Hello! Room for one more?
I am 25, and my husband and I were surprised by our first son. Not only are we TCC for the first cycle, but this is our first time TCC EVER!!! So scary and exciting. We don't know what to do with ourselves (well... haha we do know that part

...), and I am in my green week, but I usually O after those flimsy apps tell me I will. I typically O around CD 17 in a 25-d6 day cycle.
I am using a BBT, checking CM, and overall just listening to myself. Currently CD 7, and it feels like 1million. I had no idea my heart would just go all in on this journey, but it did. Already feeling changes in my cervix (position and fluid), but it is so early. I tend to experience quite a lot of cm, so it will be interesting using that as an indicator.
My son is 2.5, he is healthy, happy, and beautiful. I feel guilty for choosing this, like I am taking away part of me for him, but I know that isn't the case. He will love to eventually have a sibling to chase and love and push around haha.
We are still in shock that we are doing this! We are excited, scared, so nervous, and not believing we get to be here. Insurance was one of our biggest negative factors, so being in this position feels dream-like.
My husband and I are both acupuncturists (we actually met in school), and I actually specialize in women's health and fertility. It is exciting being on this end... always more to learn
I am new here, but I believe we say "good luck and baby dust!!"