ttc number 5


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hi, I have now been ttc for 9 months.
I was due my period 2 days ago but no sign of it yet and am getting negative tests so am expecting period is just going to be late.
This might be number 5 for me but its still just as exciting and frustrating as it would have been with 1st!
Hi mummyto! We're TTC number 3 and yeah, it's the same level of emotional every time lol. GL and baby :dust: !
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx

Do you get people making comments and looking down their nose at you? It took me a long time to decide on another purely because I was worried what people would think but hubby kept saying its nothing to do with what others think, it's our choice.
I still have days when I think what will people say!
Good luck with number 6 x
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx

Do you get people making comments and looking down their nose at you? It took me a long time to decide on another purely because I was worried what people would think but hubby kept saying its nothing to do with what others think, it's our choice.
I still have days when I think what will people say!
Good luck with number 6 x

Hi hun. Yes all the time. I am worried about what others will say as i am quite sensitive but hubby said at the end of the day he works full time, we are paying out full rent for a private 4 bed so there is enough space for everyone, we pay all our own bills and our kids have everything you could imagine. So why shouldn't we. People can be cruel best to ignore and just think of all the love your new arrival will get. Xx
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx

Do you get people making comments and looking down their nose at you? It took me a long time to decide on another purely because I was worried what people would think but hubby kept saying its nothing to do with what others think, it's our choice.
I still have days when I think what will people say!
Good luck with number 6 x

Hi hun. Yes all the time. I am worried about what others will say as i am quite sensitive but hubby said at the end of the day he works full time, we are paying out full rent for a private 4 bed so there is enough space for everyone, we pay all our own bills and our kids have everything you could imagine. So why shouldn't we. People can be cruel best to ignore and just think of all the love your new arrival will get. Xx

I am also quite sensitive. We are the same (but our house is 3 bed not 4 bed but its very big so still plenty of room) but it's me that works full time as hubby lost his job and instead of us both sitting at home on benefits while he finds something else I went to work, bit of a shock to the system as I had not worked for 12 years! But a year on we are both enjoying our new rolls, hubby loves being a stay at home dad and is really good at it and I am enjoying being at work.
We have decided to stay doing what we are doing for the time being. Sorry went off subject a bit there!
But my point is, I think people stereotype too much and think people with larger families are scroungers and what worries me is that people will think that of us x
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx

Do you get people making comments and looking down their nose at you? It took me a long time to decide on another purely because I was worried what people would think but hubby kept saying its nothing to do with what others think, it's our choice.
I still have days when I think what will people say!
Good luck with number 6 x

Hi hun. Yes all the time. I am worried about what others will say as i am quite sensitive but hubby said at the end of the day he works full time, we are paying out full rent for a private 4 bed so there is enough space for everyone, we pay all our own bills and our kids have everything you could imagine. So why shouldn't we. People can be cruel best to ignore and just think of all the love your new arrival will get. Xx

I am also quite sensitive. We are the same (but our house is 3 bed not 4 bed but its very big so still plenty of room) but it's me that works full time as hubby lost his job and instead of us both sitting at home on benefits while he finds something else I went to work, bit of a shock to the system as I had not worked for 12 years! But a year on we are both enjoying our new rolls, hubby loves being a stay at home dad and is really good at it and I am enjoying being at work.
We have decided to stay doing what we are doing for the time being. Sorry went off subject a bit there!
But my point is, I think people stereotype too much and think people with larger families are scroungers and what worries me is that people will think that of us x

No worries hun. At least you can hold your head up and say that when times got tough you stepped in to support your family. Xx

I told the hubby that I am nervous when it comes to announcing it on facebook ( which i usually do with a scan photo at 12 weeks) as I know people will think we are doing it for the money or some rubbish like that but we do alright financially. Were not rich by no means but we survive okay. The thing that hirts is knowing a couple of my family members will judge me. My sister is planning her 2nd and last time she announced she was pregnant with her 1st 3 months later I announced I was expecting my 5th and even though everyone knew we were trying she still wasnt happy. I am worried we could end up pregnant together again and she might not be happy again. Xx
I too am or going to be TTC again in May for #5. I also have four boys. Are trying for a girl??

