hola girls,
tiggerz - oki i am with you now on the whole sweep thing.
hard to understand everything new. but it is always helpful to learn from you gals.
yes newfie is right i got pregnant last year february but then mc very soon after the bfp. but before i mc i had major pain which scared me so i went to emergency room and they said yes you are preggers but you will mc because the pregnancy hormons were dropping and when they did the scan they also saw that i had a large fibroid. they are not sure if that was the cause but the doc said the fibroid would lead to a mc eventually as it was large (1 whole pound). anyway, once i mc my doc said i needed to do an abdominal surgery to remove the fibroid before trying to concieve again.
in beg of april 2011 i went through the surgery and we had to wait 3 months to try again and the rest is history. we got pregnant just less than 3 months trying after the surgery. but the surgery was a major one so the doc told me i should never delivery naturally and my ob agrees, so c-sec it is.
i am happy though as long as i can have kids. most important thing for me.
anyways, i am beyond happy right now ladies........................i recived a package just now. guess what it was, all my friends back home in sweden had bought me something, candy, books, toys and baby cloths and surprised me. telling me in a letter with the package that although i am here that i am in their thoughts that i mean the world to them etc etc. it made me sooooooo happy and brought tears to my eyes. i am so blessed to have wonderful friends as them.