ttc number 5

It's so great to see ladies who have or want big families. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are about to start trying for #9...#6 in the house, the other 3 grown up already.

I know what ya mean about rude comments from others. We decided a long time ago it's none of their business. If our kids are taken care of, why should they care?

Good luck and baby dust to all of you!
Wow that is fantastic. Good for you, I need to start thinking a little bit like you!
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx

#6 hey? Well I am not sure if I could do that! Though I wouldnt trade my life for anything!! You have a mix of girls and boys? and what are their ages?

Hi there. Yes I have a boy 12 then 3 girls 9, 8 and 4 then little man 1. I would have loved to have them closer in age but ttc no 4 took 2 and a half years and then ttc no 5 took 2 years 3 months. So not expecting a quick bfp but if it would like to come quickly then brilliant. Xx

Your 2 boys are the same age as 2 of mine. I have 2 close together then a 7 year age gap then 2 little ones close together.
I hope it is quicker for you this time x
hi im currently trying for baby num 4 i have 3 boys would luv a lil girl i was worrid what people would think but my need for another child shot that out of water lol its not up to others how you live your life so we have gone for it : ) good luck ladies
Good luck to you as well x
Its nice to see other large families on here isn't it such a blessing. Sooo looking forward to taking this journey with you guys. Xx

#6 hey? Well I am not sure if I could do that! Though I wouldnt trade my life for anything!! You have a mix of girls and boys? and what are their ages?

Hi there. Yes I have a boy 12 then 3 girls 9, 8 and 4 then little man 1. I would have loved to have them closer in age but ttc no 4 took 2 and a half years and then ttc no 5 took 2 years 3 months. So not expecting a quick bfp but if it would like to come quickly then brilliant. Xx

Your 2 boys are the same age as 2 of mine. I have 2 close together then a 7 year age gap then 2 little ones close together.
I hope it is quicker for you this time x

Cheers hunni. I hope it does decide to happen quicker this time too. xxx
Welcome sfish You have a wonderful attitude about TTC. Best wishes!! :dust:

lesh07 Sounds like you have a beautiful family there, a nice mix of both!! I sure hope it doesn't take too long for you to conceive this time around!! Ask your angels to help you out... oh and do a green candle magic :winkwink: I have heard it works every time. I am doing the same!!

mommyto4boys We have to wonder why we only received boys. What I have read so far is to conceive a girl we need to have sex after we O not before. Having sex before we O we have a higher chance of getting a boy.... Which would make sense, because before I was temping I thought that I O when I would have alot of EWCM and I actually get that 3-4 days before I O. Also read some where that having a lower caloric diet can trigger a female, some thing to do with mother natures natural selection.... but I think we have evolved too much for that to be completely true. I got the calendar from selenas method. Something more to do with the positive and negative pulls to the earth.... more a scientific way of looking at things!! I don't know it is worth a try.

I am so glad I found you ladies, it is nice to talk to you that have already been down this road a few times (though I did have three beautiful surprises, :blush: so technically this is only the second time TTC)

So questions for you: (for a little fun to pass the time)

1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked :haha:)

4. With any did you gain too much weight?

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?

8. Any complications with delivery?

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish ;))
So questions for you: (for a little fun to pass the time)

1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.
With my first I had no complaints! No ms nothing! I felt great, other then his feet in my ribs, it was a pretty simple PG. All the rest I had to avoid certain prenatals because of crazy ms, of course I was more tired, and ligament pain was nuts, specially with my 2nd!!

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?
The only two interesting cravings I had was with my first I had to have crackers and salsa, all the time!! With my fourth I loved going to DQ and having their ice-cream and onion rings! (not mix together but always side by side!!)

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked )
My third and fourth were the worst. Those ones I even had to buy toys just to get enough cause I wore my men out. (my first three are with my past husband)

4. With any did you gain too much weight?
With my third and fourth I gained the most!! Though the third I think tops it! I ended up in a size 12 after, when I am normally a size 6.....

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?
With my second he sat on my ureters so I started in labour at 31 weeks, and then he sat on my bladder as well so I couldn't empty it. Had an amnyo at 37 weeks next day he was OUT!! LOL My third well that was a nightmare!! I was found to have very high anti bodies that could affect the baby, well we had to fly to another province for inutero transfusions three times before he was born. Every day they would say don't get your hopes up cause it is very likely that he won't survive. I had an amazing Dr. and my little one amazed everyone and was a true miracle baby!!

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?
To be honest I can't tell you for sure :blush: What I can tell you is that my body has problems getting into labour. I stalled out with my last. Two were induced and two were natural, but both needed help to get it moving!!

