Ttc number 3 :)

Spunky - did you have morning sickness with dd & ds ?
Thanks ladies all of that information was so helpful! I can't wait to get started. I'm going to wait until the end of my period before I start.

I'd start srraight away becaude FF uses your cycle data for other cycles. It's pretty smart.
Gypsy- when do you plan to test ?! Looking at your chart layovers from this month and last month it's crazy to see how your body has dips and rises almost at the same time the past 2 months . The charts are so in sync ! However , it's looking better these past couple days than last month .. not such a big dip at 8dpo and a higher rise 9 & 10 dpo . Btw .. I think i had an implantation dip at 6dpo and got a super super super faint line on a wondfo that I had to hold in just the right light to see . Got a clear bfp 9dpo on wondfo and frer:) so I would think if you implanted 8 dpo you may have the same luck at 11dpo !
Cns how are you feeling now?

Spunky thanks I've had a temp spike earlier. I woke at midnight for an hour in a shock and grabbed my (.)(.) They felt like balloons literally!! Now they're just normal. It was weird! Still getting refluxy type smptoms and bloating too. Ive had symptoms very similar to this every cycle im quite scared of a BFN. I'll cry if AF turns up.

I've added you as a friend and will sign up to VIP next month if this isn't successful.

I'll try remind you to look at the positives too! So hard not to be depressed.
Cns they are quite in sync! I remember getting on the piss on last months dates around 6-7 dpo so didn't temp. Then we had that earthquake that caused the huge dip. I was giing to test tomorrow (Friday).
I'm feeling fine for now :) trying not to jinx it ! Lol. I started getting sick at 3.5-4 weeks with dd1 and 6 weeks with dd2
And I will be stalking tomorrow for hopefully a bfp !! :)
Thanks. I feel relatively normal today, apart from slight twinges downstairs. CP is still high and hard though which is a positive.

How is everyone going? I'm starting to feel hesitant about testing tomorrow now!
Good luck, Gypsy!!!

Will try to write more tomorrow. So tired atm. Had the trisomy screening today (blood test and ultrasound). Everything looks good. Very low risk. Doctor said adjusted risk is about that of a 20 year old woman. Aaaand though it's not 100% sure yet it looks like we're going to have a little boy. :)
cns: Thanks! I've taken to enjoy looking at charts lol Even if others can't help me make sense of mine, I feel like I learn from them at least (I know that sounds a little lame lol).

I didn't really have much of anything with them. DD I had a lot of nausea from about 6 weeks until 18 weeks, but much more mild after 12. Around 6 weeks I could barely get off the couch. With DS I had slight nausea, but not much. The only other symptoms I had with them were insomnia with DD the whole pregnancy (that was a nightmare), crying a lot the first week or two, and bloating / fullness with eating very little. Oh, and slight cramps with DD around 6 weeks.

Glad you're feeling pretty good right now!

Gypsy: Good luck this morning :hugs: Just remember, even if it's a bfn, you're still early and have plenty of time to get a bfp :hugs: Thinking of you! (in fact I keep checking google to see what time / date it is there since I know the time zones are extremely different so I can see how much more time until you test :blush: )

Oculi: How exciting! Glad everything is looking good and going well :hugs:
AFM, temp down a little this morning, but I expected it. I did an over lay with my chart with DD and, so far (anyway), it seems to be mimicking the same pattern (which really makes me think something just wasn't right and was off last month going by my post O temps and pattern).

And now for my vent...

So last night my jackass husband decided to pull the same crap that he's been pulling for years now. The kind where he'd say let ttc or would have a time frame in which we'd start, and then when it'd be brought up later, he'd say that it's not what he meant, that he doesn't remember saying that, or was just saying it to make me happy.

I really thought we were past that.

He told me more than once during the first half of the year that he didn't want any more. Which is why I got that stupid IUD in the first place. Then 3-ish weeks after the last time he said that at the beginning of July, he comes to me saying he wants to. I didn't believe him, knowing that this is his usual.

Didn't believe him. Wouldn't believe him. He persisted saying he really does want to ttc over the next month which lead me to getting my IUD out (which I was wanting out anyway as I didn't like it, but I had plans to go on nuva ring after).

Even after getting it out, I was reluctant to believe he wanted to and still planned on nuva ring after AF started. When AF started, he begged (BEGGED) me not to start the nuva ring, so I eventually caved.

After AF started last cycle, he agreed that we could just keep on trying. I flat out asked him he just meant one more cycle or if we'd just keep trying. He clarified that we'd just keep trying, not limiting it to one more.

So last night it came up about if we're not successful this month. And that's when he came out and said that he never said we could just keep on trying, that it was this cycle only. Which is a load of crap because I clarified with him what he meant back when we had this discussion a month ago so we wouldn't end up where we are right now. He said he doesn't remember saying that. I clarified for a reason. I wanted us on the same page so I didn't think we were going to keep trying and he only meant one cycle... which is what happened anyway.

He keeps going on and on about how we're trying because it's so important to me. That's not good enough. While I'd be thrilled to have more, and yeah, it IS important to me, but I'm not going to significantly change our kids lives and his life for something that's for me. I don't want to do this, as much as it'll kill me, if he's not all in. If he doesn't really want 1 or 2 more, then I'm not forcing that life altering decision on him.

