TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

Hi guys! Sorry I've been mia...again!

Breaking have an awesome vacation! I'm so happy for you that you're more laid back this month about it! I really think you needed that!

Bronte...eek! So here come the questions. Consider them quickfire if you will: did the egg retrieval hurt? What exactly do they do ro get them? What makes you uncomfortable? Is it the injections? If you're able to choose gender will you? Or will you just put one (or more) of each in there and see what happens? How come you have to wait so long till September now? Is it because of the testing? Ooohh I'm sooooo excited for you! And, ahem, make sure you don't miss a question when answering :)

Afm, been super busy. We're doing a reset at work and the whole store is getting torn apart. Aside from that I've been on the phone with the hospital and Dr office about her tube procedure. For such a small procedure they have been really stressing me out. I know it's so I can be better prepared, but how do you prepare for your child to go under anesthetic? I'm really freaking out about it. We have to be at the hospital by 6:30 tomorrow morning. I know she'll be ok. I know its a 10 minute procedure. I know thousands of people have this same thing done everyday, but I'm still worried about it. They don't let us back in until after they've woken her up...and that's not right! When she wakes up in a strange place with strange people with a strange feeling, mom should be there!
Oh Mod. I really hope everything goes good with her surgery and it helps. I'd be so nervous for her and I agree they should let you back there so you are there when she wakes up. Poor baby. I'm sure she's going to do great though and I know tubes can help so many infection and sinus issues so she will appreciate it in the long run.

As far as questions, ha, I don't mind.

* Retrieval itself didn't hurt at all because as my husband says I got the easy job and just had to lay there :) They actually gave me anesthesia so I wasn't awake for it. Though I know some people are in other countries and I've heard it's bad. They use a giant needle basically and suck them out essentially. It might have been cool to see that but glad I didn't have to feel the pain. Afterwards I was fine and just felt sore for a few days. Nothing too bad.

* Since the injections basically make the ovaries produce more eggs than they are used to they grow pretty big which caused some discomfort before retrieval. They start about the size of almonds and mine grew to about oranges size. A size I'm sure they have never been and aren't really designed to be. That's why they have to worry about over stimulating them because it can cause lots of health issues.

* Have to wait until September because the genetic test results take a week to come back. Then since I'm doing a frozen transfer instead of fresh they like to give your body a bit more time to heal after all the meds so my doctor likes to wait through two periods.

* We might chose gender. I'm torn on if I want to or not. I don't think I want that much power but don't want to regret not doing it if I have the chance to. So we aren't decided on that one. We'd be fine with either gender but think we'd prefer a girl first.

Anyway we find out how many made it to blastocyst stage tomorrow morning. So I'm a bit nervous.
Haha thanks for answering all the questions. I hope they give you awesome news tomorrow morning! And hey, if you and your hubs can both agree on a girl, then go for it! It's crazy that we can do that! But you're right, it's freaky to have THAT much power over it!

Well my little miss Laken did well this morning, only problem is...she's STILL sleeping! They told me to expect a short nap and then to resume to her normal self, but she hasn't gotten up yet. I've tried waking her up a few times, but she just takes her juice and goes back to sleep. She hasnot eaten anything all day :(
Mod - so glad the surgery went well. Not surprised she's super tired still. She definetly earned her naps. Hope she feels even better soon.

We didn't get great news today. Not horrible but not what we were hoping for. Only two embryos made it to day 5 and likely only one will be left tomorrow. The second one could go either way. Hoping it pulls through. This means we are canceling genetic testing and will likely do a second full IVF round. Shouldn't change the timeline too much. Just have to do another round of meds, retrieval and then a fresh transfer. Not our ideal. But we definetly knew this might happen which is why we bought two cycles upfront in our package.
Bronte, hoping your eggs hang on. Mod, nice to see you!

Quick update for me, last day of vacation. I had some brown spotting yesterday. :( I was around 11DPO maybe? I haven't seen anymore but definitely having strong AF cramps and back pain so I think AF may start at any moment. I'm bummed as this is early (I wasn't expecting it until Sunday or Monday) and also that it's happening on my nice beach trip. But it is what it is. So I may not be testing tomorrow after all.
Sorry breaking. I had a particularly hard blow this week as well since none of my embryos survived. I've been a bit devestated. I'm going to regroup eventually and move onto the next cycle that we paid for. It's going to be a bit more challenging for me since I know it will likely be the last one we can afford.
Oh Bronte I'm so sorry! I should have checked back in sooner! Good thing you guys planned for this and are covered for round 2. Is there any sort of guarantee from the ivf place? Sorry I know toy posted a fewcm days ago, UT how are you holding up?
We didn't pay for the guarantee which would have given us back 50 percent of the funds after two failed cycles, because it was quite a bit more money and we'd have still been out 50 percent. So we decided to just risk losing that money. They had a 100 percent guarantee program that was even more and I'm starting to wonder if we should have splurged the money on that.

