TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Hello again! 12dpo and still getting a :bfn: :cry:
I'm still hoping I'm one of those people that get a late positive. But more and more I'm thinking that AF is coming. Still getting weird cramps and sore bbs and not much else.
How is everyone else doing?
Oh no!...hope it will change tomorrow? When is af due?
I'm bored, 2ww is boring and I'm making up symptoms everytime I think about it.
Not testing for a whole, so I need more tests to keep me occupied!
Hope I got a bfn on 13 dpo with my dd and a v faint bfp at 14 dpo so don't loose hope! It could just be too early.

I haven't even oved yet. Was planning to start bding from tonight but I've got flu :-( not attractive, snotty cold, cough. Blehhhhh.
Hope I got a bfn on 13 dpo with my dd and a v faint bfp at 14 dpo so don't loose hope! It could just be too early.

I haven't even oved yet. Was planning to start bding from tonight but I've got flu :-( not attractive, snotty cold, cough. Blehhhhh.
Hope 12dpo is still early! You could have had late implantation or the sperm fertilised the egg a little later than you thought. You're definitely not out yet!
Thanks everyone! Hearing that some ladies don't get their BFPs till 14dpo gives me a little hope, but I think I should be due for AF tomorrow or the next day. I'm usually really irregular so don't really know exactly when I'm due. I'm thinking tomorrow though because I'm totally getting the usual pre AF symptoms: hip and thigh pain, sore bbs. Still getting cramps and keep running to the bathroom thinking AF is here. I don't remember stressing this much with my last two pregnancies. It totally sucks!
Update: I just realized I've been taking my tests all wrong! I thought it was strange that the instructions on them never specified how long to keep the strip in the urine. I just kept it in for 3-5 seconds because thats how long my other tests were. I looked up the full instructions online just now and it says I should keep the test in for at least 15 seconds. Geez! :dohh:
So, I'll be testing properly tomorrow morning if AF stays away!
Ooooooooo! :dohh:
Excitedly waiting for the re-test then! What time will you test? I don't think you've even gone to bed yet over there? Are you 8 hours behind the Uk? I. Up for work, it's Monday morning!!
Good luck...can't wait to chekck in :hugs:
Oohh hope I the re test brings good news!!

So annoying that early Preggo symptoms are similar to af symptoms isn't it! Grrrr.
Princesskell: We're 8 hrs behind you here in bc.

:nope: Retested properly this morning and still getting a BFN and still no AF.
So annoyed and completely feeling like AF is on her way. I guess I'll let you know if she shows up later or I'll test again in the morning.
Hello! Room for one more?

I am 25, and my husband and I were surprised by our first son. Not only are we TCC for the first cycle, but this is our first time TCC EVER!!! So scary and exciting. We don't know what to do with ourselves (well... haha we do know that part ;)...), and I am in my green week, but I usually O after those flimsy apps tell me I will. I typically O around CD 17 in a 25-d6 day cycle.

I am using a BBT, checking CM, and overall just listening to myself. Currently CD 7, and it feels like 1million. I had no idea my heart would just go all in on this journey, but it did. Already feeling changes in my cervix (position and fluid), but it is so early. I tend to experience quite a lot of cm, so it will be interesting using that as an indicator.

My son is 2.5, he is healthy, happy, and beautiful. I feel guilty for choosing this, like I am taking away part of me for him, but I know that isn't the case. He will love to eventually have a sibling to chase and love and push around haha.

We are still in shock that we are doing this! We are excited, scared, so nervous, and not believing we get to be here. Insurance was one of our biggest negative factors, so being in this position feels dream-like.

My husband and I are both acupuncturists (we actually met in school), and I actually specialize in women's health and fertility. It is exciting being on this end... always more to learn :)

I am new here, but I believe we say "good luck and baby dust!!"
Hi tigermom :wave:
Welcome to the crazy world of bnb and ttc!! :hugs: I feel exactly the same towards my daughter...'will she hate me?' 'will I love her any less?'. I know it's silly but I think it's natural fears?

Your occupation sounds so interesting and you will be able to offer us all some fab advice!!

Lots of :dust: to you xxx
Hi tigermom :wave:
Welcome to the crazy world of bnb and ttc!! :hugs: I feel exactly the same towards my daughter...'will she hate me?' 'will I love her any less?'. I know it's silly but I think it's natural fears?

Your occupation sounds so interesting and you will be able to offer us all some fab advice!!

