TTC - ectopic survivor - one tube!

I was sent for an hsg, which ultimately opened up my blocked tube (scars from a previous ectopic) enough that i had another ectopic. During that process I accidently stumbled upon my current dr who actually did my surgery. She had me track my cycles with opks for 2 cycles before I got my prescription. I was also brought in for an ultrasound to see how many follicles there were. They want to reduce the chance of multiples as much as possible, so if you have 10 ready to go, they're going to advise against trying that cycle. They didn't see anything, but I really think I ovulated the morning of the ultrasound since I still got pregnant.

I'm due back in June as well. If nothing happens by thenow I'm going to go on armed with my tracking (they want it on paper so it can be in your file) and ask for it again.

Bronte is right. They are more than willing to give it to one tubers because it has an excellent chance of making you ovulate from your good side.
Well I am having awful back pain right now. I had this with #2 all the way until my BFP and beyond... but I can also have this with PMS too so I am 100% not reading into anything. Also having some annoying issues with CM which I won't bore you with the details... but it is super annoying!!!! Being a woman. Yay!
Mod thank you!! Yeah I'm going to just take it till June and go from there.

Breaking dawn - I hope it's a good sign !!! Good luck. :)
I woke up this morning feeling exactly like the mornings when AF starts. LOTS of back pain and cramps, mild headache, gassy. Problem is, AF is still 8 days away. Um, what now? Please don't let this be a random early AF. My cycles are normally 28 days spot on but being I am 35 now, I am always paranoid about early menopause. Hypochondriac much? :haha:
Lol I'll allow it.

Maybe it's an early sign?

Or maybe you ate something that's causing the gas hehe.
Breaking dawn - it could be a sign of it stays for a few days? I hate waiting. I'm 10dpo took a few test and nothing. Feeling like I'm out ugh.
Sorry trisha, it sucks when you keep seeing nothing!

Does anyone else get so much more relaxed before af compared to the ttw? During the ttw you just don't know, but waiting to O you know you're not prego, so I dunno, I can not obsess.
I am SUPER moody which is my number one AF sign and it does come a week early. I was never moody like usual when I conceived last time so I am 99% sure I am out now. Not kidding, lol. I know my body pretty well! It is kinda scary. This early back pain and cramps sucks though. :(
I'm sorry breaking, that sucks. I hate it when I get moody, especially at dh. He deserves it sometimes, but a day or so before she arrives I can get like the devil.
Moodiness is the worst. I just want to be left alone a lot of the time.
Guess I'll drop an update here. Around 7DPO (if I did ovulate that day).. the extreme back pain continues. This was my #1 symptom with my second daughter. I hate that my body is playing tricks on me. One minute the back pain will go away, then it comes back in full force followed by cramping shortly after. It is maddening. AF is due a week from today. If it is coming, I should have spotting around Monday-Tuesday. That is what happened last cycle anyway. I still plan on testing Saturday morning I guess. I would rather be prepared for AF than caught by surprise. This back pain is getting OLLLLLD though. I want to take Advil but trying not to since i have no idea if there is a SLIM chance of implantation or not so I would rather not take any medicine. Fun times!
Well they say to live as if you weren't pregnant until proven wrong, so if the back pain is that bad, I'd suggest popping some Tylenol for some relief. Oh the joys of ttc.
Breakingdawn- good luck :) ! I hope this is it.

For me it's CD1 :(
This morning things have died down a little. Mild back pain, very random mild cramps, and a little gassy. Otherwise, things mostly feel normal. I had a tough time sleeping last night though. I was so proud of myself because I actually went to bed early but then woke up about every hour. I can't win. Lol!
That's how I was 2 night before. Ugh I hate not getting sleep because then I'm crabby. I'm debating if I want to use OPK this cycle again. I probably will but part of me doesn't want to. I think my periods are starting to get back to normal because today is day 28 and I started my period. This is how my periods used to be. So I'm hoping they'll stay at 28 and they'll go by faster. The 32-34 day cycles were killing me. I've also been eating healthier and drinking a ton of water so that probably helps :).
Breaking I'm glad things have settled down for you a bit, but not sleeping is the worst. I hate feeling dead all day.

Dtrisha sorry af got you. Nothing wrong with taking the stress out and not using opks. I'm debating nor using them this cycle too. Cd7 and I still haven't decided, but I don't own until around cd17, so I have some time to decide.

Last month my period was super short at 2 days, and it's always been 5-6 days of full on bleeding, and now this cycle I've been spotting for 3 days. Must be making up for last month. And my nines are sore, isn't that supposed to happen before af? I'm all kinds of messed up I guess lol
Yeah I'm not that upset. Just glad that they seem to be getting shorter and regulating hopefully. Yeah the only reason I like OPK is to know to BD more because we usually just so every 2-3 days.
I think every 2-3 days covers your bases.

Ps sorry for all the typos in my last post. I got a new phone and hate the auto correct on it.
Mod- totally fine. I just like to BD like two days in a row when I know it's my fertile time.

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