I really hope this next round works. I feel alot of mistakes were made this round by my doctors, because my primary doctor was on vacation and I don't think I was being monitored as well as I should have been. That caused me to over stimulated my eggs, which I think ruined the quality. But there's no way to know for sure. However, we are paying alot of money to the clinic to not make these errors, so you can bet I'm going to have alot to say at my followup next week.

I really hope this next cycle works, but I'm not nearly as hopeful now.
Yes you definitely need to speak up! I know these practices are all private and rely on percentages to stay in business (I think in multiple ways. Are they regulated by the government with their success rate?). I'm so sorry but you need to think positive and transfer all those embryos and have 5 kids lol. Get em all out of the way in one shot. ;) when do you go back in and can talk to him?
I don't think they are regulated by the government per say, but you can research all the stats for each clinic really easily on So in a sense they do need to keep up their stats because they are required to report them, and my clinic is pretty good. I honestly think I just got lost a bit because my doctor was on vacation. They made two pretty big errors on not getting me scheduled for an ultrasound daily at the end (which I questioned at the time and was pretty much brushed off) and adding two extra days of stims for me. Those cost me dearly. But I know alot of it isn't an exact science with when to trigger, but if I was being monitored correctly it wouldn't have happened.

Now I don't have as good of info going into the next round, which I'm a bit pissed about.

I don't meet with the doctor that oversaw my care until next Wednesday and then I meet with my doctor on August 10 to talk about the next cycle. I was hoping to start that at the end of August. We'll see what he says about what to add in to help with egg quality and what might help me specifically.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that your next cycle is successful. Definitely speak up... you are paying a lot of money for this and these people should be giving their 110%.
Well, I'm on CD8. We've now started the every other BD since I seem to O early. I'm not going to stress myself too much with opks this month. They usually seem to be positive anywhere from CD10 to CD13 so we should be covered if we keep it up every other day through next week. I do feel like I may O from my bad side this month, which is a bummer. But we will try anyway and stay positive. Thinking of you ladies and hope you are doing okay.
Bronte you definitely need to stand up for yourself and demand answers and "solutions" to the or slip ups. Who knows, maybe you'll get a free round
Thanks. Hope you have good luck this round breaking. Every other day is a solid plan during your normal fertile period. Hope it's from your good side!

Mod - that would be wonderful. I'd be shocked if they did that. But who knows.

I'm feeling a bit better this weekend and have finally calmed down a bit. I'm anxious to get trying again.

Mod - how are you doing with everything. Do you still have plans to move? And if so how soon?
I would be anxious too! But your doc is back, right? Hopefully everything gets done right this time.

I'm ok. I still plan to move even though we haven't talked about it since that day. I think dh knows. We went from trying to have a 2nd baby to me selling everything that we'd need for a baby. Literally everything. I've been so exhausted these last few weeks that I haven't done much besides work and sleep. The house is a mess and laundry is piling up, but oh well. I stayed home from work sick on Thursday but still took dd to daycare (which I felt absolutely horrible about!). I got home about 9am from taking her, ate a bowl of cereal and passed out. I didn't wake up till 3pm and still went to bed at 8 with dd. It's crazy how wore out I am. I even told dh that the stress and lack of sleep is getting to me and all I got was an "I'm sorry" and no action from him. I've been sick again for the last 2 weeks and can't seem to kick it. Basically I can sum up everything I just typed: I'm a big effing mess lol.
No my doctor is still not back. I think he's in Kenya on a medical mission trip which makes me feel bad I was upset. But I wasn't informed on that before starting and he was gone for all of my cycle. I don't think he's back for another two weeks. My appointment with him isn't until Aug. 10. The other doctor I had returns from vacation this week. So I meet with him on Wednesday.

Oh Mod - you sound exhausted and if it's affecting your health so much you definetly need some more breaks or sleep. I wouldn't feel bad about taking your daughter to daycare at all. You have to take care of yourself too or you are no good to her. You needed sleep more and she probably enjoyed daycare as well.

Hope you start feeling better.
Well I really feel like with such an involved and expensive process they need to be telling you if the Dr's won't be around. Mission trip or not, this is your money and you should have been given the option to wait till they returned from their vacations or to proceed without them. Maybe this first cycle wouldn't have been an unnecessary waste of everyone's time and maybe you'd still have complete faith in them. Just my own opinion though.
I agree. I feel the same way. But still feel bad about it. However if it was a planned mission trip they clearly had to know that in advance and honestly should be obligated to tell the patients in my mind.

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