TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

My hospital appt yesterday! I had my insulin upped again and added in for dinner times - although the numbers aren't awful they are creeping higher than they ought to be - they've told me to increase myself every few days as needed. I did this while pg with my DD and it scares me incase I make myself hypo!!! Baby growing to dates by measuring height of bump - growth scan 20th Dec. xxx

Impatient - tell your DH I said it's a necessary expensive as it is curative :) :)

Newfie, love the tree - ours is going up 10/11th
Love the tree newfie, and as break will do you good impatient (even though its always stressful visiting family!) Glad your appt went okay-ish tiggerz...

I AM SO STRESSED! We were told that we could have the keys to our house this friday.. just rung up and they said.. oh sorry it will be next weekend now..

Can someone PLEASE tell me WHY we are paying hundreds and hundreds of pounds to solicitors for them to sit on their asses all day playing silly buggers!
Sick of it being another week.. another week... etc etc bla bla bla

Its getting close to christmas, Im pregnant, and we are living at my mums.. do they not understand that we would like to be in and settled for christmas? The house needs work and theres no way we will spending christmas in it with the work all done.
Been crying in frustration for the past hour.

And breathe......................................... :coffee:
Just breath ER. :D. Why do you have to wait another week? I don't remember if you've said but are you buying this house or renting? Either way, if you have a signed agreement for this weekend then I'd show up with my shit on Friday. :rofl: That's what I had to do here when we bought this house.
Impatient, enjoy the little trip. And get out your Christmas stuff. I just love Christmas trees, lights, music, everything. Makes you feel... Christmasy. :xmas13:
Tiggerz, take care of your self. I would be nervous to self adjust too. I have to go next week for the GD test and I just hope it's fine as I'm terrible with needles. :dohh:
Tiggerz, take care of your self. I would be nervous to self adjust too. I have to go next week for the GD test and I just hope it's fine as I'm terrible with needles. :dohh:

Thankyou Newfie!! I hate needles too, so it's not a good place for me right now!! Goodluck with your gtt - sure you'll be absolutely fine xx
hello ladies!

oh am i so happy to see you on here impatient. how are you feeling? does it feel strange? are you sad or are you getting over it? i am sorry if my questions sound harsh, not meant to. just don't know how to express myself fully in english sometimes. i understand if you don't want to talk about what happend. i have though lots about you and tried even to put myself in the same shoes. but it is so hard to understand what it would be like. i hope you are ok. you are in my prayers. i know you will have your baby eventually.

tiggerz - i am sorry to hear about the gd. so scary to up insuline yourself. i would be scared. my dads side of the family has diabes, including my dad. so it scares me to get it. i need to read up on what to try to prevent if even possible, is it?

newfie - i love your happy spirits. love your xmas tree. i don't even remeber when i had a tree last. my mom stopped putting them up when my brother and i lost interest. but next year on our babies first xmas our families better have one and if not we will in our own place. :)

er - i sure hope you get your keys by the way congrats for purchasing a house. a big future investment. do what newfie said stand outside with all your stuff. hard to refuse a pregnant lady. hihi

belle - where are you? how are you?

as for me i am doing fine. i am still on two meds. i tried a day without them on friday thinking maybe i am ok. hahahah NOT i vomited sooooooo much. so still taking them. have a doc appoitment on thursday.

so right now i am trying to find a birthday gift for my oh, i have thought of a couple of things which i am sure he will love. but i hate just giving the gift. last birthday i stuffed a box with 18 gifts. 1 for 2 of his birthdays. so i wrapped an orange and it said this is what i would have given you if i came to your birthday when you turned one and two. he guessed a ball and it was an orange. of course i made sure there were some good real gifts like a pair of prada sun glasses.

now i can think of a fun way of giving him his gifts. pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me. do you have any ideas and suggestions?
You don't put up a Christmas Tree bella? :shock: I have the whole damn house decorated. Even the dog has a santa collar. :rofl: But maybe that's just me. :rofl:.
I don't have any ideas on creative gift giving, sorry. :shrug: I just enjoy wrapping things nicely.
Haha i get into the xmas spirit nearer the time, usually my family cant be bothered until a few days before xmas day!! :rofl:
sorry havent been on here much. the stress of working full time and money worries is starting to have an affect. my backs been aching and i've gone off galaxy chocolate :cry: :shrug:

Impatientmumm i hope you're feeling better :( its a horrible thing to happen to anyone.

