TTC baby number #1

Yeh my partner doesn't know either for the same reason. I think as long as I can talk about it in here I will be able to keep myself sane but I think if he knew how often I was on here talking about it he might think I'm letting it take over my life. Which to be honest I probably am but he doesn't need to know that lol :p.

Oh lucky you that's it done for the day. We didnt get in till about 2am this morning and we BD'd when we got home do I think I will give him the day off today haha. Plus I don't think my body would be able to cope with it in my fragile state anyway! On the way to get my mcds now so I think that will sort me out.

So what cycle day are you on anyway? Have you O'd yet? I'm on day 35 now and still no sign of AF! I just want it to hurry up so I can have a clean shot at it in next cycle as I think I'm going to use OPK's x

Well I've estimated that today is my ovulation day......So it may even be a twice a day day lol.

Yeah I feel the same cos he would think I was getting a bit obsessed which like u I prob am but who cres! Least I know it means I really want this xx

That's great Sookie! Hopefully today is your O day n u will get a nice BFP in a couple of weeks time :) I will keep everything crossed for you x
Thanks Tess! Just gotta wait it out I guess now lol.

Fingers crossed u get what u want too! Any af symptoms? Xx
Thanks Tess! Just gotta wait it out I guess now lol.

Fingers crossed u get what u want too! Any af symptoms? Xx

Yip fingers crossed it won't be long for any if us!

Nope absolutely no AF symptoms and I usually get cramp for between 24-48 hours before she comes. Will just need to wait and see and pray I don't have another 52 day cycle! X
I should of had my AF today and nothing so far :) I usually have cramp a couple of days before aswell but I haven't had any I am feeling hormonal though and emotional :( I just want to know if I am or not I hate waiting if I'm not going to give it a few days though before I test again xxx hope all you ladies are having a good weekend :)
Hi Tessarae...of course...welcome :)

I'm actually feeling ok this oh on the other hand...rough as toast comes to mind lol xx

Haha so you might struggle to get him to BD today!! Get some paracetamol down his throat and he will be fine lol.

My partner heard me throwing up this morning (sorry TMI) and when I we t back to bed he said oh could that be morning sickness!? And I said no I'm pretty sure it's the vodka lol! I love how nieve he is at times.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that's going to sort me out today is a nice cold shower and a McDonald's.

Can I ask ladies, do your partners know that you are writing on this forum? X

Mine knows I went on a forum about the ectopic pregnancy I had and I told him the other day I'm finding this helpful that other people are going through the same feelings ect but he didn't bat an eye lid his soooo laid back its un true...

The only thing he don't want and that's for me to tell people out baby name which I did on the baby name forum ooops but I wanted other people's opinions but we are not telling family & friends and I WILL keep my mouth shut haha

Hi Tessarae...of course...welcome :)

I'm actually feeling ok this oh on the other hand...rough as toast comes to mind lol xx

Haha so you might struggle to get him to BD today!! Get some paracetamol down his throat and he will be fine lol.

My partner heard me throwing up this morning (sorry TMI) and when I we t back to bed he said oh could that be morning sickness!? And I said no I'm pretty sure it's the vodka lol! I love how nieve he is at times.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that's going to sort me out today is a nice cold shower and a McDonald's.

Can I ask ladies, do your partners know that you are writing on this forum? X

Mine knows I went on a forum about the ectopic pregnancy I had and I told him the other day I'm finding this helpful that other people are going through the same feelings ect but he didn't bat an eye lid his soooo laid back its un true...

The only thing he don't want and that's for me to tell people out baby name which I did on the baby name forum ooops but I wanted other people's opinions but we are not telling family & friends and I WILL keep my mouth shut haha


Sounds very promising Kalia you will need to keep us updated!! I really hope you get the result you want.

Yeh my partner is really laid back too but as I said I think he would think I was going a bit over the top if he knew I was talking about it constantly on a forum lol.

Yeh my partner said he wouldn't want us to tell people our baby names either (not that we have 100% agreed on them yet) but I don't think it would make a difference getting an opinion on them on a forum because I highly doubt any of you ladies are going to call all of my friends and tell them haha! He also said he would want to find out what we were having but would want to keep that a secret too which I agree with x
Hi guys! Hope you all had good weekends and enjoyed the sun!

In answer to the question about DH knowing about b and b yes he does. He knows I look at baby stuff online. He definetly doesn't realise how much I am on here and the extent of my baby obsession but that is a good thing. I think he would be rather alarmed if he knew!

