TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Thanks still! :D

So doctors office just called me today and my progesterone results were low. Only 5 this month. So she said when I get my period that I'll be upping my dosage to 100 on Clomid. So that was blow. :/ at least she's upping it.
We aren't really open about our treatments. We just tell them we are working on it and leave it at that. I do have a cousin I am a bit more open with but she is very much one that will call and ask about testing and other stuff, so with the last loss I just can't talk with her anymore. Like she was asking as I was miscarrying, so I just can't deal with it all. I suck.

Sorry your progesterone was so low. Hopefully more clomid with do the trick for you.

Af, waiting for April cycle. I am going crazy!!
Hi all...DH and I have been ttc for 1 full year. We've had 2 CPs - the first was in our 3rd month ttc and the second was last cycle on our 12th month. This last one was a lot harder emotionally. We are supposed to start IUI this cycle. I'm on cd10 and have taken clomid cd3-7 (did 3 rounds of clomid alone in the fall). Part of me feels like we should keep trying naturally...but then I think about how much time elapsed between my CPs with no bfp. I am starting progesterone suppositories after O this cycle either way. Anyone have a success story to share with ltttc/unexplained infertility/early loss?
Welcome Ask4Joy :hugs: I hope the IUI does the trick for you.

Myshel I don't think not being open about it means you suck lol Some people can and some people cant. That's just personal preference, no right or wrong :flower: you gotta do whats best for you! Af started for you?

Darling you're not out yet though! But glad your dose went up if you need another cycle.
Welcome Ask4Joy, wishing you luck! :)

Myshel, it's totally okay to not share with people, you gotta do what works for you! :)

Still- Thanks, I am just so discouraged because the nurse on the phone didn't say "If you aren't pregnant this cycle" like they normally do, and instead she just said "when you get your period" like it was a for sure thing that this cycle was a complete dud. :/

I'm starting a diet/exercise routine to see if I can drop a couple pounds and help increase my chances. It'll be a long road to get where I NEED to be, but every little bit helps and I'd like to at least start with the post miscarriage weight. Idk maybe depression, but I definitely picked up about 6-7lbs since then.
Thanks Darling & Still!

Darling - I gained 10-15 pounds over the last year ttc. I was definitely using food as comfort! I started weight watchers a couple months ago and have lost 12 pounds and finally got a BFP after nothing for 9 months (sadly it was a CP). I don't know if losing the extra pounds helped me get pregnant but I think it may have!
Ask- haha food is definitely a comfort- Top it with PCOS which makes gaining weight EASY and losing it HARD and add some back and hip problems.... Makes for a depression situation to get out of, but I'm going to try. Wish there was a magic solution to weight loss and that it would happen semi-instantly. :p
Ask, I'm so sorry to hear you had another CP. :hugs: I'm doing my first IUI in April, so we can be IUI buddies if you decide to go for it.

Myshel, you definitely don't suck for being private about this stuff! There are a few people in my life I sure wish I'd never told we were TTC.

Darling, that sucks your progesterone came back low, but didn't you say it was low when you conceived before on clomid? Still have my fx for you!

I've also gained weight in the last year. For me it's a combination of marriage, TTC, comfort eating after my loss, and an injury that kept me from exercising. I'm trying to follow the "Obesity Code" diet, starting small and changing one thing in my diet each week. Last week I did intermittent fasting (skipped breakfast), this week I'm also cutting out all added sugar. Next week I may cut out all refined carbs...that will be tough!
Thanks, Wish. I'd love to be IUI buddies. I'm pretty sure we are going to do it this cycle. Luckily I have a co-teacher and we are pretty close and I let her know that I might have to miss a day next week. My boss also knows and is very supportive (her daughter in law just had a successful IVF with my same doctor).

Marriage was definitely part of my weight gain. I started eating more like my husband (bigger quantities, more fat and red meat...he is slim though!) and the pounds added on quickly! Luckily they are coming off rather quickly with some dedication. 7 pounds until I'm at my goal weight which I haven't been at in 3-4 years!
AF showed her ugly face IUI here we come! Having a lot of mixed emotions about this, but I think it's the right decision for us and I really hope it works!
Ugh sorry to hear, Wish. I definitely have mixed feelings about IUI too but it seems like the next step. Are you taking clomid?
Thanks Ask. No clomid, I'll be doing injectables (gonal-f) with ovidrel trigger. I think the doctor recommended this because a) I'm 38 and b) DH's sperm kind of sucks. I really hope I respond well and get 2-3 follicles. I think they'll cancel the cycle if I have more than 4.
Sounds like a good plan, Wish. Injectables have a higher success rate (as I'm sure you know). If I don't get pregnant within 2-3 rounds of clomid + IUI I may ask my doctor about trying them before moving onto IVF, though my insurance pays for nothing so it might be more cost effective to just do IVF.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Blood draw tomorrow morning for me to confirm O. I'm fairly certain I did last Saturday. I've always been rubbish at charting and bbt tho so I'm never 100% sure. And I didn't do opks this cycle since I figured the trigger shot would mess those up anyway.
Fingers crossed for a good high number!
FX for your blood draw Britta!

Ask4joy is this your first cycle on clomid?

Wish sorry AF showed, but excited for you to try something new! When do you start?

Darling have you tested?

Hope you ladies are all doing well :flower:
Hi still, thanks! and yes I tested today (period day!) and it was a BFN- then 5 minutes after testing I started cramping really bad so AF is definitely on her way- I expect her to show tonight. Oh well, onto the next cycle. I'm happy to have my dose upped and look forward to seeing how much it helps me ovulate.
Sorry about the bfn :hugs: hopefully the higher dose is what you need!
Still - I did 3 rounds of clomid this past fall without IUI. This will be my first round of clomid + IUI. Feeling frustrated because I'm using clearblue advanced digital OPKs and still haven't even gotten a flashing smiley (only empty circles) and my wondfos have been showing nearly positive (but not positive) for the last 6 days.

Darling - so sorry about AF but sounds like you have a good plan for next cycle!

Britta - FX for good P levels!
Thanks Still :) I'm doing ok. Happy weekend everybody :)

Darling, so sorry for the BFN and AF seeming to be on her way...glad they're upping the dose for next month. I have a good feeling it's gonna work!

Britta, hope your progesterone levels come back awesome!

Ask, I wonder if your hormones could still be a little wonky after your CP? I know it was early, but it could still take a bit of time to settle down. Are you just supposed to call them when you opk turns positive to schedule your IUI?

So I went and picked up my meds today! The pharmacist showed me how to do the injections and everything. I start Sunday. Still trying to figure out how I am going to make myself jab myself with a needle. I'm sure I can do it...the first one will be the hardest (right?)
Good luck ask! And good luck with injectables, wish!

Af isn't here yet. But I'm sure she'll be here soon. It's a day late but with the negative yesterday I'm sure she's just taking her slow time. Sorta in a pissy mood today probably because it's April and I'm not pregnant :/

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