TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

Good luck guys.

I'm on CD 29 and just had some light brown spotting, which is unusual for me, but since my cycles have been off, I'm assuming it's a new way of af coming. Oh well. I've decided that dd is enough for me. If it happens it happens, but I won't be tracking anymore cycles. Plus I've just felt down all day, so I'm thinking she'll be here soon.
mod19, I am sorry. :hug: I know it is hard. This whole process is so stressful. I am considering a relaxed approach next month. We will see.
Thanks breaking. I'm not down about ttc or the spotting, just in general. I'm so unhappy with where I'm living and just want to go home that it's starting to really get to me.

Dh thinks I'm doing some spring cleaning, but I'm condensing to make a move easier...
Where is home and where are you? That is hard... I will be sending a lot of positive vibes your way.
Got a positive OPK last night so we DTD last night. Then like always got the super positive today where the line is darker. But doctor said its best to do every other day after my first positive so that's what we're doing. Hopefully it works. My birthday and our 1 year anniversary is this month.
Good luck! I would be too scared to miss it doing every other day after the positive! I know I usually ovulate the day of my second dark one so when they go negative I usually already ovulated. The egg does not last too long and we can only BD late at night but I guess if we did the morning of the negative it would work. We just never can!
Yeah my doctor just said the swimmers are not as fast so worth a shot :)

Good luckkk.

I'm not sure what day I O. Positive yesterday and today and now in the last hour I've had some cramping. Still going to BD tomorrow and Sunday to make sure.
Not feeling much hope ladies! 6DPO and no abnormal symptoms, everything pretty much feels normal and usual for this time. Sigh. I've known all 3 times I was pregnant, even with the ectopic, before I tested. There was always one or two symptoms out of place or missing. This month, same ol' same ol'. Good news is I have my annual with my obgyn at the end of the month so maybe we can discuss things. Not looking forward to month #5 though.
I'm back from my trip. We had a great time and it was very relaxing, though we kept busy with my husband's race and all our sightseeing.

Mod - I'm so sorry you are struggling so much with living far away from family. That has to be hard, especially with a little one. I'm sure it's much harder not to have a great support system. Hugs. Is your husband more receptive to moving at all?

Breaking - sorry you might be out this cycle. That stinks. Keep at it but it's great you have an appointment to look forward to. I think after 35 the cut off to get help is usually 6 months. So timing wise that will work out. Really hope you don't need anything. Though I've heard of lots of people with one tube having luck with Clomid or another drug since it would help you ovulate from both eggs each month. Hopefully you won't need anything though.

Dtrisha - good luck as you enter the TWW.
I am glad you had a nice trip! I am looking forward to our beach trip next month. :) I am not too depressed honestly. I knew it would be hard TTC again at 35 with one tube. Still hard to not get disappointed though. I actually do plan to ask about clomid and get his thoughts. Since I will only be at month 5, he may not rush into it yet. I don't know. I am having a little but of ewcm today which is a little odd... but not getting overly hopeful since it could be anything. AF is still about 9 days away.
So, I am really scared guys. I did a google search last night about a cold and 7DPO... and I start reading this thread.. it turns out it was a thread *I* made... back in 2011, on my old username. Guess when I made this post? During the pregnancy of my ectopic. Not only do I have a cold now at 7DPO I have the same odd pains going from left to right like I did with my ectopic back in 2011. I am scared to death right now. This was my worst fear...


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Breaking try to think positively. I have heard of this with people that had a really healthy pregnancy too. Try not to stress and take it day by day. Whatever happens is going to happen and there isn't anything we can do. Try to keep busy and wait it out. Fingers crossed for you
Oh breaking you are in my thoughts. I know it's hard not to stress out. I hope everything is alright. I occasionally get radiating pains and think it's just from scar tissue. Really hope that's all it is and that the cold is just unrelated.

Keep us updated.
The random dull pains have subsided. This may shape up to be just another normal month and BFN. Which I guess I can live with, as long as it is not ectopic. :(
My stomach is just not feeling right guys. It is not AF cramps, not really cramping in general... just really odd soreness and random twinges. The best I can explain it is tight muscles like I have gone to the gym (I wish..). A lot is on my left side which is a little concerning. It could all be in my head, or just related to this cold. I don't know. Sheesh, the 2ww will wear you out!! :bike:
Yeah don't over think, ok? I know it's hard but try to find things to keep you busy. What DPO are you ?
Ok well try to hold out. I think you'll be ok! Stress won't help so be positive :)
So sorry. I'd probably be overthinking everything as well. But it's still early. But I've heard a lot of people feel twinges during implantation. So you never know. You aren't out yet and I wouldn't really be worried about the pain yet. Especially since it's gone. Yay. Do they know what likely caused your ectopic? I forget. And if that tube is completely gone the likely hood of it happening again is small. So try not to worry. I know it's much easier said then done. I will be a nervous wreck in a few weeks myself.

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