TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Still I can just imagine how amazing it would be to see your girls having a ball at Disney!

Good luck Britta! Glad your cycle got back on track quickly.

We didn't do anything extra this month...I took evening primrose oil from day 7-14 to help with CM, used preseed once or twice, and managed to BD enough in my fertile window (CD9, 10, 11, 13 & 15) My positive OPK was day 13 so timing was good but I'm not overly optimistic. I feel 99% sure we'll be doing the IUI in April!
I'm hoping that you get your bfp this month but I'm glad you have the IUI to look forward to! Will you be taking medications with that?
Way to "get it in there" during fertile week! I am hoping for you and this cycle. I know it is stressful right before a IUI or IVF it feels like the last hope, but it is also great knowing you have a backup plan ready to go.
Thanks ladies. This cycle really does feel like a 'last ditch effort'. The effort part is done, now it's just waiting. The amount of stress I've been feeling at work lately (like go to sleep and wake up every morning thinking about work) I don't feel like my body is conception-friendly right now. I'll be doing injectable drugs (gonal-f with ovridel trigger) before the IUI. I guess because we're old and DH's sperm is sub-par the doc decided to skip the oral ovulation meds and go straight to the big guns.

Myshel, I'm hoping for you this cycle too! We're in the same last-chance-before-April boat right now.

Still, cute baby you have there!
Wish I'm glad you're getting the big guns lol hopefully that's all your body needs! Sorry work is so stressful:hugs:
We did the big drugs as well Hun, age and not great sperm was also our issue.
We did a couple cycles of femera, but looking back it was such a waste of time. I only ever got one or two good follicles, but with gonal f I had a few extra. Unfortunately hubs sperm and my egg just never really met.
I think clomid or femera are a great option if you aren't ovulating at all, but since I am ovulating, I'm glad we're jumping right in with injectables. I'm not getting any younger! I keep hanging on to the hope that since we conceived once without help, with help we should be able to conceive again. It's just a matter of least that's what I keep telling myself.
Oh I was ovulating, and do ovulate on my own. For some reason Scott and I wanted to start off slower because we are crazy and thought that we wouldn't need the heavy stims to have success. This was before we knew that he has sperm issues, we had no idea his fragmentation was so bad we thought it might be egg quality or something. Ugh. Man looking back it is so annoying that we spent years without any sort of knowledge of what was happening.

Ok so sitting at cd 16 over here, still don't think I have ovulated, but I am a late ovulater anyways so could be any minute. Sex week is almost done, it has gone by super fast. If this cycle isn't success it is FET for us next month !!!! Ahhhhhh

How is everyone else doing?
Myshel so excited for you to do FET next month:happydance: Do you have exact dates yet?

Wish make sense to skip the clomid/femara option. Really hoping you get your bfp with the first round of IUI!
I should hopefully O this Friday. My body has been pretty regular with ovulation right on CD14 for the last year or so now that I have my pcos more under control. Doc only prescribed femera to "give me the best chance" each month since I do technically O on my own now and a trigger shot just so I know exactly when to BD. Although since OH and I are still in a fairly "new" relationship, we BD all the time anyway!
Mysh I hope you O soon if you haven't already! Fx for it April yet?!

Britta that is so great that you are Oing and have a regular cycle with PCOS. Are you managing it with diet or medication? Fx for you.

What I said before about clomid/femera being good if you're not ovulating, I just meant that for us, based on our age and crap sperm, doing injections to get as many targets as possible makes sense. Plus we both have good insurance so the expensive injectable drugs are covered. I think I might have asked to try oral meds first if I was 5 years younger.
Britta that is great you are ovulating! One last thing to worry about

I think I ovulated, my cm has dried up so that's that. Thinking I am in the tww now and feeling ready for this FET!! I honestly wish we never did the femera, it was such a waste but we just didn't pull the trigger. I wish we did IVF right away!
Had my scan today to check follicles. Didn't get any actual measurements but left one had one very large beautiful one and one slightly smaller one. No real good ones on the right side, just a bunch of small ones. But she said the the large one on my left was just "dandy"! Lol. She went ahead and gave me the trigger shot so lots of bding this weekend!
Hi girls! just got back from Disney! I'm exhausted I'll say that! 5 days at Disney and a day at Legoland was sooo much walking. I was crampy around CD13 so I'm assuming O was around there, I'm on CD20 and go in for my 21day progesterone test on Monday (so technically cd22 again) and we'll see what Clomid did! I guess that puts me at, 7dpoish but I'm trying not to pay much attention to that and I'm convincing myself to not test- unless AF is actually late, so 6 more days! haha

Hope everyone is doing great!
Welcome back darling! Glad you had a good time. I hope your progesterone comes back good! Fx the clomid did the trick!

I am also trying not to test before AF is around March 30. I didn't even think about it until today, so that's something!

I had a nice talk with my DH this morning. He met up with his parents at the cottage yesterday to do some maintenance (I didn't go). He finally told them we're seeing a fertility specialist and about our miscarriage last summer. I'm glad it's out in the open with his parents now. For the last 6 months I've felt like I had to 'put on a happy face' with them and pretend nothing is going on. So that's a bit of a relief. Unless they start asking a million questions...hopefully not. That will be worse than pretending everything is a-ok!
thanks wish and woo only 4 more days then :) Glad you were about to get some openness out there about the miscarriage and fertility treatments. I announced my pregnancy at 8 weeks so when I miscarried at 10weeks I ended up having to post about it, briefly. I actually tell everyone about my fertility treatments now only because after the miscarriage being known I HATE when friends and family stare at my belly like they are trying to evaluate if I'm secretly pregnant again. Because it's already been almost 7 months since the miscarriage, and most people, statistically, would've fallen pregnant again by now... So I always mention my impending fertility treatment to prevent that awkward conversation. Idk, I don't want pregnancy suspicions when I'm not, it makes me sad. Anyways keep us posted if you test early wish! :D
Darling I think it's great you are open about fertility treatments. And really, without knowing it, you are showing others who are suffering silently that they aren't alone, so I think it's amazing. :thumbup: glad you enjoyed Disney! We did too but man it wears you out! Only 5 more days until testing:happydance:

Wish glad he was able to tell his parents so you don't feel like you have to tiptoe around them. Hopefully they won't ask many questions! I hope the week passes quickly for you till test time!!

Britta hope you got lots of BD in this weekend :flower:

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