If it makes you feel better I conceived #2 with literally only two tries. That was it. And that was one month after losing my right tube from an ectopic.
Wondfo? Yeah I have some of those. Good luck I hope it's your month ! We all deserve it. I don't even know what it's like to feel pregnant over 5 weeks
Honestly I am not sure. The main reason I feel I am out is because I never saw a pos. / dark OPK this month. I have never had an issue with ovulation in the past so it is possible I missed my surge but I don't know. My best guess, when I usually ovulate, would be 8/9 DPO. My last pregnancy I got a BFP at 8/9 DPO with a wondfo.
Yeah. I was originally going to test tomorrow morning but I forgot my oldest has a soccer game in the morning so it's going to be hectic and I don't want another to get me down. So, if anything I'll test Sunday morning. If it's still negative that will be be definitive answer as I should have spotting for AF the next day.
I laid down a little bit ago for a brief nap, which is a little odd, and I noticed my stomach muscles felt a little tight? Almost like I had been doing sit ups only I haven't. Was a little odd, not reading into it though.
TMI TIME! Lol! So, a minute ago I felt like my period literally just stated. I felt stuff in my underwear and everything. I went to the bathroom and it was just a ton of clear stuff. This does happen sometimes before AF so it could go either way I'm sure.
The stomach muscle is a weird thing o e never heard of that. And yeah I don't like hearing about ectopics either unless its success stories after them. Oh wow that's odd. Is it maybe a mucous plug ?
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