TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

When I lean forward I can still peak at them. lol.

Beautiful day here so I'm putting up my Christmas lights after lunch. :D
I havent seen my foof for weeks!!!!!!!!! haha! xx God knows what its like down there *blush* xx
ER thats another thing - how on earth are we supposed to keep the lady garden neat? I am contemplating asking dh for help :blush: or take the standard mirror in the ensuite so i can attempt to see:rofl:
hahaha you guys made me laugh with your posts. i can't wait to know what it feels like not to see my toes..............hahaha and er and tiggerz you are so funny with your keeping the garden neat talk. hehe

i have no energi for that stuff let alone to take a shower........i am so weak i can't stand in the shower at the moment. i thank god for my oh because he has to help me. hehe

ms seem to just get worse and worse....i have had so many breakdowns....i can stand feeling sick. my nose started bleeding and i am vomiting bile. yuk i tell you. i can't wait for monday to roll around since i have an appointment with my doc.

thank you all for the nice comments on my lo. i am so excited, i think we are leaning towards finding out the gender which will happen at the latest week 20 scan. that is if we can't wait for that long to find out and do a private scan we will see.

tiggerz - i am so happy to be giving birth in may. i always wanted to have a baby around my bday and i will have my baby just 2 and half weeks prior to my birthday. it would have been 1 and a half but i will have to give birth through c-section because of the abdominal myomectemy i had in april. so my due date will be week 39.

well hope you are all doing great and having a wonderful weekend.
Bellas really sorry you're feeling so poorly ((hugs)) I hope you get some strength back and soon!!!! May is wonderful for a baby and you'll love sharing your next birthday with your newborn!!! Just thought but my DD birthday is 15th - i wonder if you'll have your baby on my princesses special day?? I will also be having my baby early due to GD so somewhere between 37-39 wks - so i might just beat ER :winkwink:
Ah you ladies. I'm hoping to know before hand if I will need a c-section or not. I like to be prepared :wacko:
I can still "manage" my lady parts. Told DH he will have to take over managing when I can't see :rofl:
Tiggerz did you manage to get a bump pic yet? Im really interested! How is everyone this lovely sunday? :) xx
Awww my mum and brother just felt him kick too! You should have seen my mums face! He kicked her and my brothers hand harder than ever and went mad and kicked and kicked for a good ten minutes.. so hard it was vibrating my stomach!

All my 15 year old brother could say was 'Ew' though! haha classic teenage boy! xx
Our baby is super active tonight too ER. Kicking the guts out of me. lol. :cloud9:
Yep still waiting for my iphone to come back - using an old one which barely does the web :-( They said 7 working days so it should be back tuesday!
These babies are getting active - my little boy is kicking loads now and its getting harder too :)
Good Morning Ladies

Bellas your scan pictures are amazing!! I'm so excited this will be me a week today posting mine. So are your dates spot on, you haven't had any change of dates?
I'm sorry your ms is still not getting any better, good luck at your appointment, I hope they can suggest something for you.

Belle, hope you are relaxing whilst not able to work, bit of a pain in the bum for you but a welcome rest at this stage in your pregnancy, my fatigue and nausea hit an all time high between weeks 6 to 9, and I would have welcomed a break from work at that time!

ER & Tiggerz glad everything is progressing well with your little beans and both so close to the V day - that will definitely put your minds at rest.

Newfie, your bump looks lovely - I look like that pre pregnancy I think - I was comparing my 10 week bloat to your beautiful bump, made me feel huge lol.

Good to hear from you impatientmumm! Cant believe youre almost 12 weeks! it flies by so quickly.
And im trying to relax, i still wont feel completely relaxed until 11 or 12 weeks, then i can start to get properly excited about being a mummy :)

ER do you live with your brother still? I live with my 19 year old sister and because were really close shes been really thrilled with being an auntie!

tiggerz hope you get your phone back soon xxxxxx
ER do you live with your brother still?

Me, Oh and bump have moved in until our house is sorted.. weve bought a little terrace and it should have gone through by the end of this month! wooo! Its nice actually because its got my mum and brother involved in the pregnancy more.. but all the baby stuff is slowly piling up along with our couches/furniture from our old apartment so I can tell my mum is getting a bit frustrated with so much stuff around... :shrug:

Had my first braxton hicks contractions today at work... they are bizzare! I had some twinges and then my whole bump contracted up and in and it went sooo rock hard! And it did it a couple of times after too!

