Hi girlies, can I join you?
(see a few familar faces Lisa40 and Kittycat82

I am 27 (DH -28)and have been off the BCP since July 2009, and have done you a little timeline (cause i do tend to waffle on!

Feb 10 -saw GP he said wait til a year TTC.
Oct 10 - 21 day Bloods done - GP says 'all normal' but will refer you to gynae team at hospital
1st dec first specialist appointment - weighed and measured and spoke to consultant. He said that 21 day test showed that I did ovulate but that my LH and FSH levels weren't quite right. He said they looked more like those of someone with PCOS but I have very regular cycles and NO other symptoms of it so he said this was highly unlikely.So still no answers...
Anyway, he sent me with the forms for:
Day 2 and Day 21 bloods
Hubbys SA
HSG form.
Which I can do next cycle as this month they would have been due on christmas day... doh!
Anyway, thats a rundown of everything (sorry its a bit dull...) and a bit about me!
Baby hopes - you make me laugh!! I love your 'Guide to dealing with the Docs' hehehehe, mine would be called 'How not to portray yourself as a baby obsessed psycho!!'
Sending loads of love and

to everyone,
Aster x