TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

Yeah af isn't technically late till Monday, which is good, cuz that means I'll have a normal 14-15 day lp.
Well guys I just got the faintest of faint second line...but I think the test was faulty. I mean, it took FOREVER for they dye to spread across the 30 seconds for it to even start! Grrr I'm having such bad luck with tests this go round. 3 evaps on 3 different brands and a reject test. Ugh!
Nvm false came. Let's start a new cycle!
It wasn't even an evap! It showed up within the 5 mins, but there was definitely something wrong with it. Oh well.
It's ok. I pretty much knew af was on her way...but I couldn't resist taking a test lol. I looked at dd the other night while she was asleep between us and told dh I would be fine if we weren't able to have anymore children. Of course we will continue to try, but I really don't think I will be devastated if we don't get #2. Dd took so long and I went through so much to get her, I'm perfectly happy with just her.

Wow got all gushy on you guys...damn af!
So sorry Mod. That's so frustrating to have to deal with faulty tests. Glad you are content with your daughter so any additional children will just be a bonus. Good luck.
Big hugs mod!!!! I'm thinking of you and you will likely get your miracle when you least expect it. I'm feeling super Debbie downer today. I definitely feel like AF will be coming on time. Even though it's still a ways out I'm pretty in tune with my body and I knew both times I was pregnant before. Thus far I've only had pre AF signs. :( I'm just scared next month I won't get a positive opk either and something is wrong.
Oh no please don't think something is wrong! Us one tubers just have a few things against us is all. Just because af is on her way doesn't necessarily mean there is so.etching wrong. Heck, a few cycles ago I was 2 weeks late and was not prego, just had delayed O possibly? Who knows we weren't trying and I wasn't concerned in the least. We all have off cycles here and there.
Hey girls. Do you mind if I can join? Seems like a pretty active thread. I just need some girls to talk to. I had a ectopic last September. I was lucky enough just to have methotrexate. But ever since then I feel like maybe I'm broke. It's all in my head but I'm scared that I'm not ovulating. I don't temp because it's to stressful and I never sleep through the night and always up at different times. I'm currently in my TWW at 9dpo. Thinking I'm out but who knows. One second I'm confident and then one second I'm not. I hate knowing when I O but at the same time I like it to know when to BD of course.
Of course you can join. Welcome! :) Me and you are on the same train right now! One minute I'm positive and the next minute I'm a Debbie downer. I tried using opks this month and never really saw a true positive. I keep trying to hope I missed my surge at night or the following morning since they did get fairly dark then light the next day. But I'm generally feeling out this month. We are somewhat close in cycles! I have a strict 28 day cycle. AF is due Wednesday of next week. I'll probably do a test on Saturday just to know for sure I need to prepare for spotting and AF next week. :( have you tried using opks? I did temping with #2 but hated it. Way too stressful. So for now I am just doing opks although that was pretty stressful this month too.
Breaking- yeah I used them this cycle. Temping is way to stressful and I wouldn't be able to take it the same time every day so that doesn't work. I hate the 2ww because you stress and stress and half the time it's bfn and you stressed for nothing. Part of me doesn't want to take OPK again just because of the stress favor. But I want to BD accordingly. Ugh decisions lol.
Hey dtrisha, welcome! How long have you been ttc? Even with my ectopic my Dr was more than willing to offer me clomid, which is how we got dd.
Yeah not sure if I am ovulating or not. I mean I think I am but I don't know for sure because I don't temp. I think I'm gonna talk to my doctor in June if I'm not pregnant by then. Can't hurt I suppose. I have been TTC since last July. Got pregnant in August then had the ectopic. Couldn't try till January so we just NTNP till April then I started up with OPK again.
I have a love hate relationship with OPKs. I wish I could just not worry with them but like you said, it is really essential to know when the good times are to BD. My husband goes to school and works full time, so sex all month long is not an option. :haha: I have to choose wisely and even then, getting 3 tries during fertile week is the max.
Yeah sounds like a full plate for sure. Ugh it's so stressful.

Do you have to do tests before being put on clomid to see if you're ovulating or not ?
Welcome Dtrisha - hope you have success soon! So sorry to hear about your ectopic. It's never an easy experience to have to go through. Hope you are doing alright.

Mod can answer your question better, I'm sure. However, you have to be ovulating at least somewhat since you got pregnant relatively easily. So that's probably not a big issue for you personally (though it's always possible). I know it's super hard not to worry about everything though. I just went through all my tests and several easy Cycle Day 3 blood tests can tell you a lot about ovulation or a Day 21 blood test (if needed). If you are worried you could always ask your doctor. I think they are more likely to prescribe Clomid if you have one tube, because it can force you to ovulate from both sides, making it more likely you'll ovulate from your good side.

If you still have two tubes (though it's always possible there is blockage in them somehow that led to the ectopic), they might want to do a few tests before prescribing. Every doctor is different.

Don't be afraid to ask anything. That's one thing I learned after my ectopic. Ask. Ask. Ask. Get a second opinion if needed. And then repeat.
Thank you so much for all the info Bronte! Yeah we got lucky on our second cycle so that's why I don't think it's a problem. Just makes you think ya know ? I think I'll go to my doctor in June if not pregnant and see what she has to say. Can't hurt to do a check up
I personally have no experience with clomid. :( Wish I could be of more help.

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