Got my fingers crossed for all you ladies waiting on AF that she doesn't show up this month! I am only CD6 today so am thinking of starting opks in a few days time and then starting BDing like crazy! Only prob is DH working double shifts next two weeks so think it might be hard to fit in as much BD as I would like! Will have to try and persuade him.....;-)
Yeah my OH don't know I'm on here a lot he would think I'm obsessing which I probably am haha but he don't need to know :)

We won't be finding out the sex either I want a surprise so far a name we have both agreed on will be for a boy or girl & that's Phoenix we like unusual it's taken us 5 years to agree on names before now he was set on Sylar or Locke and I was like noooooooooo haha...

I really hope my AF don't show up I would be in shock if I was pregnant so soon but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
We will be finding out gender as soon as we can! I am waaaayyy too impatient to be team yellow. I want to know as soon as the sperm meets the egg!!! We will tell people the gender but not the names we have in mind! We want to keep names as a surprise for when the baby arrives!
Yeah my OH don't know I'm on here a lot he would think I'm obsessing which I probably am haha but he don't need to know :)

We won't be finding out the sex either I want a surprise so far a name we have both agreed on will be for a boy or girl & that's Phoenix we like unusual it's taken us 5 years to agree on names before now he was set on Sylar or Locke and I was like noooooooooo haha...

I really hope my AF don't show up I would be in shock if I was pregnant so soon but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Yeh snuffle pop it might be hard to fit it in but I'm sure u will be able to persuade him haha. I think OPKs might be a good idea for you that way he will know making time to BD won't be a waste!!

The only reason we wouldn't tell people is because my mum always said she wouldn't want to know and so I wouldn't like anyone letting it slip and ruining the surprise for her.

For a boy I like Mason and for a girl I like Madison but my partner doesn't like any if them lol! I think we will have a few arguments over it when the time comes but we try not to discuss baby names too much at the moment as we don't want to jinx it x
If and when we get pregnant I am hoping I can be strong enough to wait to find out....but I'm a bugger when it comes to stuff like that....names wise haven't really decided on anything....I love the name George Harry for a boy but a girls name is the tricky one or us at the minute....Think we will seriously talk n decide that more once I've fell.

Well I'm hoping that the witch af stays away from us all n we get bfp's instead....u do realise that of we are lucky enough to fall around the same time we are gonna be buddies all the way through n will have to set up chats in the other forums so we don't lose each other lol xx
If and when we get pregnant I am hoping I can be strong enough to wait to find out....but I'm a bugger when it comes to stuff like that....names wise haven't really decided on anything....I love the name George Harry for a boy but a girls name is the tricky one or us at the minute....Think we will seriously talk n decide that more once I've fell.

Well I'm hoping that the witch af stays away from us all n we get bfp's instead....u do realise that of we are lucky enough to fall around the same time we are gonna be buddies all the way through n will have to set up chats in the other forums so we don't lose each other lol xx

Yeh we are the same with names, have only talked about it a little but won't talk about it seriously until I'm lucky enough to get BFP.

That would be amazing wouldn't it! I really hope that happens and we can go through the whole process with each other :) although if you all get BFPs and I don't, I may need to fall out with you all. Haha only kidding :p x
Lol, Tess....u couldn't get rid of me now if u tried!! ;-) xx
Sookie we have the opposite problem with names! We have our top two girls names - Esme or Audrey - but we have no idea what we would call a boy if we had one! I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it!
Sookie we have the opposite problem with names! We have our top two girls names - Esme or Audrey - but we have no idea what we would call a boy if we had one! I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it!

Fantastic names....specially Esme...beautiful xx
So Kalia any sign of a visit from the dreaded AF yet?? I'm keeping everything crossed for you.

Still no sign here! Been getting little twinges of cramp for about a week now but she still hasn't showed. Not going to test again for atleast another week because I can't face another BFN this month x
So Kalia any sign of a visit from the dreaded AF yet?? I'm keeping everything crossed for you.

Still no sign here! Been getting little twinges of cramp for about a week now but she still hasn't showed. Not going to test again for atleast another week because I can't face another BFN this month x

Everything is crossed for you too Tess....Even my eyes!

Try not to get disheartened (easier said than done I know) You know where we are if you need us, I keep a separate page open all day at work (obsessed indeed) so I can always reply within about 15-30 minutes :thumbup:

Chins up lovely ladies we can get through this together! Pep talk for the day complete! :-D :hugs:

On a side note, its our BD day off today but the app on my phone is screaming at me to get jiggy! OH will be like...."Na! It's my day off!!" lol

Hi tess no show yet and don't know if to test again I tested Saturday so I think it's to soon I just need to resist and not test I think and leave it another few days, when was your AF due? I really hope you get a BFP soon!! :) xxx
I love the name Esme it's such a pretty name :)

Love the pep talk sookie :)
I love it here hope we all get BFP soon and can go through the hole journey together :) xxxx

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