have been to a wedding party this evening n drunk quite a few fizzy pops lol....but I'm sure we will soon see :) xxx
Hi sookie I went to a wedding party last night aswell and drank 1 to many feeling very worse for wear today.

Hi tesserae of course you can join in :) x
Hi sookie I went to a wedding party last night aswell and drank 1 to many feeling very worse for wear today.

Hi tesserae of course you can join in :) x

Haha yeh I will get my friend on here and you all can give her a piece of you minds!

I had a big chat with my partner last night and just said look since my cycles are still all over the place we really need to start BDing more and he was quite apologetic actually saying yes you're right I promise we will crank it up a notch so we shall see how that goes lol.

I wasn't at a wedding last night, just the pub but I am severely paying for it now!! Just trying to get it out my system because hopefully in a couple of months I won't be able to drink at all for a long time :)

Hi Tesserae, welcome to be best TTC forum ever haha! How long have you been trying? X
Hi Tessarae...of course...welcome :)

I'm actually feeling ok this oh on the other hand...rough as toast comes to mind lol xx
Hi Tessarae...of course...welcome :)

I'm actually feeling ok this oh on the other hand...rough as toast comes to mind lol xx

Haha so you might struggle to get him to BD today!! Get some paracetamol down his throat and he will be fine lol.

My partner heard me throwing up this morning (sorry TMI) and when I we t back to bed he said oh could that be morning sickness!? And I said no I'm pretty sure it's the vodka lol! I love how nieve he is at times.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that's going to sort me out today is a nice cold shower and a McDonald's.

Can I ask ladies, do your partners know that you are writing on this forum? X
Mine doesn't cos I think he would get tetchy that I'm "sharing our business" with my opinion, he doesn't need to know how baby mad I've got so quickly! Lol.

Would u believe it he must have had an ok period cos BD is done for the day! Lol sorry TMI

Does ur oh know ur on here?

Lol, that did make me giggle about the being sick vodka/morning sickness confusion lol

Mine doesn't cos I think he would get tetchy that I'm "sharing our business" with my opinion, he doesn't need to know how baby mad I've got so quickly! Lol.

Would u believe it he must have had an ok period cos BD is done for the day! Lol sorry TMI

Does ur oh know ur on here?

Lol, that did make me giggle about the being sick vodka/morning sickness confusion lol


Yeh my partner doesn't know either for the same reason. I think as long as I can talk about it in here I will be able to keep myself sane but I think if he knew how often I was on here talking about it he might think I'm letting it take over my life. Which to be honest I probably am but he doesn't need to know that lol :p.

Oh lucky you that's it done for the day. We didnt get in till about 2am this morning and we BD'd when we got home do I think I will give him the day off today haha. Plus I don't think my body would be able to cope with it in my fragile state anyway! On the way to get my mcds now so I think that will sort me out.

So what cycle day are you on anyway? Have you O'd yet? I'm on day 35 now and still no sign of AF! I just want it to hurry up so I can have a clean shot at it in next cycle as I think I'm going to use OPK's x
Yeh my partner doesn't know either for the same reason. I think as long as I can talk about it in here I will be able to keep myself sane but I think if he knew how often I was on here talking about it he might think I'm letting it take over my life. Which to be honest I probably am but he doesn't need to know that lol :p.

Oh lucky you that's it done for the day. We didnt get in till about 2am this morning and we BD'd when we got home do I think I will give him the day off today haha. Plus I don't think my body would be able to cope with it in my fragile state anyway! On the way to get my mcds now so I think that will sort me out.

So what cycle day are you on anyway? Have you O'd yet? I'm on day 35 now and still no sign of AF! I just want it to hurry up so I can have a clean shot at it in next cycle as I think I'm going to use OPK's x

Well I've estimated that today is my ovulation day......So it may even be a twice a day day lol.

Yeah I feel the same cos he would think I was getting a bit obsessed which like u I prob am but who cres! Least I know it means I really want this xx

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