It's not like I'm threatening to leave or anything. I just need time to adjust and accept that we're done having kids. If he'd just left things alone, I'd be a lot further on in my accepting that fact. I wasn't making it a big deal or anything. I was just doing what I had to do for me to find peace with the decision. And now I'm going to be back at square one with that.

So either way, this is likely my last cycle. If we were successful, then I'm just scared about how this is all going to go (I feel stupid for thinking he really wanted this). I honestly am feeling the dread of telling him if we are at this point. And if I'm not then I'll have some extra hpts and opks (I'll send them for free if anyone wants them!).

I'm just so angry with him. I wish he'd just been honest from the beginning. I wish he had just left things alone this summer. He did back track and say that we can continue trying, but I'm not doing it under the conditions of him doing it just because it's important to me. Not doing it. I don't want him resenting me for any other children we may have, and I don't want him resenting them because he didn't really want them in the first place.

Sorry for my tl;dr vent. I'm just absolutely miserable right now because I can't even enjoy it we were "successful", and I know how much of a pain it's going to be to have to start back at the beginning of finding peace with it all.
BFN :-(. Thought all these signs were too good to true. I'm going to give a specialist a call and see what the process is today. My AF pains are ramping up a lityke to although my temp is still quite high. I thought I saw a line at the start but it did a weird colour slidy thing as the control line came up.

Spunky I am so sorry your DH has done this. He sounds like mine. I repeat things with him because he doesn't listen then blames me for him not knowing. I understand what you mean about both being all in. This process has been more stressful than studying sometimes. Then having a DH that isn't into throws another spanner in.

Maybe another sit down with him clarifying things and writing it down.

Cry all you want if you need too. Thoughts are there xo
Just bought a lot of pg tests and o predictors which won't be here for a month. Hope although I get O pain this might pinpoint it more. I have this big feeling DH won't be into it now. This cycle had everything right :'(.
I'm sorry Gypsy :( You're still not out until AF shows though. It's still a great thing that your temps are up. Are your temps still pretty high up when start getting AF pains usually? 11 dpo is still pretty early. When is AF supposed to be due? I'm trying to hold onto some optimism for you as I know how hard it can be to be optimistic yourself :hugs: Regardless of the result, we're here for you :hugs:

And thanks. I've been pretty much crying on and off all day. Over a bunch of things. DH. Reading stuff on the internet. Netflix. I'm not sure how much is related to everything with DH or if today would have been just an emotional day anyway. 5dpo would be too early for it to be anything other than just being post-O though.

I have to go to DH's Christmas work dinner tonight. One of the workers from daycare is coming over to watch them for a few hours for us. The kids seem excited about that... well, DD anyway as I'm sure my 15 month old doesn't have the faintest lol

They have a cash bar. I'm debating on getting a drink or not. I have my last final early tomorrow morning and have to study when I get home, but I'm so tempted just to have something help de-stress a bit. If I don't tonight, I might tomorrow night after DH gets home from being out with his friends.
Having one drink shouldn't hurt and if helps you relax. Thanks spunky. Ive had AF pains a couple times before quite a few days before she is due. It may be too early, but I don't have high hopes anymore. My temp dropped really quickly before AF started last month so can't really count the high temps either. Hating this right now.
Gypsy, you're not out yet. Test again in a day or two. Fingers crossed!! XXX

Spunky, so sorry about your husband. It's really not fair of him to keep doing that and play mind games. In a way my hubby is like yours and Gypsy's. I keep on telling him stuff but he doesn't listen and then tells me I never mentioned it to him!! Like our first ultrasound appointment for instance. I sent him at least 3 sms reminders, wrote it into his phone's calendar, reminded him over and over again not to make plans for that day. And what did he do? He scheduled an appointment with a client on that day and then got angry at me for allegedly not telling him about the ultrasound appointment!! Like WTF!!? I think men's brains really work very differently from ours. Don't know what it is with them...!
Btw.. my parents are about to receive the parcel containing the pregnancy announcement. So scared! Lol!

Oh and if anyone is wondering about my PIL:
My FIL usually stops by my place a couple of times a week but ever since the quarrel he hasn't stopped by or texted much. So, we went to my IL's place the other day. FIL wasn't there so my MIL told me what happened. They live in a 3 bedroom apartment. There's a queen size bed in 2 of the rooms (master and another one) and a super single size one in the remaining bedroom. Before my MIL left, my MIL and SIL's daughter slept in the master bedroom, SIL and her son in the other room with a queen size bed and FIL in the 3rd room with the smallest bed.

When MIL left, FIL changed back to sleeping in the master bedroom. So, when they returned my SIL asked if he's going to change back to the smaller room and he said 'no!'. So, my SIL told him that she's disappointed. And then apparently all hell broke loose. FIL started yelling at SIL, in front of the 2 kids who were scared to death, threw things around, spat on the floor several times and essentially told her to take her kids and move out! He apparently also told MIL that he wanted a divorce. The yelling and throwing around things went on for about an hour. Now SIL is looking at apartments. Don't think he's ever going to see his 2 grandchildren again after they move out. He screwed up for good this time.

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