TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

A man at my OHS rugby club has just had a boy last night (well not HIM his girlfriend obviously)
At 25 weeks they were told the baby was the size of a FULL TERM baby and she wouldnt even be allowed to make it past 30 weeks due to the sheer size of him. The hospital said it was the biggest baby of its gestation they had ever seen.

I was just wondering. What on earth causes such rapid abnormal growth and what does it mean for the the baby in the long run? I cant get my head around it!

Had my midwife apt..

He was head down and kicking her hand away when she was trying to feel for him.
Heartrate good
BP good (for once)
Urine fine
Fundal height: 28cm

Still have to go back in two weeks again though :( xx
Theat' great you had a good appointment ER. I am curious as to what cause such a large baby too? Is the baby still just at the 25 week development wise and just larger or?
Well technically hes still a micro preemie because he was born at 28 weeks.. so Im presuming he will not be fully developed (lungs etc) I think he'll be in the ICU for a good few months x
Awww, what a sin. Such a strange case though being so large. :wacko:

Had a dream last night that I had my baby, and it was a boy. :cloud9:
ER how is the premie baby??? I hope he coping ok!!!

Newfie - which day is your scan!!?????

First physio appt tomo for SPD, I must say its not terrible atm so hoping the physio will keep it at bay!!!!

I've had a great few days it was my birthday Friday so have been spoilt rotten and enjoyed family time :) inc DD school nativity play aww!!!! :)
My scan in on Wednesday. :happydance: Which also happens to be my only day off this weeks. :dohh:

My all of a sudden huge bump (still no weight gain though!!!!!)
How did your physio apt go tiggerz?

After being in hospital on thursday it made me realise how silly it was to have not packed a bag.. so did mine this morning. And babys.. just in case. Still need to wash everything though but this is what Ive shoved in for now:

For me:

Ohs baggy t-shirt for pool
Nightshirt to give birth in (button down front)
Fresh pjs, pj bottoms and dressing gown for after birth
Toiletries: mini shampoo, conditioner, deodrant, toothpaste, toothbrush and hairbrush
Dark towel
Mints and chewy sweets
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Multipack of granny knickers haha
nursing bras x2

Still need: spare toothbrush, nipple cream, drinks, magazine/book, birth plan, lip balm, paracetamol and to pack own pillows closer to time.

For baby:
2x vests
3x babygrows
2x cotton hats
3x bibs
Two cartons of ready to drink formula (just in case)
Muslin squares x2
Anti bac gel for hands

And to put car seat in OHS car closer to time

Feel all organised now! Just need to finish the house and leave work and then Ill be ready! x
Well girls.. what a dramatic couple of days..

Had a splitting headache and spots before my eyes for two days in a row, On the second day I went to the pharmacy at work and got them to take my blood pressure.. It was 150/103!

So I panicked! Burst into tears and the pharmacist was saying she had it while she was pregnant and if it was that high she would be in hospital (which panicked me more)
My boss told me to go home straight away and see someone.

Rung triage and they told me to come straight in, me and my OH went in and they put my on a ward in traige for tests. Had a nuero test, bp checks and bloods done.. my blood pressure stabilized and then went too low?!
Urine, bloods and nuero test were fine.. but it was so so scary!!!!

They sent me home.. got the midwife today at 2.30pm and im taking a few days off work to rest. They said if my symptoms get worse then go back in straight away..

It was lovely being near the delivery suites though! We could hear the new babies crying and a woman came in with her LO going home and we just melted haha

So everything is fine for now! Work on the house is getting there! xxx hope you are all well x

OMG ER!!! I missed this as it was my birthday Friday!!! Glad you are ok, wise to take some time off to rest, be careful and don't over do it with the move, Christmas etc!!!!!

Newfie - also just found your bumpy pic - growing well and looking gorgeous!!!!
AH ladies, what a fuck up at the hospital. (Pardon my french lol) Apparently no one can figure out what GD test I am supposed to have. SO instead of asking the Doctor (duh) the send me home and tell me to come back next week. :saywhat:
Physio appt was ok, embarrassing standing infrint of two ladies in my bra and knickers when you don't feel very confident with your ever changing body!! Anyway she realined my pelvis and gave me some exercises to strengthen my core. If I feel worse or no better within 72 hrs I should make another appt, so hoping I don't need to go back!!
AH ladies, what a fuck up at the hospital. (Pardon my french lol) Apparently no one can figure out what GD test I am supposed to have. SO instead of asking the Doctor (duh) the send me home and tell me to come back next week. :saywhat:

And I thought uk docs were thick at times!! How annoying!!
hello ladies - sorry for being gone for so long. hope no one missed me. ;)

all of your bumps look great.

wow er you are def. prepaired. that is great! i am so sorry to hear about your scare are you ok now?

newfie you will find out the gender in two days how exciting. can't wait to read about that.

tiggerz why did you have to do a physio test? hope all is ok with you and happy belated bday lady.

as far as me - the good news is that my ms is under control with my meds and i have gained some weight. the bad news is the sequential screening came back positive for down syndrome and we will meet with a genetics counsolor. we are devestated. i have not yet gotten to just relax and enjoy my pregnancy. it sucks. i am in sweden at the moment so we will have to wait with the counsuling and eventual amnio test for week 20 when we do our ultra sound. so it will sort of be all in one thing i belive. will know more when we return to the states. i don't know how to relax and enjoy our visit home with such news.

do you know anything about positive down results. anyone you know that have recieved such news. i have been in tears. :(
:hi: bella. It's great to hear from you. I know nothing about the positive for downs screening test. :shrug: Sorry, I'm no help. I know if it was me I would be devastated too! I hope you get some good news in the near future. :hugs:
Hello Ladies

You all look very well, I'm pleased everything is going well.

Bellas I wanted to write to you and tell you not to worry too much about the sequential screening, I know lots of ladies who have had that come back with a high chance of downs who have gone on to have healthy babies without downs syndrome. The hardest thing for you now will be the decision whether to have the amnio test or not due to its high risks. Try not to worry too much and enjoy your pregnancy, have you and OH discussed how you would feel if the test comes back positive? It was something OH and I discussed as soon as we got pregnant and we both agreed if the blood test came back with a high chance we would not have the amnio as we were prepared to take on a child with downs syndrome.
Whatever happens it will still be your special baby, my thoughts are with you and I hope you are able to enjoy your visit home, you and your OH have been through os much already this year I bet you are boith strong enough to take on the world if you had to!

Lots of hugs being sent your way

Nice to see you are 'relaxed' on your mood status impatient, how are you keeping?

And bellas.. has it come back positive that baby definatley has downs or has it come back just as a high risk? Did you get a 'score' from the test? Im sorry you are going through this.. it will all be okay in the end no matter what. xxxx
Oh yes ER, good question. Was it a positive test or a high risk test?

By the way, gender ultrasound tomorrow. :happydance:
It's 2d and they don't give pics. :nope: I'm going to bring my camera and see if he'll let me record it. :)
THEY DON'T GIVE PICS!? WHATTTT? Are you PAYING for this? Damn xx

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