TTC buddies, we did it! Heres to our 2012 babies!

whoooooooooooooo belle how happy i am for you. congrats lady. how exciting........what a great weekend surprise. how do you feel? have you told anyone else.

sorry about the scare ladies....i am ok and the bleeding is almost gone just there when i wipe sometimes. thank you for the hugs and concern. i am so happy that i have you guys.

so exciting er that your hubby got to feel max.
when we were at the er my bf came in when they did u/s and he got to see the baby and he felt it was more real and he was so happy. he can't wait until our scan in november.

tiggerz - you will be in my thoughts......don't worry your baby will be fine. :)

newfie - how are you doing lady?

Thank you bella xx I hope you're right!! So pleased to read your bleed has almost stopped, I had spotting early on in this pregnancy, it took a while to stop properly but all was ok in the end.
thankyou :) v excited to start this journey now! you're all way ahead in the pregnancy stakes but you can give me some much needed advice and stuff.
Nice to meet you tiggerz btw! :thumbup:

Is it normal to bleed during pregnancy then? xx
:) nice to meet you too Belle!!

Bleeding in pregnancy isn't uncommon - but completely scary as it can be fine for some ladies and not for others :-(
ohh right! if you dont mind me asking tiggerz, how come your lovely scan photo on your sig is dated 16weeks, i thought you had scans at 10-12 wks and 18-20 wks?

My mums a midwife btw so shes gunna drive me crazy the whole pregnancy!!
havent told her yet though xxx
tiggerz - thank you for the support. i am happy your bleeding stopped as well. it is a scary thing.

belle - we (including yourself) are all here to help each other out during this adventure.

i can tell you that i have read that bleeding is very common during pregnancy. i have experienced it during 2 occations, week 7 and now last day of week 9 and into week 10. so i have done scans both times and it both times everything looked good. but just because bleeding is normal doesn't mean that its not scary, because it was scary for me.

as far as the heart burn i didn't get it until end of week 6 when my ms started.

i am so happy for you belle. congrats once again.

impatientmum - where have you gone? how are you doing girly?
CONGRATS BELLE! :happydance: Bleeding is very common (and frightening)! I have had a couple incidents with spotting but it was all after :sex: :blush: As for heartburn, ha. That was one of my first symptoms. It was how I knew I was pregnant because I never had heartburn, before. Tums the dr told me is okay so I'm gonna give them a try. SO Happy for you. :hugs:
Bella - so happy that your bleeding has stopped. Even when you know it's not anything serious it still worries you.
Afm- feeling good, trying to put on some weight and have my scan the 2ed (just to remind you :rofl:)
ohh right! if you dont mind me asking tiggerz, how come your lovely scan photo on your sig is dated 16weeks, i thought you had scans at 10-12 wks and 18-20 wks?

My mums a midwife btw so shes gunna drive me crazy the whole pregnancy!!
havent told her yet though xxx

We paid for a private scan - 12 to 20 wks was too long in between, I've suffered mc in the past so I am totally petrified!!! :-s
oh right thanks for answering tiggerz! felt low down pains all last night, like a kind of stretching, tugging feeling. v odd and couldnt get to sleep :wacko:
not grumbling though, im v happy to have a passenger on board!!

can i be cheeky and ask how far gone you all were when you bought your first baby buy? e.g. clothes, toys, books, practical stuff.
I didn't buy anything until after the scan you see on my siggy. But I've still only bought one outfit and a cute blanket. With my history it's scary buying things - just incase!! But with my first I started buying after my 12 wk scan x

The pulling feelings etc are normal - I got quite alot of odd sensations with all of my pregnancys - providing they're not really ouch painful or with blood they're fine xxx

OH MY GODDD! YAYAYYYYYYY! Congrats Belle, see I told you you would get there! xx
Yup belle. There is all kinds of stretching and pulling feelings that are completely normal. I've had lots myself. :D
I have got everything I need now bought. :thumbup: Got it second hand from people I know in town and saved a fortune! All I need now is a playpen and... ah I think that may be it. Oh I need a bassinet.
Congrats again!
hi belle - i have bought a few things........cloths and a pair of shoes, it fits in one plastic bag. :) i bough all of it before i knew i was pregnant. just because i liked what i saw. their is both boy and girl stuff. i figured that if i get a boy then i will keep the girl stuff for the next pregnancy and if it is a boy a second time around than i will have gifts to give away. :) but since the pregnancy i have bought nothing. i have to be honest not had the energy and i am also a little scared now that it is for real.

girls i am in such pain. this all day morning sickness is killing me, i feel so sorry for my oh. he is the greatest. last night i spend the night crying because now i am not only vomiting my food but also blood. it hurts so bad when i vomit now. i will call the doc tomorrow and see what they want to do....they were talking about getting me on iv at the hospital and i somehow is up for it now. i can't handle this and i feel bad for my bf. it is hurting in my cheast and throwt. the morning has not started that great either. so the new meds i got are better. i take them every 3hrs. the first hour i am sick as a dog and second hr i am fine (right now) then the third hr i am sick as a dog. it is better because it gives me a window to calm down. but i don't find this good or normal to be the way i am. i am sorry i just needed to vent.

hope all is doing good and having a super weekend.

Woot woot ER!
Bella, sorry to here your so sick :nope:. Hope your feeling better soon.
Bella ((hugs)) definitely see your doc, that can't carry on :-( really feel for you!!! ((hugs))
o bellas that doesnt sounds v nice for you :( hope it clear up soon!
im telling my parents on tuesday, so scared! both will be happy on the inside but my dad had kids young and iv got a feeling he always regretted not making the most of his 20s, so i know hes going to rant and rave and be really worried until bubba is born.

On a lighter note, ive just remembered that that myth about cats being able to sense pregnancy could be true :haha:
All last week and even now my kitten has not left me alone- he snuggles up on my belly or in the crook of my arm or even on my boobs at any chance, he must have known! bless him :cloud9:

Anyone got any definite baby names yet? I see Em's got max, which is gorgeous! xxxxxx
I think there could be something to it as well belle. My cat is much more cuddly towards me since I got pregnant. :haha:
We got our names picked for certain. Royce Wolfred for a boy or Danni Rosalie for a girl. :cloud9: The middle names are after family members that passed away.
Woohoo Belle I am so happy for you, you really deserve it!! and only 4 weeks between us. Time goes very quick so make sure you enjoy every week, I can't believe I am pretty much 8 1/2 weeks!

Bellas I am so sorry you are really suffering with the sickness, it's no consolation I'm sure right now but there is that old saying which goes the worse the pregnancy the better the birth and after the terrible early pregnancy you haev suffered you definitely deserve a pain free easy birth. I'm sending lots of hugs your way and I'm glad the bleeding has stopped.

Newfie we are both gpoing to be very excited on Wednesday, you for your scan and me for my first midwife appointment, I got all my forms I had to fill in over the weekend, there are some very odd questions on there??

Only 3 weeks today for my scan I am beyond excited!! We are just desperate to tell people!

ER, my Oh is so excited to be able to feel our little one, he keeps mentioning it bless him, quite a while to wait yet!

Sorry I've been a bit MIA these past few days, got lots going on with work and my fatigue is reaching it's maximum at the moment, I have very little energy at all during the day and when I get in from work I am absolutely cream crackered!

Cats/dogs!!! They definitely know when you're pg, I'm sure of it!!

I have my 20 w scan tomo and I am petrified!!! Excited to see baby but scared stiff incase something is wrong :-s
Also my dd has gone to school for her first full time day today so I'm feeling a little down - its going to take some getting used too - especially lunch time :-(

Anyways - how's everybody else?

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