TTC baby number #1

Hey ladies!! Awww Tess sorry to hear AF arrived early, that sucks but like you said you can get on to your new cycle now and hopefully this month will be your bfp!

Sookie which day of your cycle are you on now? Are you still waiting to O? Tell OH he needs to be on standby ready to BD when that positive opk comes!

Kalia you might still have caught the egg from BDing Monday! Of the doc told you the soldiers live for 5 days it must be true!

Read a disturbing fact (and then wished I had never seen it!) that up to 70% of conceptions end in a chemical pregnancy!!!!! I never would have thought the number was so high! Its made me super paranoid now!
Yeah its mad I couldn't understand it but yeah they come from our nan I know I said iv got no hope she had 4 kids as well but she's a nutter so if my kids are anything like her il have my hands full haha

It was a really interesting documentary I want to watch it again now I'm TTC but can't member what it was called xxx
Thanks snuffle. I know I'm trying to stay positive but if my LP is only 8 days every cycle then I have no chance! Have you done another test?

That's sounds really interesting Kalia if you remember what it's called let us know because I would love to watch it :)

Yeh I saw that 70% figure today as well that's really scary! It made me think that rather than this being an early period, I could be having a chemical pregnancy right now and I don't even know. But if it is a chemical preg I would rather just think that's its a period anyway x
Yeah iv heard that chemical pregnancy are really common aswell and most people don't know they are having them because they assume its there period :( it's scary but I think I'd rather also think its my period and be none the wiser so I don't get so down and depressed about what iv lost.

I'm googling it like mad now to try and find it lol xxx

Well we BDed Thursday I didn't do an OPK Thursday I don't think but i got a positive Friday and Saturday negative again today so il bd as soon as oh gets in haha and fingers crossed... When do I count my first day past ovulation would it be today? Xxx
Yeah iv heard that chemical pregnancy are really common aswell and most people don't know they are having them because they assume its there period :( it's scary but I think I'd rather also think its my period and be none the wiser so I don't get so down and depressed about what iv lost.

I'm googling it like mad now to try and find it lol xxx

Well we BDed Thursday I didn't do an OPK Thursday I don't think but i got a positive Friday and Saturday negative again today so il bd as soon as oh gets in haha and fingers crossed... When do I count my first day past ovulation would it be today? Xxx

Yeh I counted my first DPO as the first day I got a negative so I would take it from today :) x
Feels so weird because even though we started trying last month this is the first 2 week wait eeeek sooo weird lol xxx

Snuffle have you tested again yet? Xxx
Iv just read that before ovulation you should get ewcm I haven't had any... What I have noticed today is (this may be tmi)

But earlier I felt like I wet my self a little but I didn't need the toilet I went the toilet and I was just really wet it wasn't wee... Sorry if tmi lol Xxxx
Iv just read that before ovulation you should get ewcm I haven't had any... What I have noticed today is (this may be tmi)

But earlier I felt like I wet my self a little but I didn't need the toilet I went the toilet and I was just really wet it wasn't wee... Sorry if tmi lol Xxxx

Kalia I know exactly what you mean as I had this last week! TMI I had like whitish discharge that seemed wetter than CM but was not wee!
Does that sound the same thing as yours?

Yeah I agree with what you guys said about the chemical pg. I would rather think I've had a late period than lost a pregnancy! That's why testing early can be a double edged sword! Celebrate early but could be too soon. Praying that doesn't happen to me. Tested again (alot!) and line is now significantly darker so is looking like defo bfp. Won't relax til I officially miss my period though!
Yeh I get that sometimes too Kalia. I seem to get EWCM quite often so I don't think it's a good indicator of O for me. And even leading up to AF I still have CM even though you are supposed to be dry at that time so I don't pay any attention to it now because mine doesn't seem to tell me anything lol.

That's great snuffle really pleased for you :) I thought it was a clear blue digital that you were going to do? X
Aww that's amazing yeah a white discharge and I know it's horrible under wear was soaked i really thought I'd wet my self! And when we BDed OH said I felt really wet and it felt again like I had wet my self it was weird but iv not had any of the stretchy stuff people talk about but tbh I don't get discharge often anyway but I don't know if that's good or bad...

Ahhh I'm so happy you have a BFP I think it's natural to not want to get hopes up until missed period i would be same and then I wouldn't be totally at rest until I had a scan. But all the same it is pretty exciting :) xxxx
Oh really tess I'm glad I'm not alone I don't really get any discharge not that iv really noticed before anyway il probably notice things like that more now because il be looking but so far nothing apart from this... But it's very rare I get the stretchy kind people talk about... Xxx
Yeah I've never had the stretchy stuff either. I think its a myth! Mine tends to be wetter :-/

Tess I do have a clearblue digital but I only have one so I am going to make myself wait til Thursday (when AF would be due) before I use it. Got a couple more FRER tests I will do tomorrow and Tuesday to keep checking line is getting darker. I am going insane right now!!!! This week is gonna drag!!!
Hi ladies!!

Yeah I get wet rather than fact, I don't think I've ever had the stretchy....

Snuffle, it's looking reeeeeaaaally positive for you and I'm over the moon!!

I've had a total pj day today n currently waiting for my Indian to be delivered hehe

I'm soo glad I'm not the only one you read all this stuff on google and well it's never good... Google is my worse enemy at times lol

Iv had a house work day, vacuum broke & I left it plugged in I was on a rant because of that half hour later I'm standing by the front door tidying up under the stairs the vacuum decides to come on I scream the house down it made me jump and my neighbour who was outside my house knocks on to make sure I wasn't being murdered lol

Well I was meant to make a nice healthy meal and then OH said Chinese tonight before the cross trainer gets delivered tomorrow so yes we had a naughty Chinese lol :)

Can't beat a takeaway on a Sunday night lol xxx

I would've screamed too! Lol xxx
An add on to the mucus conversation, is it bad that I have it pretty much all the time. Most days I walk around with a pad in my underwear just because I get this wetness randomly many times throughout the day. (Not sexual either as it comes when I am laying down, grocery shopping, things like that).
I don't know much about it I didn't get it sexual either I was doing house work lol nothing sexual about that haha but then it did happen with oh aswell...

Oh god iv just woke up I had a dream last night that seemed to last all night where I got my BFP I woke up convinced I was pregnant :( xxx
I had the same dream last week! I was so happy in my dream, I took the test, it was positive, I showed my husband and we were so happy...then I woke up and was SO dissapointed.
Mmmmmm you guys have all made me want a takeaway now!!!!

How is everybody today? Tess anymore symptoms?

Kalia I have possibly beaten your POAS record. I must have done at least 8 tests over the weekend. I am sooo paranoid that I will test one day and there will be no line. Am trying to restrict myself to one test in the morning and one in the evening! Am terrified this bfp is going to turn into a chemical. I can't stop worrying especially as I have cramps that feel like AF style cramps......argh!!!!!!!
Aw I have that alot of the time as well....and there certainly isnt anything sexual about doing wages at work! lol

Snuffle, just try and relax a little....Easier said than done I know but you've got the line and it's getting darker so it's all positive!! :)

Me and OH are BDing tonight....I decided to ease off on the every other night thing and we've only done it once last week....But I figured I'm not ovulating so no need to worry.....It was OH's idea for us to dtd tonight...He must be in the mood lol....poor guy, I've put him off constant sex after 1 month!!! lol!

I am currently on CD12 so hopefully should get some ovulation action soon!


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