TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Sorry you're feeling bad today, Darling.'s April which means we have now officially been ttc for 1 full year. Sigh. Never imagined it would take this long.

On a positive note I finally got a flashing smiley today, corresponding with my temp drop. Should get a +OPK within the next few days then it's IUI time. Eek!

Wish - let us know how it goes with the injections! Wishing you lots of luck!
Ask4joy yay for pos opk soon! So this will be your first round of IUI? Sorry if you already said:blush: A year is a long time to try, I can't imagine how frustrating that must be :hugs:

Darling I'm sorry you're feeling down :hugs: really hopeful the higher dose will do the trick for you :thumbup:

Wish you got this girl! I imagine sticking yourself isn't the easiest thing to do, have you watched any videos on YouTube of others doing It? Sometimes seeing others do it is helpful. Fx you only have to do it one cycle!

Britta did you get your results back?
Thanks, still. Yes 1st IUI. We've had 2 CPs in the last year but fall into the unexplained infertility category now that it's been a year and no viable pregnancies. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time before we get our rainbow sticky baby and hoping clomid + IUI will speed it up. We aren't getting any younger and I always dreamed of 2-3 (DH already has 2 teenage boys but wants 2-4 more...he is one of 8 children!).
Still- not yet. Sadly my ob office works a little slowly when it comes to labs because they have to send them to the hospital to be tested. I'll probably find out on Monday. But I'm really feeling positive I at least Od. 7dpo today if I did so half way there!

Is any body else watching this Giraffe? I swear I heard she'd have that baby today but still nothing!
Britta, lol I hadn't heard about the giraffe but now you have me curious! I should tell my sister she LOVES giraffes. Hope the rest of your wait flies by!

Still, that's what I did on Friday night after my husband fell asleep on the couch: watched a ton of YouTube videos of women injecting themselves with gonal-f! I actually found a good series where the woman did gonal-f with IUI and got pregnant on the first try. So that was inspiring!

Darling, I feel you on April. I really hoped to be pregnant again by now. The woman at work with the due date a week after mine gave birth on Friday...I cried in the car when I read that email.

Ask, Glad to hear you got a flashing smiley, hope the peak comes soon! The one year mark is tough, especially as you say, when we're aren't getting any younger! We're in the same infertility isn't bad enough, loss makes it even harder. But you know what, the fact that we've both been able to conceive naturally before means our chances of having a successful pregnancy are really good! Adding drugs and IUI just makes those odds even better!
Wishn - look up April the Giraffe. She's at the Animal Adventure Park in New York. They've been doing a Live stream on her since the beginning of February because she's about to have a baby. It's super interesting to check on every once in a while.
Af came yesterday so we are officially in the April FET cycle! Base line is tomorrow

I have watched the giraffe in and off for the last few weeks. I thought it was going to happen the other night for sure, but Apparently not.

The one year mark is def hard

Sorry wishin. When I passed my due date I bawled.
Myshel sorry the witch got you but so excited for your FET!!!

Today was my due date....not an easy day but we're getting through it. I have successfully give myself two injections of Gonal-f! Much easier than I thought it would be. Grow, follicles, grow!

Oh Still I just remembered it's your birthday today! Happy Birthday!!! I hope your DH and girls spoiled you rotten. :)
Aww thank you <3 I got my hair done and dinner at a steakhouse :thumbup:
hey ladies, I've been gone for a while. had to take care of life (hubby got sick, then I got sick then hubby got sick again) anyways I wanted to say that I did my first ovulation test this cycle and got strong results Friday and Saturday then negative on Sunday. so we bded like crazy and now I'm in the two week wait and crossing my fingers! My birthday is the end of this month and I'm really hoping I get a BFP. I'm over halfway through an upcoming year mark for us on TTC and I am not there yet but already sympathize with those ladies, since I've had the 2 mcs while trying for the 7 months. I hope this is our lucky month ladies, I want to hear about many bfps from you all!
Ask and still- Thanks, I was hoping my bad moodiness would only be on the due date, not the whole month, but as soon as it was April I've just been emotional. Especially since I have a friend who was due around the same time and she had him this week, and then another one of my friends just announced she is 5 months pregnant, and she's only been with the new boyfriend for 6 months, so it sort of hit me hard too.

