I told my best friend tonight.. and it was really hard. She does have a son and it took her several years to have him. She really wanted one more but found out recently she has basically no eggs left. I debated on whether it would upset her more to tell her, or wait a while. I ended up telling her and I could tell it did hurt her but she seemed happy for me. They are now looking in to adoption. I am very mindful of those who have struggled much longer and harder than myself and I just don't want to flaunt anything, if that makes sense? But thank you... I am nervous for sure. Always worried about ectopic, etc. The good news is, I am seeing lines pretty early. With my ectopic I did not get any lines until AF was late. I am trying to be hopeful. I will give another test update Thursday.
Don't forget to update with your doctor appointment. I have really been rooting for you.