My mother thinks that we 'cannot afford' another child. Well we can afford another child, we aren't well off but we are very comfortable. Plus it isn't anyones decision but our own to have another. Three of my older boys are with my past husband and one with my current. I would love to have a girl, and I have a strong feeling that she is here with me now.
Hi we are just starting to ttc baby no 6. Good luck to you hun. Xx

Do you get people making comments and looking down their nose at you? It took me a long time to decide on another purely because I was worried what people would think but hubby kept saying its nothing to do with what others think, it's our choice.
I still have days when I think what will people say!
Good luck with number 6 x

Hi hun. Yes all the time. I am worried about what others will say as i am quite sensitive but hubby said at the end of the day he works full time, we are paying out full rent for a private 4 bed so there is enough space for everyone, we pay all our own bills and our kids have everything you could imagine. So why shouldn't we. People can be cruel best to ignore and just think of all the love your new arrival will get. Xx

I am also quite sensitive. We are the same (but our house is 3 bed not 4 bed but its very big so still plenty of room) but it's me that works full time as hubby lost his job and instead of us both sitting at home on benefits while he finds something else I went to work, bit of a shock to the system as I had not worked for 12 years! But a year on we are both enjoying our new rolls, hubby loves being a stay at home dad and is really good at it and I am enjoying being at work.
We have decided to stay doing what we are doing for the time being. Sorry went off subject a bit there!
But my point is, I think people stereotype too much and think people with larger families are scroungers and what worries me is that people will think that of us x

No worries hun. At least you can hold your head up and say that when times got tough you stepped in to support your family. Xx

I told the hubby that I am nervous when it comes to announcing it on facebook ( which i usually do with a scan photo at 12 weeks) as I know people will think we are doing it for the money or some rubbish like that but we do alright financially. Were not rich by no means but we survive okay. The thing that hirts is knowing a couple of my family members will judge me. My sister is planning her 2nd and last time she announced she was pregnant with her 1st 3 months later I announced I was expecting my 5th and even though everyone knew we were trying she still wasnt happy. I am worried we could end up pregnant together again and she might not be happy again. Xx

It's sad when it's family that judge you more than strangers as they should be supportive no matter what. It's family that I am more worried about, even tho those I am close to know we are ttc I know some will still force a congratulations smile when it comes to it.
We do ok finacially as well, not loaded but do ok. The kids always have treats, are smartly dressed and do not go without x
I too am or going to be TTC again in May for #5. I also have four boys. Are trying for a girl??

My mother thinks that we 'cannot afford' another child. Well we can afford another child, we aren't well off but we are very comfortable. Plus it isn't anyones decision but our own to have another. Three of my older boys are with my past husband and one with my current. I would love to have a girl, and I have a strong feeling that she is here with me now.

oh wow, someone else in the same boat as me!! I would love a girl, will not deny that, would be over the moon and yes a dream come true.
We have tried the whole conceiving a girl thing but think that's what is taking me so long to fall pregnant. But if I had another boy I would not resent it, would still love it like I love all my boys but not sure if i'd have some slight diasapointment there or not, what about you? How old are your boys?
I think if people waited until they could "afford" another child they would be waiting for years, if you feel the time is right go for it, money should not be the be all and end all x
mummyto4boys I agree about the money thing. I am not sure or not if I am going to be disappointed or not. Though I know 100% I will love the child I have. Though if we do end being bless with another boy let me tell you I am done!! I have dreamt of having little girl since I have been young. I have been told by a few that a girl is with me now, just not sure if a girl is in my cards for me or not, I am trying to trust my intuition. Though I did give permission to my angels that if I was going to have a girl let her come. I am leaving it up to them. If she doesn't then I am not meant to have this little girl, though I am not sure why but it is strong that I am... Only time will tell I guess.

