TTC baby number #1

Aw I have that alot of the time as well....and there certainly isnt anything sexual about doing wages at work! lol

Snuffle, just try and relax a little....Easier said than done I know but you've got the line and it's getting darker so it's all positive!! :)

Me and OH are BDing tonight....I decided to ease off on the every other night thing and we've only done it once last week....But I figured I'm not ovulating so no need to worry.....It was OH's idea for us to dtd tonight...He must be in the mood lol....poor guy, I've put him off constant sex after 1 month!!! lol!

I am currently on CD12 so hopefully should get some ovulation action soon!


Nope snuffle no symptoms coz AF decided to show up only 8DPO. But I well nothing I can do about it now!

On a positive note, my blood tests from the doctor came back normal. Now I can relax and hopefully that will mean my cycles might settle down a bit. I'm going to start my O tests as soon as AF is gone though do I don't miss it and I have plenty so I don't need to worry about running out.

The OH was quite down last night and I eventually said to him what's wrong with you? And he was like I'm really gutted that you got your period because I thought we had done everything right this time. I felt really bad because I had been moping about all day feeling sorry for myself and completely forgot that this affects him too!

Good idea Sookie that's what I'm doing. Just let OH tell you when he's in the mood for it and then when you get pos OPK just jump him haha x
That's good you blood tests have come back normal hopefully your cycles will get better..

Yeah I'm not doing the hole every other day thing we will bd once or twice a week when ever OH wants and then when positive OPKs (depending on shifts) every day or every other day...

I feel like crap today I really feel like AF is about to make an appearance she best not because I only ovulated this weekend but I feel so bloated and gassy (tmi) and snappy iv been in a mood for the last 2 hours because OH said he prefers my hair with a fringe and I grew my fringe out cuz didn't want a fringe in for when we went on holiday last month I don't know why I'm in a mood about that iv always known he prefers me with a fringe but for some reason I'm being a cow today lol

How's everyone else today? Xxx
That's good you blood tests have come back normal hopefully your cycles will get better..

Yeah I'm not doing the hole every other day thing we will bd once or twice a week when ever OH wants and then when positive OPKs (depending on shifts) every day or every other day...

I feel like crap today I really feel like AF is about to make an appearance she best not because I only ovulated this weekend but I feel so bloated and gassy (tmi) and snappy iv been in a mood for the last 2 hours because OH said he prefers my hair with a fringe and I grew my fringe out cuz didn't want a fringe in for when we went on holiday last month I don't know why I'm in a mood about that iv always known he prefers me with a fringe but for some reason I'm being a cow today lol

How's everyone else today? Xxx

Oh god that's not good Kalia, but I must say the fringe thing made me giggle slightly lol.

I think if you only O'd at the weekend then it is too early for AF to make an appearance. I got my AF 8DPO and even that was really early! Maybe it's just the hormones from O that are making you feel bloated and grumpy.

I'm feeling quite good today despite the fact that witch got me yesterday. CD2 and I'm feeling good about this cycle now that I have my blood results back and all is well :) I've also been given a less stressful job at work and I went on a diet today to try and lose some weight. PMA!!! X
Hello ladies,

Kalia....I always have days like that lol....sometimes OH just needs to look at me "wrong" n I'm off on one lol :blush:

Got a question ladies....3 tests all the same wee wee....

Top 2 I would say positive? Bottom one word...Eh?!? Xxx


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Hello ladies,

Kalia....I always have days like that lol....sometimes OH just needs to look at me "wrong" n I'm off on one lol :blush:

Got a question ladies....3 tests all the same wee wee....

Top 2 I would say positive? Bottom one word...Eh?!? Xxx

I would the bottom one is also a positive. The instruction say that if the second line is of almost equal colour to the control line then it's a pos :) so what are you even doing on here??? Go BD haha!! X
Yeah maybe it is, Iv started my diet again now and we've bought a cross trainer so I plan on losing some of this weight I know I'm getting my hair done on Thursday now and iv told him his paying lol I was like well you don't fancy me so to make me that bit better for you il get my hair done and ur paying haha

Yeah the Chinese I had last night probably hasn't helped with the bloating haha

I think the top 2 are defo positive but the bottom looks a little fainter I'd go with the top two :) xxx
Yeah maybe it is, Iv started my diet again now and we've bought a cross trainer so I plan on losing some of this weight I know I'm getting my hair done on Thursday now and iv told him his paying lol I was like well you don't fancy me so to make me that bit better for you il get my hair done and ur paying haha

Yeah the Chinese I had last night probably hasn't helped with the bloating haha

I think the top 2 are defo positive but the bottom looks a little fainter I'd go with the top two :) xxx

Haha go you Kalia! I wish I could get OH to say things like that so I could force him to pay for my hair. Any time I ask him so what do you think I should get done? He will say 'whatever you like babe' and if I then say but what do you like? His response will be 'I like whatever you like babe' he's just too laid back!! X
Yeah my oh is laid back I think that's why his agreed just to keep me happy haha

Yeah sookie get BDing!! What you waiting for haha
I'm off to this heat Yack, OH is on nights tonight so is napping at the moment....I intend to jump him in between finishing spinning and him going to work....after a bath of course xxx
Hey ladies hope you are all having a nice evening :) lovely news about the royal baby!! Gives me some motivation haha :p just wanted to run something past you all because I'm worrying myself by googling stuff (which I really need to stop doing!).