Er i'd be fustrated too, we moved house recently and its ridiculous how often things are moved around! they can never be straightforward! i do wonder what solicitors do all day, probably sitting in an office playing mini golf xxxx
Yeah newfie we have bought it.. its such a pain but will be worth it in the end..

Its five years for me and my OH today!! Feels lovely :) Seeing as we are saving all our money for the house we might have a romantic walk with the dogs on the moors to celebrate haha! xx

Bellas you wrote - tiggerz - i am sorry to hear about the gd. so scary to up insuline yourself. i would be scared. my dads side of the family has diabes, including my dad. so it scares me to get it. i need to read up on what to try to prevent if even possible, is it?

There isn't anything you can do to prevent GD unfortunately - all you can try is stay healthy with exercise and good diet, apart from that it's just one of those things! Like you I have family history of type 2 diabetes (my mum) so this is why I was tested. I'm sure you'll be fine though as most ladies avoid it!! Glad your meds are working for the sickness!!!

Talking of Christmas my 4 year old daughter is completely over excited it's December today!!! Talk about bounce to school this morning, bless her little heart!!!
I know Er, it's a real pain in the arse at first. What with all the papers, and go to this place to get this one and then this needs to be signed before you can do that. :wacko: Just hold strong, you'll be glad you did. :)
Ah gosh tiggerz. I can just picture a little smiling girl bouncing off with her little school bag on, right excited for Santa. :cloud9:
Well ladies. There is clothes that needs to be folded and dished that need to be washed but I feel like poop so I'm gonna curl up by the tree and read from my kindle. I was to the hospital and it's a water infection. Not sure if it's the same one that wasn't quite gone or a new one but either way, I got more pills. :sick:
Awww no way newfie! Youve not had much luck with water infections recently have you?
Hopefully the pills will clear it up!
I was looking forward to a good nights sleep last night but Max had other ideas.. he flipped and kicked and danced all night and woke me at least every hour.. hes never been so active at night before.. Ive got up now and hes still at it! GO TO SLEEP! haha!

Had such a busy day yesterday sorting all our stuff out for the move, we threw away TEN BINBAGS of clothes and utter crap! And thats only from our room! :/
Feel all cleansed now though! :)

xxxx You know what tomorrow is? Double digits! woo!
Max kicking!

You can see them around 10, 20, 38 and 52 seconds!
Our baby was super active all day yesterday. I tried to get a video but the batteries in camera died. :dohh: No, I haven;t had a whole lot of luck with water infection my whole life. It seems like I can go for a year without either one and then I'll get 6 in a row. :wacko: But the pills are helping already and they are perfectly safe for pregnancy. :D
Oh no, water infections suck!!! If you remember I had 2 in a row :-( keep drinking loads and cranberry juices or capsules help!!!

ER great video, these babies are bigger stronger aren't they!! My baby actually jolts my body sometimes with the forse of some kicks!! I'm hoping as he gets bigger there'll be less space to swing his leg at me lol xxx

Have any of you seen the baby in a lump on you tummy, we could feel my baby's either bum or head the other day - it was very strange!!!
Tiggerz- water infection suck! Last night the baby had his/her head jammed out in my side. I know it was a head 'cause he was kicking on the other side. I think maybe he was transverse last night. :shrug: I rubbed his little head for a while and all of a sudden I felt it move and just like that, lump gone. It's so weird, amazing but weird. :)
That happened the other night, he started pushing his head up against my side and it hurt so much... my Oh was tapping his head saying move your hurting your mummy and finally he moved after a bit of persuasion! x
It's strange to actually feel a shape of them isn't it!! Still think it's a bit freaky though!! ER they can hurt sometimes - my ds used to put his feet underneath my ribs and push - ouch!!!
It get's so tiring typing he/she. lol. I've always believed it was a boy but we'll know for sure in 12 days. :happydance:

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