TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

How's everyone doing?

Things with dh and I have improved 10 fold and we decided yesterday that we are back on the baby making train. Next cycle we will start trying again. My Dr moved practices so I'm trying to get into her new one, but the scheduling department won't call me back, which is super frustrating for a fresh start :/
Oh Mod, so pleased to hear everything has calmed down and improved. I'm excited for you to start TTC again. Good luck. Hope you can get stuff scheduled soon.

Breaking - really hope you are doing alright. Hugs.

AFM - just hanging out and trying to get healthier. Doing acupuncture, taking supplements (thanks again Mod!!!), and trying to lose weight. I guess I'm TTC still and am entering fertile time this week. But not really holding any hope on that.
Hey aside from the progesterone cream that I mentioned to you, take evening primrose oil! It helps with everything female lol. Seriously it's good for balancing hormones, easing cramps, cm...also a good probiotic will help you produce more cm so that your "area" isn't so hostile to the swimmers.

Also! (Sorry, didn't realize you were still trying on your own), make sure your dh is taking folate and zinc! It helps his swimmers!
Thanks for the suggestions. I do take a probiotic daily but didn't realize it helps with CM. But I do normally have plenty of it :) I'll look into the primrose oil.

I don't know if I'd classify us as really TTC maybe we are TTC - lite :) we obviously aren't preventing but not stressing about getting stuff in at certain times and just trying to get close. You never know acupuncture might clear up my scar tissue. It's not likely but weirder things have happened.

Good luck!!
Bronte - I am still alive. I am doing okay. Just taking a break from baby groups and such. I did not want anyone to worry so I just wanted to briefly pop in and say hello.
I don't blame you for taking a break at all. Glad you are doing alright physically at least!
I am okay mentally and physically. I bounced back pretty quick. I mean I am still sad and disappointed, but all things considered it was a VERY quick miscarriage. My levels dropped back to 0 in less than a week and I had what was almost a very normal "period".. no pain, nothing. Now at CD15 I am ovulating again. I got a super dark positive on an OPK today. It is crazy how quickly my body bounced back. We are still TTC at this time.. I am just not involving myself too deeply in the groups and such. Just puts too much pressure on me. :( But I do like to check in here and see how everyone is doing.
Breaking - so glad to see your body has recovered so quickly and you are still TTC. I really hope you get a sticky bean soon.
Thank you.. I really hope our next one sticks around. A piece of my heart definitely is missing.
Nothing doing here ladies. :bfn: at 8/9DPO. Always gotten my positives by this point. But I am okay. How is everyone else?
Glad you're ok with it breaking. Are you emotionally doing better?

Bronte how is acupuncture going? I looked into it before, but like you said, they say to allow 3 months before seeing results, but it's so expensive. I completely understand why you are doing ithe, but couldn't justify it for myself.

I had my Dr appt on Friday (finally!) And she did write me a script for Clomid. She said we can try this again or she can send me directly to infertility, which I'may not sure I'll ever do. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure I'll pursue it much further seeing as I already have 1 child. I'm not even half way through this cycle, so it'll be a little bit before I get to start it, but fingers crossed.
Breaking - sorry about the negative but I'm pleased you are trying and really hope you get positive news.

Mod - Clomid is what helped you get your daughter, correct? I really hope it helps and that's all you need. Good luck.

Acupuncture is going really well for the most part. I've definetly noticed improved sleep and help with other issues. Now I have no clue if it's helping with egg quality but even though it's expensive it's actually a super small expense to everything else we are paying for with IVF so if it helps my next cycle then it's worth it since this last one was a bust.

I've stalled on my weight loss so I need to figure out what to change up.
I hope everyone is doing okay. I took a long break from bnb. Sad to see no updates... but I hope this post finds everyone well. I am 9DPO today and have another light pregnancy test. I am not getting my hopes up after what happened in August but I could definitely use some prayers. Thanks ladies... hope you all are doing okay.


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Oh breaking. I'm sending you all the positive thoughts. Really hope this sticks. Good luck!!
Breaking think positive until proven otherwise! Congrats!!!

I'm on my first round of 50mg of clomid. Had a day 14 ultrasound that showed no dominate follicles, and the bigger ones were on my right side, which has no tube. So once af gets here the will call in a new script for me for 100mg days 3-7.
Mod that's wonderful you are starting Clomid as well. Hope it helps you ovulate from both sides next month. Or the tube can catch it from the other side!!

I don't really have much going on and to be honest I'm not really hopeful for our next IVF cycle. We will see what happens, but I'm trying to come to terms with the fact we might not have a child and I go through days when I'm fine with that and others when I'm not. Regardless, I'm just ready to move on after the next cycle. I need a break.
Mod, that is great! Clomid was extremely helpful for a good friend who tried for years to get pregnant with no success. I hope it is helpful for you as well. Please keep us posted if you can.

Bronte, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the next IVF cycle proves you wrong and you are successful. But I know it is hard to stay hopeful all the time. I really hope it works out for you.. for both of you ladies.

Thank you for the support. I am not getting overly hopeful but I will say my test started out much stronger this month than it did back in August. But I know many women have completely normal HCG levels and still m/c so I am not going to get overly excited. At this point I am just cautiously optimistic. I do have a doctor appointment on Friday for bloodwork. AF isn't even due until Saturday or Sunday, so.. still very early.
Well Bronte, one of my friends posted something about the ring test on facebook. Supposedly it tells you how many children you'll have and what genders. (Breaking do this too cuz I'm curious!) You get a necklace that has a pendant or ring on it. Hold it with your right grasp. Hold your left hand out, palm up. Take the necklace and "dip" it in the space between your left thumb and pointer 3 times, then move it over your palm and it will start to move (if you're going to have kids). It will move, slow down, and repeat for each child. When it's done, it stops. Circles mean girl and back and forth means boy. I've done this at least 20 times and each time mine says girl boy. Friends on Facebook that tried said there's was now I'm so curious!!! Hopefully this can give you some sort of hope bronte.
Well I did cave and do another test today..... today is 10DPO


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