Basically I'm reading up on this luteal phase thing again to try and find out why I would have only 8 days between O and AF when I should have at least 12 and the thing that keeps coming up is low progesterone levels. What I want you all to confirm for me (hopefully) so I can put my mind at rest is surely since I've just had a blood test done to check all of my hormone levels which came back all normal, that would have picked up if I had low progesterone wouldn't it? X
I would say yes to ur question...if they were checking ur levels surely that would highlight.

Maybe u had a weird month because of the uncertainty you have been feeling before ur blood results?? Try not to worry n maybe keep a diary to take to your doctor if you have any future issues xxx
Hi tess it depends what blood test you had done and what they tested for it might be worth going back to doctors to discuss it and discuss the why this is happening even though you have had a good blood test results. I know with me I had loads of blood tests done and everything coming back fine they did ultra sound and find I have poly cystic ovarys that was because I was having pains though but each blood test I had tested for different things they never did just one that tested for everything but that might just be my doctors fingers crossed if it was me I would be going back to the drs to question the fact yeah it's great the results have come back perfect but what's causing these things to happen.

And I'd defo do a diary to show dr if any thing else happens xxx

I knowwww so sweet about royal baby xxxxx
Omg iv actually just screamed/cried I know it's not a symptom I'm only 1/2 dpo so I'm putting it down to ovulation hormones still but OH just went past me in hall way n brushed past me n his arm not hard really soft brushed past my boobs and nipples and it hurt it shocked me i screamed a little and it hurt that I started crying! My boobs haven't hurt this much since I was pregnant with ectopic but I obviously know its not that i just don't get why this hasn't happened in soooo long i always get sore boobs but no to the extent that I can't touch them! Weird xxx
Snuffle Just saw about hpts haha you really are going go over take on poas addict award haha i did have an urge to poas today even though i knew both would be bfn so i just did a opk lol You feeling any more of the symptoms? Xxx
I po3s's today lol.....I think we all love a bit of peeing on a stick in our little group lol

She said the bloods were checking to make sure my hormone levels were normal and that my thyroid was normal. Progesterone is a hormone isn't it lol :S? Well I read somewhere that stress can cause the body to produce more oestrogen than normal and that can overpower the progesterone. I was reeeeeeally stressed with work this month so maybe it's just a one off. Will keep a note of everything again this cycle :)

That's really strange Kalia :S I've never had anything like that. Fingers crossed its a good sign :) x
Yeah I think it maybe a one of tess with stress and wanting it so much I think sometimes we stress and we tell our selves were not but we are and our bodies do strange things...

I don't know I think my hormones are compensating for last month but they are killing like I say last time they were like this I was pregnant but this is far to early to get symptoms so I really think my hormones are going mad xxx
Hi guys! Wow I missed loads yesterday!!! Lovely news about the royal baby, can't wait to hear the name now!

Tess its good to hear all your tests came back normal! I wouldn't overly worry about a short LP. It was probably just a one off if you were stressed out this month. I would give it a few months to see what length your average cycle is - hopefully by which point you will be PG anyway. I am banning myself from Google at the moment after I scared myself reading about CPs . I am inclined to always jump to the worst conclusion and Google doesn't help!!!

Kalia you never know your sore BBs might be a very early symptom! Which dpo are you now? I read somewhere that boobs can be the first thing to show as symptoms!

Sookie I would have said all of those opks were positive. The top two more so but defo all positive. Hope you are BDing your butt off!
Well I got positive OPKs Friday and Saturday so I'm counting Sunday as day 1 past ovulation that's right isn't it? So I'm now 3dpo.

Are you getting more symptoms obviously you have your BFP but what symptoms are you getting with it now? Xxx
Hello hello hello!!

Bd went ahead last night before OH went to work....Fantastic time had by both...He even suggested I raise my hips up a bit higher after the deed "just to be sure" lol

I asked if he would be up for a repeat performance tonight and at the time(yesterday) he said yes, however, the poor lad has had no sleep due to noisy neighbours today and we have a tumble dryer being delivered so he may change his mind, but I'm not bothered cos I'll just jump him tomorrow! :-D hehe

How are you feeling Snuffle?

Kalia, I've never had the boob pain thing ever....Don't even get any change in them around my period...Surely it's some kind of sign/symptom?

Tess! Everything is crossed for this new cycle....Think of it as a fresh start, you've had your all clear from your bloods so time to get opk'ing....

I'm still temping....No clue what I'm doing with it but my temp has shot up from 36.16 to 36.87....apparently thats an indicator of summat....dunno what like lol


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