TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

Oh - I really wouldn't worry about that. I think you are fine. Blood within a week of your period starting isn't too bad especially since it's brown. The CM is just probably trying to help clean out the infection...maybe. I don't know. But you might need to visit the doc for some meds. Maybe they will put your mind at ease. Good luck.
Infection seems to be improving. Haven't noticed anymore bleeding (yet). Of course now I'm scared to go to the bathroom in case I do see it.
I have more TMI and I apologize!!!

I went to the bathroom just now for #2, sadly it was not normal #2... ew. More brown CM when I wiped, a LOT. Wondering if I should call my doctor or just relax and see what happens. The infection seems to be tapering off. It was a light brown color, not really pink and no red.
The call to the doc shouldn't hurt. I'm sure you are fine. I just wondered if you might need an antibiotic for the infection or not. But if it's getting better then you are likely fine. As I said, it's better to see brown blood then fresh blood outside of period time. That's when you have to worry more.
It definitely seems to be improving. Of course my doctor is out of town! But I'm waiting on a call from the nurse to get her opinion. Much better than google.
It is looking like another BFN this month. :( The spotting is unexplained and it will be something I bring up on the 29th at my appointment. Hoping it is nothing serious or fertility related. I will let him know we have been TTC since March and see if there is anything he wants to do such as an hsg to at least assess my remaining tube. Does anyone know if that procedure can cause scar tissue? I just don't want to compromise it if it is already in good shape you know?
I've never heard of an HSG causing scar tissue. I don't see how it could. They just stick a catheter through your cervix and insert dye. I've heard it clearing out small amounts of scar tissue or fluid actually and helping people get pregnant. Though I don't think that's scientifically proven. Now to prepare you, I had a horrible HSG done. The first one didn't work actually and I had to go back and try again with meds to help soften the cervix. It was mostly due to my cervix I believe. But even with one tube you are going to experience some pain because the dye hits where it's closed. I had extreme pain and then passed out, but it was probably due to them dilating my cervix and forcing the catheter through. That's not common at all, but I wasn't prepared for the extent of the pain and wished I would have asked for higher concentration pain meds instead of just the ibuprofen they recommend before the procedure. Most people just have a small amount of pain. But people with at least one blocked tube will have it worse.
Thanks so much for the info. Yes, I took my best friends have an hsg done and it turns out she has two blocked tubes and he actually pushed the dye through and un blocked them. She was in a lot of pain. It scared me! But she got pregnant very shortly after so maybe this is worth looking into. If nothing else to see what we are dealing with.
It's definetly worth it to get a better idea of what you are dealing with. And I've heard several others saying it helps. Good luck!
Hey ladies sorry I have been away lately. Another BFN this month. I really thought it was our month. AF showed again 10dpo. I'm glad I have ask for appointment this coming week with my actual Doctor. I either want blood testing done or maybe clomid or something. I need to get the ball rolling on some tests.
I'm just hoping AF shows otherwise the week of early spotting definitely means something is wrong. Tired of worrying.
Dtrisha - sorry for the BFN. good luck at your doctor's appointment. Hopefully they can give you some answers.

Breaking - so sorry. But at least you know and it wasn't another ectopic. Hope you have success next cycle. Good luck with your upcoming appointment as well.

Ladies I know it doesn't help to hear it but you both are still pretty early on in the process so I wouldn't worry about issues yet. With one tube it's going to take longer regardless which sucks. But hang in there. It's not a fun process at all but you can do it and keep pushing forward.
Mod - I really hope you are doing alright and even if you aren't tracking anymore you are in my thoughts and I hope it happens for you. Good luck.
I really needed to hear that encouragement thank you. I've been depressed all weekend. Crying daily. And no one to talk to who understands. I had to pretty much vacate all the other forums I was in because everyone just kept moving on with BFP after BFP and it was just so hard to see and I want so much to be happy for everyone. I feel like a horrible, jealous person. :cry:
So sorry you are depressed Breaking. I've seen a lot of BFP announcements over the years so it's become kind of second nature. Some months are definitely harder then others. It's completely fine to separate yourself from that. I stay off the main boards, because I think being bombarded with them all the time would be a bit much for me. Hang in there.
Hi. I just read the first few pages of this thread and I wanted to say in short that I had one good tube- the other was blocked with scar tissue, and I did get pregnant naturally so it can happen. It took us a few years but it happened. When I stopped breastfeeding my little guy we got pregnant within two months but it was ectopic in my good tube- which sucks- but it stopped growing on its own and then we just waited for the beta test numbers to go down and watched the sac "dissolve" slowly in my tube so no meds or surgery were needed. That was at the end of this past February. We just started trying again... Risky but we want to try.
Because you never know.
I just wanted to wish you guys the best.
Whether it's via IVF or naturally I hope you all get your babies soon.

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