Myshel- Awesome for the FET cycle, good luck!

wish- I hope you grow some happy big healthy follicles! hehe :)

My due date is coming up in 3 days and I'm just bracing myself, I don't know what emotions are going to happen. But here's some, not necessarily good news, but out of limbo news, AF showed! Of course I'm sad. I was REALLLLLLLY hoping to be pregnant by April, and I was super optimistic about this cycle because I Ovulated on the spring equinox and it seemed just perfect! but anyway, it was 3 days late and all my tests were negative so I was just stuck in limbo and I'm so glad to be out of it. Clomid 100Mg dose this month, and I talked with my nurse to get my game plan sorted because I remembered the Dr. saying I can only do 3 months at a time, so I had to ask how LONG of a break, and it's only a month break, so that's fine. Then she said 3 more months of clomid and, if still nothing, they'd refer me to an RE, which I mean, I hope clomid will work, but it's nice knowing I have that as backup.

hope everyone is having a good day!
Thanks darling. So sorry that AF showed, but glad you're out of limbo and on to a higher dose of clomid! Since AF was 'late', do you think you O'd later than you thought? I hope the third time's a charm for you!

I'm thinking I might start temping and opk's tomorrow...even though I'm being monitored, stimulated, triggered AND inseminated this cycle (geeeez) I still kind of want to track what's going on. Yes, I am a control freak!
Wish- I'm not sure what to think honestly, the Dr said I didn't O this cycle because my progesterone was too low, but AF was still way earlier than my non clomid cycles, so I feel like I HAD to have ovulated enough for it to trigger my period, right?

Here's a conundrum though.... AF showed this morning. For one bathroom visit. then has disappeared the rest of the day... weird and now I'm confused. Usually AF is full force on day 1..I'm still counting it as AF/CD1 because it was red flow this morning, not spotty pink or anything. But it's definitely confusing me! lol
Darling I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. I'm sure come this September I'll be a mess. I really hope you get your BFP soon! What have you tried other than clomid? I know clomid thinned my lining out pretty bad. And that was with me doing every trick I could find on the Web to make it nice and fluffy. I have my fingers crossed that you will get your rainbow soon!

I called my obs office yesterday to get results for my progesterone level. I love these people, they've really been a shoulder for me though this whole mc/now back to ttc process, but they never give me actual numbers! All they would tell me is my level was "excellent." Don't get me wrong, that's great to hear, but I want actual numbers!

Anyway, I'll be testing this Friday so I'll let you guys know how it goes!
Britta- Thanks :) I took clomid to get my daughter about 3 years ago, it took 3 cycles. This time, we've only naturally tried and then 2 cycles of Clomid+Metformin. I also take Vitex, prenatals, and Myo-inositol. How did you know your lining was thinned? I am not monitored at all aside from a progesterone test at CD21, so I'm not sure how I'd know about the thinning.
Also, great news with excellent results, I totally understand the need for numbers though! and good luck with testing!
Darling after the first two months of clomid not working they monitored me for the third one and that's when they saw my lining was really thin.

Ok so some news for me. Kinda not believing it right now but I'll see what you ladies think. I took a test a couple of days ago, but in the afternoon to see if the trigger was still in my system. 4 hour hold at that point. It was 100% negative. Not even a hint of a line. Last night/ this morning I'm feeling pretty sick. Kinda like mini flu. Took a test with fmu and it was just so slightly bfp!

Do you think this is trigger rearing it's head at 11 dpo since test this was fmu and test two days ago was not?
Darling - take care of yourself this month and give yourself lots of TLC! :hugs: Hoping 100mg clomid does the trick for you!

Wish - I'm temping and using OPKs but I'm not being monitored. I actually really enjoyed not doing that last cycle. It was way less stressful!

Britta - that's encouraging! Hoping it's your BFP! Def test again!

AFM - STILL waiting for my +OPK to do IUI. On cd 18! On natural cycles I've never gotten a +opk past cd 16 or O'd past cd 18 but on my first round of clomid last September I didn't get a +OPK until cd 19 and O'd cd 20. If nothing by cd 20 I'm going to call my RE and request an ultrasound. I'm having MAJOR O pains today and if I didn't know better would swear I'm ovulating.
Well opk turned positive this eve so I'll probably be going in Friday morning for the IUI. Will call the office in the morning and get details. Nervous and excited!
Joy good luck on Friday!

Britta pic Please! Keeping my fx for you, have you tested again since??

Darling has AF picked up any? I hate when she plays mind games like that!

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