Its so scary to think my bodies preparing for labour already! :wacko: Im not ready! haha! :haha:

But at the same time very exciting to know that my body 'knows' what its doing :)

Hope everyone is okay!
Was thinking about writing my birth plan today so when I do it Ill post it...


Its lovely to see everyone doing so well :)
Birth plan!

To give birth in the birth centre attached to the hospital.
To be able to move freely/walk/bounce on ball/move onto all fours when I want.
To have a bath/pool on hand to relax
No student staff/observers
Just me and Oh in labour, and then a phone call to our mums for them to come down as I progress to be there for the actual birth.

Pain relief

Warm baths
Gas and Air
Pethadine (if needed)

NO epidural to be offered (only if I ask/desperately need it)

The birth

Preferably dimmed lights

Allow to give birth in any position
When he is born wrap in a towel and put him on my chest whilst cord is cut etc
Do any checks/cleaning up where I can see him whilst being stitched/delivering placenta..

Hand to OH for a cuddle whilst stitching etc goes on

And then back to me until I say someone can hold him! (NEVER! :haha:)

After the birth

Allow our mums to have a hold and some photos and then ship them out so we can be alone! haha

Attempt to breastfeed as soon as possible

Would preferably like a one night stay in hospital to recuperate and have help with feeding etc
:hi: impatient. Nice to hear from you. On my 9 week pic I have huge bloat (almost what I am now :dohh:) Once the bloat goes down then the bump-age starts. :winkwink: And remember, I started out on the borderline underweight side. :wacko: (according to my BMI)

belle I wish my sister was living near by. It would be so much easier. (and fun). At least I got my mom living with me. lol

ER- I'm going to have a birth plan prepared too! I have some specific things I want them to follow so how better to tell them then with a birth plan. :D
Ooo ER and newfie crazy to think its time to start thinking about birth plans! you seem sorted ER, that plan sounds great. my mums already been nattering on about hypnobirthing and midwife led units and whatnot (shes a midwife) but i guess im lucky to be living with her :)

Were the braxton hicks painful em? x
hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend.

tiggerz - my baby might have the same bday as your dd. :) the doc said we would know the c-sec date better as we get closer but she will try to wait until week 39 which would be on the 17th of maj but it might as well be a couple of days prior so maj 15th it might be. :) by the way t, what is gd?

er, newfie, belle - lucky for all of you to have your mom so close to you. i really hope my mom and my oh mom would come from europe to be with us at the birth of our baby. we have really no one here in the states. the only close friends we have from back home live in other states.

newfie, er, tiggerz - i can't wait to be where you are and feel the baby move. when did you gals start feeling your baby move for the first time?

impatient - when is your scan? as far as my dates they are still the same nothing has been moved. :)

belle - will your mum deliver your baby when it's time?

er - what is braxton hicks?

wow, it is crazy but i have lots to learn from you ladies. :)

visit at the doc went well. i got two new meds to try out. i have another appointment with her on thursday to follow up. i hope these work better than the last. i just want to feel human again and be able to leave my bed.
bella- I am very lucky to have my mom so close. She helps me out big time! ( and looks after me lol). I started to have some movement around 15 weeks. It was a bit sporadic at first but it was a couple times a week. It's just since 19 weeks that I have been feeling kicks and the past week it has been everyday, and hard. I think he/she trys to kick my arm off my belly lol.
newfie, er, tiggerz - i can't wait to be where you are and feel the baby move. when did you gals start feeling your baby move for the first time?

er - what is braxton hicks?

I started feeling movement at 15 weeks, and by 21 weeks he was kicking me hard all every day, we could feel it from the outside and could see it too :) Its so amazing.. honestly!

And braxton hicks are 'practice' contractions that your body does.. most people have them through their pregnancy mostly after 16weeks ish but some women dont get them at all..

No belle, they dont really hurt its just a strange sensation your whole belly goes sooooo tight and it keep of sucked up.. it lasted about 30 seconds!


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