TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

Emily - how is your mouth today? Better I hope!!! x
wow lots of stuff has happend i see.

tiggerz - how are you? how is your baby?

impatientmum - welcome to my world i hope you don't get a bad ms. so happy for your doc visit. i don't think i have ever looked forward to see the doc as much as i do now. crazy. :)

er - how is your teeth? wisdom teeth are the worst. i have pulled 3 out of the 4. 2 of the were operated on and i have never experienced worse pain in my life as when they did the surgery on one of them. i hope you are feeling better though.

newfie - your bump looks wonderful. i am happy to hear that the bleeding is gone also. :)

so far the ms is still ther. i am sick through out the entire day. i am supposed to do my dissertation for my masters but i have not done nothing but lay in bed and feel misrable so if not better the next 3-4weeks i have to ask for a defferal there is no way i can do a good job with so much time wasted on being sick. on top of it all (tmi) i have been constipated all day today.......i have spent my day crying today. no fun because my lower back hurts even more due to this. but now i got stol softner and fiber so i hope i shall be fine by tomorrow.

have any of you done sequential sceening? are you planning on doing it impatientmum?
we schedualed to do it as i will be almost 34 when i give birth which is not that far from 35. just want to make sure all is ok with our baby. but i am nervous. well it won't be until another few weeks.
Hi Girls

Em I really hope you are feeling better and in less pain, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth sircally removed a couple of years ago, but before that I would get infections in my bottom ones every 3 months! I know how painful it can be and with only paracetamol to take, it's not much pain relief!

Just had a phonecall from my midwife, so my first appointment she is coming to the house on 2nd November, so exciting and my scan date is booked for the 21st November. I've started to get nervous now it's only 4 weeks on Monday, I just truly hope our little bean is ok and we are actually pregnant, I really need to stop reading through some of the horror stories some of the poor ladies on here have been through.

I'm not sure about that scan bellas, I think we have a blood test first and then if that comes back with worrying results then they recommend the scan, my oh and I have discussed we probably wouldnt as there is a risk of miscarriage involved and we would love our child no matter what.

Newfie you've popped since your last photos, your bump looks lovely - I am full on bloat today, I have teh fattest belly from nowhere, it's so wierd!!

I hope the m/s passes for you soon bella. I passed for me at 14 weeks but still comes and goes. :sick:
Impatient- my scan in on the 2ed! :happydance: bloat is how it all starts my dear. :dohh: Might as well get used to it. :haha: As soon as the bloat goes down the bump starts. :thumbup:
impatientmum - we are not doing the one where they collect sample from the placenta/water which ever it is. we are just doing the scan where they measure the neck and draw blood test from me. i don't want to take the risk or a mc either. :) we have our scan on nov 11th. it's going to be awsome to hear our babies heart beat for the first time.
I cant even bring myself to talk about my teeth im afraid.. its been so stressful..

Yes bellas we had the downs scan to make sure.. they measured the nuchal fold at my 12 week scan and then they send you for a blood test, I got my results within two weeks by letter (low risk)

Hopw everyone is okay, ive not been on here much recently been so busy with work and in pain so sorry if i go slightly mia over the next week or so :)

We have our 20 week scan on tuesday.. hoping he is still a boy! ha and hoping all measurements/ findings come back normal. fingers crossed :)

xxx em
er - so you did that at 12 weeks but was there a follow up blood test at 16 weeks? because in the states appearently it is a two part test. first part is at 12 weeks where they do u/s and blood work. then at 16 weeks they do blood work only. is that how it was for you?

i feel soooo sorry for you about your teeth, hope you get better. good luck with the scan and let us know how it goes.

Here in Canada we don't do the 12 week scan but they do it at the 18 week scan and they do the blood test for the combined results. Much the same as you other ladies just a little later.
Aww Em I'm sorry you've been in so much pain, tooth ache has to be the worst kind of pain, it effects everything, eating, drinking, breathing etc!

I'm feeling really well, I had to a test yesterday just to make sure there was still two lines he he. I seem to hit a bit of a brick wall by 6pm and I am shattered, also eating is becoming a huge chore especially in the evening, I feel starving but don't fancy anything and then when I do cook something and start to eat, I get full after a few mouthfuls!

I might have to try snacking often throughtout the day rather than waiting for 3 meals.

How is everyone else?

