TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

Oh Mod - how incredibly sad for that family. It really does put everything in perspective. So sorry.
So I ordered this for her, with blue writing of course. The seller said they would put a rush on making it given the circumstances, which I'm so grateful for. Bummer the 4th is in there now though.

Sorry guys, didn't mean to put a damper on the thread. It's just that I work so closely with her and have a soft spot in my heart for babies with everything I've been through. It just sucks so bad that things like this have to happen.

So anyways... (someone please change the subject for me)


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What a cute pillow and such a sweet gesture. Glad the seller is putting a rush job on it!

Change of subject...sure!

So injections are going well and my scan today showed great progress from two days ago. Added one more injection in for my evenings so to halt ovulation and not make it happen until we are ready. Everything is shaping up for a retrieval next Wednesday (possibly Tuesday).

Also had to give myself a bathroom injection today...which was interesting. I don't recommend shooting up in a bathroom unless it's with a premixed syringe. I'm going to avoid that from now on.

Super pleased with where I'm at though.
Don't apologize Mod. We are here for you and I would like this thread to be one of support. Keeping you and them in my thoughts and prayers.

Bronte, excellent progress! So excited for you!!
Selfish post: CD12 and already a negative OPK. Well, that escalated quickly. LOL! Good news is... I did a LOT of reading today to make myself feel better and you can O as late as 72 hours after a positive OPK and the egg can survive up to 24 hours. We did try late Wednesday night (right before my positive OPK) but nothing yesterday which was the day of. I figure we will try tonight and tomorrow, then Sunday if we can squeeze one more out. Three tries was not my IDEAL but better than nothing. I was not expecting it this early this month. Bummer.
You still have time to catch it hopefully and you at least got one time in close to Ovulation. You should be set for this month. Good luck!
Normally I O around CD13, if that is the case, that would be tomorrow and there is a chance the egg could hang around until Sunday so... today and tomorrow for sure. Sunday will be a back up plan. I am glad we BD'd Wesneday though. We almost did last night but I was so sure it would still be positive today! Rats!
Ladies, I just don't know what to make of this. Positive (super positive) on CD11, back down at CD12, CD13 was VERY light. Now it looks like it is going back up!? How frustrating!


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Wow that is frustrating. So sorry. I don't know enough about ovulation to offer suggestions of what causes that. But so sorry. Hopefully you can just get multiple times in.
CD15.. guessing CD14 was just left over LH... it was not positive at the 5 minute mark but was darker when it dried. On CD11 it was super positive within 1 minute after the test was done. I am guessing O was somewhere around CD13, which is the usual.


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Beginning to think the slightly darker OPK on CD14 was maybe when the egg was released? If so.. at least we got a try in on CD13. I believe this month we BD'd on CD10, 12, and 13.. not a lot of tries in but hey, better than nothing. If I am not pregnant this month I am going to go forward with my CT scan on July 27th to see if we can pinpoint the issue causing my uneven belly fat bulge and sometimes slight discomfort. There is a chance all it is is scar tissue and fat but, I would feel better ruling out every possible issue. So, if no baby this month I guess I will be doing the scan. A little scared but I need to be proactive with my health.

I hope everyone is doing okay. <3
I'm not sure about the OPK, since you had two different positives. It is confusing to me. But I really hope you timed it so that all possibilities will be okay.

And I think that's a good game plan if you get a negative pregnancy test this month, so you can have everything checked out for sure.

I'm on stim day 11 right now and my retrieval got pushed back to likely Friday. Have another ultrasound tomorrow, so I'll know for sure when I'm taking my "trigger" shot so I ovulated 36 hours later. I'm super uncomfortable for the last two days, so really hoping it doesn't go further than that.
The CD14 test was not positive at the 5 minute mark.. once it dried is when it got darker. So I am pretty skeptical CD14 was ever positive. CD11 showed up within a minute and SUPER dark so I know that was positive for sure! Either way it was somewhere around CD13/14 I am guessing.

Good luck to you! Sorry you are feeling uncomfortable. I don't know much at all about the whole IVF process but I know it is a lot of steps!
Any updates Bronte?

Nothing here to report. I don't even know what DPO I am and I have not even been symptom spotting. Maybe because I've had little to no symptoms as of yet? Either way, it is nice to just not be worried about things for once. I am about to be so busy packing for this trip on Monday I won't have time to worry about it anyway. I won't even test until we come back from the beach and would probably be about 13/14 DPO then.
Breaking - where are you going? Enjoy your trip. It's the best time to take them because you don't focus on symptoms at all. Glad you are avoiding that right now anyway. Yay!!

My last ultrasound was yesterday and I have 15 follicles over 17 mm so we should get a decent amount of eggs. I triggered last night and have my egg retrieval tomorrow morning. Everything is looking really good. I'm set to freeze all of them in order to do genetic testing which should hopefully help lessen miscarriages or implamantation failure given my age. So transfer of the embryos back to my uterus shouldn't happen until early September now.
Wow that's awesome!!!! The more eggs the merrier I say!!!! And good call on the additional testing. September isn't too far off. We are going to Charleston, SC. :) My aunt lives there and we love it and hope to move there very soon. The kids are really excited about going to the beach! I'm excited to be far away from my pregnancy tests in the bathroom! Lol! Zero temptation this month! I don't really feel like we caught the egg this month because everything happened so darn early and caught us off guard. And I'll be okay if it didn't happen. No more tantrums about it. :)
Oh Charleston sounds delightful. In fact I just heard on the radio the other day it was picked as the number one vacation spot in some poll based on value, culture, sights to see, etc. This was worldwide so kind of amazed it beat out the large European cities. But it is a fabulous city. Have fun.

AFM - retrieval went well and they got 14 eggs, 9 of which fertilized. We had one that just fertilized late this morning. Yay. I know we are going up lose more. But I'm so pleased with where we are at at this time. Really hoping I can just do this one cycle and get multiple kids so we can just do frozen transfers in the future.

Mod - how are things with you?
Yay Bronte!! That sounds AWESOME. :)

I was wondering about Mod myself, hope she is doing okay.

We love Charleston, we can't wait to move there. Hopefully in the next 1-2 years. It is only a 5.5 hour drive from where we live now which is great!

I have no idea what DPO I am and again, not really symptom spotting. I had two pregnancy dreams this week which bummed me out. Normally I only have them when I am SUPER symptom spotting. I can't win! Haha.

Well, we are leaving tomorrow and will return Saturday and I will probably cave and test then.

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