Lots of :dust: to you xxx

I am so excited! I cannot explain how thrilling this is to finally get to this point. It was just a marathon trying to making it to TTC, so being able to say that we are officially TTC still feels fake. I feel like I am accepting an Oscar haha :wohoo:

Can we keep checking in to this thread and post our ups and downs during the TWW as well as now?!?!? I am new to the "do and don't"s of this site, but I have read through the main pinned posts with the rules and guidelines.

I have responded to only a few posts, and I have kind of sat back quietly in the forums, but I read this one, and I just felt so eager to jump in.

Thanks for including me! What a great bunch of gals. Cannot wait to read through and get to know people. :flower:
Oh yes tigermom, use this thread for anything ttc related or otherwise...sure nothing will offend us!! :winkwink: and anything to keep us busy during the 2ww is great!!
Hello there,

Room for one more hopeful?

This is our first cycle trying for our second baby and I am so beyond excited and impatient I seem to be spending every spare moment staring at my cycle on Fertility Friend or mooching through the forums reading everything! I am so hopeful for an autumn BFP, so count me in.

I have been with my husband for six years, married for nearly 3. We have a 1.5-year-old little boy who is the centre of our world. We didn't plan to have him, but he was a beautiful wonderful accident when I became ill and was on the pill. I just didn't think to use back-up contraception a week later and there he was. This is our first cycle actually trying and I am finding the waiting hard (and I've only been at it a week!!).

I'm also a teacher and have waited a long time for this moment. If we conceive this month the baby would be a July baby, which would be great, as anything after this month is fine. I really wanted to (felt obliged to) see this academic year through, so I'm very happy we managed to wait this long. I have been ready for another for over a year now and the wait has been very painful.

I'm a bit nervous about what it will be like being a teacher and pregnant, as the last time I was pregnant we had already taken a sabbatical for a year to go travelling. Days before the summer holidays I found out we were pregnant, but we still went travelling, we just had to cut it short by half a year or so! I work very long hours from 7:30 till 18:30 and then several hours at home marking. I do wonder how I'll be able to keep this up while pregnant and with a toddler to look after, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Here's to a flurry of BFPs this autumn!


Bless you for teaching! Angel's work! I replied though because I can speak to being a full-time Grad student with clinic shifts (over 60 hours of school/patient-interaction) while pregnant with my first 2 years ago.

I found out I was pregnant during finals... the day before the first exam hah, and I delivered during midterms (our son has classic timing). I found it is more tiring in a way, but it takes away stress.

I tend to run VERY high-strung, Type-A, study-until-I-drop kind of student, and being pregnant took that away. It took it out of my hands. I'd nap in the evenings if I needed. I was too tired to run as stressed. I prioritized my time. I knew that I didn't have time to worry about things, so I studied, ate, and slept. I know teaching is from the other side, but you might find that even if your energy takes the typical route of fatigue, you might still feel great because your body will force you to choose what *needs* to get done v. what you'd *like* to get done.

I hope this was helpful. I had a couple of classmates get pregnant after I did, and my answer was the same to them. It's easier than you think, even if you are more tired!! :flower: Good luck!! :dust: to you
Hello again! 12dpo and still getting a :bfn: :cry:
I'm still hoping I'm one of those people that get a late positive. But more and more I'm thinking that AF is coming. Still getting weird cramps and sore bbs and not much else.
How is everyone else doing?

Sending you all kinds of luck!!!

I am 25 and I was told that being "younger" meant I would most likely be able to POAS and get an early "+". I got a BFN until 2 days after my expected period... Exactly 16dpo! I know now that age, nor test, nor boy bean or girl bean play a roll in that early positive. It is just your body, and it can even change for each pregnancy. Hold tight, hun because it can still be good news! Stay positive <3

*edited to say: I was 22 when I conceived my last one. Really young, and I still got BFNs until 16dpo. I realized that wasn't clear. :)
Hi all! Room for one more???

My hubby and I have been married for 3 years are TTC #1. I just turned 30 this past week and he is just a few years older. We are on TTC cycle #4 now. Last cycle I got faint BFPs from DPOI13 to DPO17 that never got darker. I got a blood test done since I was going craaaaazy with the faint BFPs on DPO 16, and my hcg was only 11. On dpoi17 my temp dropped and I got AF, so technically it was a MC, but I was only a few days late for AF. It's crazy because even though we've been trying for a while, feeling like we lost a baby made me want this soooo much more. I'm trying not to be sad about what happened but look at it as a good sign - we know we can get pregnant! FX that I am extra fertile this cycle!

I am on CD 11 this cycle, ususally have a very average cycle of 28 days, with ovulation on day 14. So I am temping and using OPKs.... FX for all of us!!!!!

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