TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

hi girls, we went for our 20 week scan here in sweden today(we will have another one in the states on the fifth as well). the tech said everything looked good. we also found out the gender. :) it is a girl. we are on the same team newfie. :)

also happy new year to all of you!
Hello Ladies

Hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and New Year, we had the worst end to the year, a week before xmas my OH had a fit in work, it was the scariest thing I've ever gone through! By the time I got to him he was starting to come round (an hour after the fit) but wasnt really sure who I was!

He had a nights stay in hospital and was discharged once the CT scan came back clear (thank god). We are now waiting for him to go for an MRI scan as they are quering epilepsy and then we will see a neurologist after this to confiem what casued the fit.

Obviously the most important thing is that OH is ok, but unfortunately, he is currently unable to drive due to the fit, we havent informed the dvla yet as we are waiting for confirmation on what caused the fit, if it is epilepsy then it is an immediate 12 month loss of licence if it is not epilepsy I think it may be reduced to 6 months it depends on how nice dvla are feeling that day!
To make things worse as OH is a farmer he is useless to his employers if he cant drive so we are just waiting for a phone call now to confirm they dont want him back in work!!
We are st risk of losing our house (we rent) as I cant afford everything on my wages, but we have both said we wil remain positive!!

I think e should put ttc on hold now, but OH is determined he wants a LO and believes he will get money in no matter what, which I'm over the moon about I just dont want to add any extra pressure onto him.

So officially the worst year ever for us, but I refuse to let it ruin the start of whta we both hope is going to be an amazing year for us!!

So anyway enough of my downer how are you all xxxx

Me and my huge bump - thanks son!!!! 29wks2days
(((hugs))) impatient I am truly sorry to read your news!!! I really have no idea what to say, I just hope things work out for your hunny and you leave all the crap behind in 2011!!!! I wish you all the very best of luck for 2012!!!
I'm with tiggerz, not really sure what to say. I guess it's good news that the ct scan came back clear. Is it possible that it could have been a freak thing, like just one time. You don't lose you license here for one seziure. :wacko:
Tiggerz, nice bump, you're not that huge lol.
Yeah for :pink: bella. I got some more stuff for the baby today. Feels like I'm starting to get somewhere now. lol.


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impatient - how awful. i am sorry to hear that about your oh. is he ok and better now? or is he feeling as if he is going to have a seizure? i have had child epilepsy that dissapeard when i was around 25 years old. i know it is not a fun thing to have seizures. specially when you are trying to go on with life. i hope your hubby gets better and that you guys find out what is wrong and if the docs can help him. i really hope a better 2012 for you dear.

tiggerz - lovely bump. it is amazing i have an ever bigger bump over night. i will post a pic once i take one.

i am so happy for a little girl. the tech also said that there were no markers to indicate a downs baby. hope the high risk doc that will do the us in the states says the same thing. my oh wants to still do an amnio test just to be sure. because he doesn't trust the u/s results.

how are you all doing? er how is your new house and how is it going with the bh?
On new years eve I started to have braxton hicks contractions.. a few hours went by, I had terrible diarrhea (tmi ) and I notcied how close they kept coming.
Started to time them and they were every five minutes so after another two hours rung the hospital who told me to ring back in another two hours if they carried on.. well I had a NYE party to go to so it slipped to the back of my mind and I ignored them.
New years day about 5pm I started noticing them again.. by 9.30 they were every two minutes, lasting 30-40 seconds and I started getting twinges so rung the hospital and they asked me to come in.

To cut a long story short after a few hours of monitoring and blood tests it was found that I have a virus and that is why my rundown body is causing me to have braxton hicks... my blood pressure was found to be 145/103 so I have to return for a bp profile in a few days.

I have had tightenings constantly for the past two days now.. and they are driving me mad. Also having twinges, pressure and losing some thick tissue like white globs (which I know, even if it is bits of plug they can regenerate)

Im sorry about your OH imaptient things can only get better..
And congrats on your pink bump bellas xxx
Keep your feet up ER and rest as much as possible, little max has to stay put a few more weeks yet!!!
I'm with tiggerz, put your feet up and relax ER. Max isn't done baking yet. :haha: But seriously though, take it easy. :)
Wish I COULD relax.. I dont finish work till the 20th and work is really getting to me.. I spend the day on my feet and Im starting to dread going in and I snap at OH the night before.. I dont mean to but its the worry of work thats making me take it out on him..

For example last night (I will laugh about this someday) I get a text off my boss at 9pm to tell me he couldnt arrange cover in time for my wednesday shift!! So the NIGHT BEFORE my supposed 'Day off' Im told Im have to go in.
I set off crying and couldnt stop and my OH didnt understand why (lol) then I had a fit because the chicken I made for tea didnt work out right.. I was literally wailing. Over some bloody chicken!


Seriously though... when I finish work I AM DOING NOTHING for at least a week or two.. Im just gonna sleep sleep sleep, watch trashy tv, play on bnb and get people to wait on me hand and foot (haha). I need a bit of TLC im so rundown and tired all the time and living on 4 hours sleep a night..

Sorry for the rant! xx
ER it's bloody exhausting isn't it!!! I would have told the boss I had plans if it was my day off, not your problem! If work is getting too much can't you be signed off early???? I am also finding it hard to sleep, for example the other night I was watching trash on tv until 6am!!!!! I just couldn't sleep, I then fell asleep for 2 hours max! This is becoming common for me and I have 2 children to sort out and cart here there and everywhere - I'm knackered!!!!

Oh well, won't be long and our babies will be here, not that that will get us more sleep but at least it will feel worth it with all the snuggly cuddles!!