My boys are 10.10 yrs, 9.6 yrs, 6.6 yrs, and 3.4 yrs. My 10 yr old always likes to remind me how close his birthday is LOL Yours?
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx
mummyto4boys I agree about the money thing. I am not sure or not if I am going to be disappointed or not. Though I know 100% I will love the child I have. Though if we do end being bless with another boy let me tell you I am done!! I have dreamt of having little girl since I have been young. I have been told by a few that a girl is with me now, just not sure if a girl is in my cards for me or not, I am trying to trust my intuition. Though I did give permission to my angels that if I was going to have a girl let her come. I am leaving it up to them. If she doesn't then I am not meant to have this little girl, though I am not sure why but it is strong that I am... Only time will tell I guess.

My boys are 10.10 yrs, 9.6 yrs, 6.6 yrs, and 3.4 yrs. My 10 yr old always likes to remind me how close his birthday is LOL Yours?

I have also dreamt of a daughter since I was a little girl, one of my reasons being my mum left me when I was 8 so I have never had a mother/daughter relationship with her so would love my own little girl to giver her what my mum never gave me.
I think my 1st mc was a girl, I have always felt that and have been told I have a little girl with me.
My boys are 12.3 years, 10.6 years, 3.8 years and 1.6 years.
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx
It is nice, I agree. Looking forward to it too x
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx

#6 hey? Well I am not sure if I could do that! Though I wouldnt trade my life for anything!! You have a mix of girls and boys? and what are their ages?
mommyto4boys are you trying to sway in anyway to get your girl? Like the diet or the gender calendar? I bought the gender calendar for chit and giggles, and when I did and did a silent prayer to my angels that if I am to have this girl in my life to show in may (now I didn't know when for sure, just a ruff idea, when I would be fertile in May just so soon after a loss) during the weekend we were planning our TTC celebration trip to be a girl week..... sure as chit it was!! I almost lost my mind, what would be the odds, really! So many women that have done the calendar aren't even on par with their fertile days and their girl or boy days. So I feel this is a strong signal that it is time for her to come into my life. I love that you are on the same page as I am!! REally cool.
It's so great to see ladies who have or want big families. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are about to start trying for #9...#6 in the house, the other 3 grown up already.

I know what ya mean about rude comments from others. We decided a long time ago it's none of their business. If our kids are taken care of, why should they care?

Good luck and baby dust to all of you!
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx

#6 hey? Well I am not sure if I could do that! Though I wouldnt trade my life for anything!! You have a mix of girls and boys? and what are their ages?

Hi there. Yes I have a boy 12 then 3 girls 9, 8 and 4 then little man 1. I would have loved to have them closer in age but ttc no 4 took 2 and a half years and then ttc no 5 took 2 years 3 months. So not expecting a quick bfp but if it would like to come quickly then brilliant. Xx
hi im currently trying for baby num 4 i have 3 boys would luv a lil girl i was worrid what people would think but my need for another child shot that out of water lol its not up to others how you live your life so we have gone for it : ) good luck ladies
mommyto4boys are you trying to sway in anyway to get your girl? Like the diet or the gender calendar? I bought the gender calendar for chit and giggles, and when I did and did a silent prayer to my angels that if I am to have this girl in my life to show in may (now I didn't know when for sure, just a ruff idea, when I would be fertile in May just so soon after a loss) during the weekend we were planning our TTC celebration trip to be a girl week..... sure as chit it was!! I almost lost my mind, what would be the odds, really! So many women that have done the calendar aren't even on par with their fertile days and their girl or boy days. So I feel this is a strong signal that it is time for her to come into my life. I love that you are on the same page as I am!! REally cool.

Well I have been doing the apparently tried and tested way! They say to conceive a girl you need to DTD from last day of AF every day but stop as soon as you ovulate you need to stop having unprotected sex. So I use an app on my mob which says when I should ovulate, I use ovulating sticks and I know myself when i'm going to ovulate. I have been doing this since I started ttc.

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