Aww impatient and bellas look at your babies forming in your tickers its so amazing!

And bellas, we have them both on the same day at 12 weeks.. so scan to check thickness and then blood test straight afterwards.. so by 14 weeks you know if youre low or high risk for downs xxx

Really hope everyone is good! Im definatley feeling better now xxx
I seem to hit a bit of a brick wall by 6pm and I am shattered

Im sorry to say, that although the exhaustion DOES ease up a little in second tri Im still the same now.. im in bed by 9 every night without fail and having a nap most days :/ xxx
Yup impatient. If I don't get a good nights sleep I am napping by 6 or 7. I think the "glow" has passed me by :rofl:
Eating was quite a chore for me too. I ate all the time just small things. A small apple or a mini banana. Something I could eat in 5 or 6 mouthfuls. I found that putting too much food in front of me made me gag anyways. :dohh:
I'm definitely finding that Newfie, but I think I will do as you say and eat small things as often as possible.

Oh No Em you have shattered my illusion of 2nd tri, he he only joking - I am looking forward for the tiredness to ease a little, at the moment I just feel very lazy, I get home from work and just can't be bothered what so ever to any kind of housework and this is coming from someone who takes after Monica on Friends!!

I'm so excited for my first midwife appointment next week, it's like a little countdown in my head.

Well this is the first week of my pregnancy so far that I really feel pregnant and I've stopped questioning myself so much and the tests have been put to bed now. I have to say though, it's a very responsible thing to go through because even though little one isnt here yet it still changes everything, I find myself thinking all the time cant do that, must do this and worrying I'm doing right by my little bean, I suppose it's all good practice for when he/she comes along

Yeo deffo good practice impatient but I would say dont worry TOO much about the dos and donts remember our mums had us at a time before all these regulations..

My 20 week anomaly scan today.. im nervous! hope he is measuring okay and theres nothing wrong! Will update later, my scan isnt until 3.50pm xx
Can't wait to hear about your scan er. I'm sure it will go well. :thumbup:
My scan is Nov 2ed :happydance: Can't wait!

As for the scan, all went well, he is a perfect baby boy and is measuring just above the 'average' line on the chart, about four days ahead of what I am xxx
That sounds wonderful ER. You must be thrilled! :thumbup:
As for the burning ripping pain in the side of bump. I really can't help. :shrug: I had a really bad pain in my side (not the bump at all) that I would describe as burning and ripping but I believe it was my gallbladder. I haven't eaten anything greasy since and it has settled down. There is so much stuff with pregnancy that "can" be normal that we just don't know. :hugs:
wonderful news on your scan er, I'm glad all is ok and little one is measuring well.
I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain, I really hope it gets better soon, I do feel for you what with your teeth and now this you're having a bit if a run of it!

Well ladies it snowing here! :cold:
And it seems to be staying for now. :dohh: We had a couple of good years in a row with late to no snow so this year mother nature is being a :witch: and making up for it. :haha:
hello ladies - hope all is well with everyone.

er glad your scan went well. what does it mean that he is measuring 4days larger? does it mean your due date is 4 days a head that what was initially calulated? i am sorry about the pain you are feeling, hope it eases up soon.

i have now recieved new meds for my all day morning sickness. today is my second day taking it lets hope it works. because i seriously can't do anything due to being so sick and now retaining any food or drinks. everything i eat and driks comes right out. the nurse called to check up on me today and said she would call me tomorrow as well and if things are not better i will be put on iv at the hospital for a few days or a home iv. i am super dehydreted. i can do anything. my poor bf makes me lunch and snacks for the day the night before and leaves breakfast at my bed before he goes to work. i have been stuck to bed almost everyday for the past 3weeks.

other than that i am excited to be hitting the 2 digit weeks tomorrow as i will be 10 weeks pregnant. yiiipiii!:)

impatientmum how are you feeling? have you bought anything yet for your baby? hihi i thought i would have gone all crazy shopping by now but i seriously have no energy to surf that much online at the moment.

newfie - you seem to be doing good, i am glad for you. i really hope i won't see snow for a while. i doubt i will though as it is about 18 c here. not that i am getting to enjoy the weather at all. which is a bummer. we have rented a place in nyc from mid week next week so i am hoping these meds will work so we can be there for a week and see ny marathon among other things.

tiggerz - how are you doing? i haven't seen you here for a while now. how did it go with your infection?


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