Oh and we finally bought the baby a pushchair!!!!! Mamas and papas sola and carry cot!!!! AND a gliding crib and bedding!!!! Feel like I'm getting somewhere now! I also had a trip upto mothercare the other day for some bits and bobs for my labour/or over night bag!
Its getting exciting now isnt it tiggerz? (and newfie!) It feels really quite close! In 6 weeks time we'll be pretty much full term!
Im very excited yet a little apprehensive about the birth.. not about the pain, more about the fact you NEVER know what is going to happen! And when!

Max's room is being plastered this weekend hopefully so I can start doing bits in there and decorating with my OH which Im really looking forward to.. and cant wait to put up his cot, wash his clothes, put all his teddies and things in there! Ill probably just end up sitting in there all the time when its done, got a rocking chair too so it will lovely and relaxing...

Right, Im off to do some planning for his room now Im excited!

Oh, and measured my own fundal height today and it was 31cm which is about right!

xxx hope everyone is well! Got two days off work from tomorrow and I CANT WAIT to have a lie in! xD
er i hope you are doing better. i am sure the next few weeks will flight by for you guys. you are really getting close to seeing your babies in real life.

tiggerz - nice, seems like you've got almost everything you need now. post pics if you have some.

er - the pic you posted are those the furniture for max? really nice. i love white and then you can play with clours in the room.

newfie - nice stuff for danni. i need to start buying things and getting situated as well.

well ladies today we are going for our 20 week scan here in the states as well as doing the amniocentesis test to see that everything is ok with our litle princess. i am now more scared of mc than anything else. please keep us in your thoughs/prayers today. just 3hrs and 30mins left until the test.
bella, you'll be fine. Just take it easy for a while afterwards. :hugs:
Dannie is sticking her head up in my ribs tonight so it's quite uncomfortable sitting down. :dohh:
Finished work today (for good :happydance:) and got school all ready to go for Monday. All and all, a good day. :thumbup:
Well ladies, got my birth plan done today. :thumbup: It's a long one though, lol.

Name: Shaumini Sheppard
Partner's Name: Daniel Sheppard
Due Date: March 20 2012

Allergies: laytex
Blood Type: A
Rh Factor: +

Health Care Provider Name: Dr. Farhat
Hospital/Birthing Center where you plan to deliver: Central Health

Labor induction/augmentation

If I go past my due date if baby and I's health is not at risk, I would prefer not to be induced

I would prefer trying the following methods to induce labor:
* Walking
* Sexual Intercourse

I would like the following to be present during labor: Daniel, family
I would like the following to be present during actual birth: Daniel
I would like to bring music.
I would like to wear my own clothes.
I would prefer to stay in one room during labor, birth, and post delivery if available.
I would like to be able to walk around, mobility is important to me.

I would like the following equipment available to me. If unavailable, I would like to bring them with me, if possible.
* Birthing bed
* Shower

I would prefer not to be given an enema
I would prefer no IV unless absolutely necessary.

I would prefer no monitoring to be done if there are no signs of distress.
I would prefer external monitoring if monitoring is necessary.

Anesthesia - Pain medication
I would prefer to try laboring without pain medication. I will ask if I would like something for pain. Please do not ask me.
I would like to try narcotic medications before being offered an epidural.

First Stage of Labor
I do not want to be seperated from my partner during labor or birth.
I would like the option of returning home if my labor is not progressing.
I would like no time limits on laboring and prefer labor not to be augmented unless medically necessary.
I would prefer my water not be broken during labor.
I would prefer vaginal exams kept to a minimum.

I'd prefer not to have an episiotomy.

Second Stage of Labor (pushing)
I would like to be able to try any position comfortable during pushing.
I would like to wait to push until I feel the urge even if I am fully dilated.
I would like no time limits on pushing.
I would like counting to help me push.

After Birth
My partner does not wish to cut the cord. Please do not ask.
I would like to have baby\'s first bath and assessment to be done in my presence.
I do not wish to see my placenta after birth. Please do not show it to me.
I would like baby to room in with me.
I would like to be discharged as soon as possible.

Cesarian Section

I would like my baby to have a pacifier. I am aware of the risks for nipple confusion.

I do not want to have my baby circumcised.

Additional Comments
If Cesarian Section is needed, I do NOT want to be awake. Baby should be given to Daniel asap. Do NOT offer me an epidural. I would like baby cleaned before being given to me.
Bellas how did it go??????

Newfie - great plan! I haven't done one yet :-s

ER getting very exciting!!

My update: sorry I've not been around as much been busy sorting things out for baby, since new yr I have started to realise how close we are to the birth!!! Gave me a kick up the butt!!
We had to change my car, so have found one thats large enough for our growing family!! An s max! Really nice car - just waiting for my number plate to be transferred!
We have ordered the pushchair! We finally decided after lots of trips and deliberations on the M&P sola with carrycot and maxi cosi isofix car seat!
We had a gliding crib delivered and beautiful bedding!
Still have lots to sort but it feels like we're getting somewhere now!!

Apart from that I am having awful BH and finding it difficult to walk far :-( Babies position sucks!! Not sure which way up he is at the moment but he was head down - movements are harsh :-( he feels like he scrapes his knees against my insides :-(

Hope everybody is ok! I'll get some pics up of my purchases after the weekend xxx
We're going with the lady bird collection by baby boots. We're thinking about painting the room pink and the wall that will be behind the crib brown. Our furniture is white so it should all blend together nicely.
30 W E E K S T O D A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Newf thats cute bedding!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very nice :)

This is what we've chosen for our baby while he is in his gliding crib in our room!! We will probably go for a cute blue set once he moves into his own room with his full sized cot.

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