sib80 - sweetheart, I have had all of these things happen to me to and the worst was on my honeymoon which was also my 30th birthday - spent hours on the floor unable to get up, screaming, threw up and then passed out

I try not to worry about it and the last few months haven't been too bad

I also use oil of oregano and have been taking homeopathic remedies, but am taking a break from the latter to see how some other things pan out for me
Endo used to be the least of my worries (check my sig) as I was fit and healthy (bar the iffy periods as a teenager), around 6 years ago, but in the last 18 months or so, I get a lot of what i call pressure pain at night which is beleived to be inflammation, could well be endo playing up but i have no intention of finding out - I'm not going through all that ever again!! I am working it out as i have had to the all the way through these wacky last few years. Just try to have faith that all will come good, do lots of research for natural remedies and never ever ever give up hope - there is a solution for every problem

I have only kept going through the last 6 years from finding my own answers and having the determination to do so - it hasn't been easy, but plenty of pma and knowing that all is ok helps a lot

I highly recommend David Hamiltons books - esp how your mind can heal your body
Enough waffling - i'm taking over this thread

Lots of


to all