Hi ladies, just got back from the doctors good news for hubby his sperm is absolutely fine, but not so good for me I never thought this would of been my problem but in a way I'm happy about now as it can be sorted relatively easy, so it seems I'm not ovulating my progesterone levels were 12 and they should be 35 or over, I was gutted as I was a hundred per cent sure I was ovulating just goes to show you can't trust the clearblue fertility monitors I'm so glad I stopped using it. So the next step is that I do 2 more lots of bloods, then we will get referred for sure, probably to Bath fertility Unit, and it looks like we will be doing clomid which I'm kind of relieved about as I was sure I had a blockage or a major problem that would require IVF. So we finally have our silver lining and we will have a child at some point in the near futuref'xd and baby dust to all of you girls on here and here is hoping we all get our much awaited 2011 BFP's x
Glad you see some light at the end of the tunnel! so did your fertility monitor say you peaked, but in reality, you weren't ovulating?! this is my fear! and i'm wondering if that is our problem!?!?
hi girliesi need so sanity!!
I hate people trying to either say they understand or can relate to how i feel!
How could you possible know how much it breaks my heart,i feel like im not a women,its killing me so dont try to understand how i feel unless youve been trying for ur 1st and still no bfp after 1/2 years then yes you can have some idea but if not dont try and relate to me or say:
"it will happen"
"youve got plenty of time"
"your trying to hard"
"itll happen when u least expect it"
"u dont want to be tied down to a baby"
"stop thinking about it then itll happen"
becos all thats going through my head is f%%k off!
Like it says just let me cry
sorry for the rant just got a phone call and it annoyed me
this is what i posted and i get more advice from people relax blah blah b;ah at least in this thread we understand eachotherxxx
Hi all, well bfn at 13dpo. So guess there's another month gone. I'm being booked in for hsg and then all being well straight for iui. U know I went to the appointment in tears because I was so scared they wouldn't offer me anything and then I can home and cried because they offered me so much. I guess it was the realisation that this isn't going to happen for us the way we wanted. Now I'm wishing I had more time. Is that strange?
Its so hard isn't it, especially when the OH is cagey about their feelings & you just want to talk about it & they don't. On the positive side (you'll see that I always try & look for the positives lol) you know you can get pregnant, even if you haven't been so lucky with the stickiness of the little beans.
Me & OH have been trying for about 15 months now...& not even a hint of alol. Gonna give it Jan & Feb, 2 more cycles & then it's off to the docs for us in March.
Good luck to you & sending stickyyour way.,
hehe no it doesn't thankfully.( no offence to those who are though
I'm 31, 32 in March. The 40 refers to an old house number I used to live in & I use it for my e-mail address that I've had for years & so now whenever I need to create a new screen name or login anywhere I use 40 so they'll all be the same & I'll remember.
Thanks for the advice though