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?
I had an epidural with all mine. Tried not to have it with my fourth but since they had to give me the drip it went so fast and painful I asked for it, but it was too late. As I sat up the baby moved down and ready to go!!

8. Any complications with delivery?
Only with my second, the cord was wrapped around him and he was all blue!

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?
My OH's weren't much of anything!! My current OH wanted to be there for me but he had a concusion so he was barely awake during the whole thing LOL

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish )
I was done having children until there was synchronisty with everyone all of the sudden saying I am going to have girl, and that there was a girl with me finally. The out of no where my body started to change (I was drying up :blush:) and I started to hear things and see things. So I was convinced and so is my OH!! So we are trying for this little being that is with us now!!
Hi, just got in from work, just popping on quick, your questions look fun, will go through them tomorrow to give me something to do before work :kiss:
Welcome sfish You have a wonderful attitude about TTC. Best wishes!! :dust:

lesh07 Sounds like you have a beautiful family there, a nice mix of both!! I sure hope it doesn't take too long for you to conceive this time around!! Ask your angels to help you out... oh and do a green candle magic :winkwink: I have heard it works every time. I am doing the same!!

mommyto4boys We have to wonder why we only received boys. What I have read so far is to conceive a girl we need to have sex after we O not before. Having sex before we O we have a higher chance of getting a boy.... Which would make sense, because before I was temping I thought that I O when I would have alot of EWCM and I actually get that 3-4 days before I O. Also read some where that having a lower caloric diet can trigger a female, some thing to do with mother natures natural selection.... but I think we have evolved too much for that to be completely true. I got the calendar from selenas method. Something more to do with the positive and negative pulls to the earth.... more a scientific way of looking at things!! I don't know it is worth a try.

I am so glad I found you ladies, it is nice to talk to you that have already been down this road a few times (though I did have three beautiful surprises, :blush: so technically this is only the second time TTC)

So questions for you: (for a little fun to pass the time)

1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked :haha:)

4. With any did you gain too much weight?

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?

8. Any complications with delivery?

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish ;))

Hi there.

1. Yes all mine were fairly similar, Had a few bleeding issues with last baba but he came out 12 days early and was healthy.

2.With my 3rd baby I had a major thing for gherkins and I have always craved ice with all of mine.

3.My 2nd pregnancy, I just couldn't get enough, LOL. :haha:

4. Believe it or not i am only 7st 2oz normally and with my 3rd I went up to 10 stone 2oz and yet she was my lightest baby!! Lol. :shrug:

5. Yes the bleeding which I had a 2 night stay in hospital so they could check baba wasn't going to arrive early as the bleed was at 25 weeks.

6. Longest was my 1st 44 hours and shortest was my last baba at 4.45mins.

7. With my 1st and 2nd I had gas and air and pethidine and with my other 3 just gas and air. So I did okay. Lol.

8. After my 1st my placenta got stuck inside so after an hour of hoping it would come out I ended up in surgery to have it removed manually.

9. My Oh has been very supportive throughout all of them. :kiss:

10. I love having babies, Love doing everything for someone else and I never ever feel lonely with all my LO's around me. I also know there will always be someone to love me. :winkwink:

Lesh. xxx
Morning! Right here goes...

1. My 1st was very different from the others, had complications and lots of hospital stays.

2. I have never really had proper cravings with any of them, but I will al of a sudden fancy something and will have to eat it, like slices of lemon! But once i'd eaten it I would rarely want it again.

3. All of them! I am most of the time though anyway so no change there!

4. I have not put on any weight with any of my pregnancies. I stayed the same with my 2 older boys, with 3rd I had lost a stone by my due date and 4th I had lost 2 stone by due date. Pregnancy seems to be the best diet for me!!

5. Yes with 1st, my back waters went at 27 weeks, I had pre eclampsia and from 27 weeks was in hospital near enough every night until they induced me. They would let me home if I promised to have bed rest and get BP checked the next day by GP but I would always be sent straight back the next day :(

6. my 1st was 18 hours, 2nd 4 hours, 3rd 1 hour 45 mins, 4th 1 hour 29 mins. so 1st longest 4th shortest.

7. 1st epidural but they let it wear off for me to push baby out myself. the other 3 were all just on gas and air.

8. 2nd small complication, I was 6cm dilated and wanted to push, they said I didnt as was only 6cm, I was screaming I need to push, they pulled back the blanket just as I gave 1 push and baby flew out! My body went into shock, they pressed the emergency buzzer and loads of people all came running into the room, they were not telling me what was happening but heard theatre being mentioned so I started to panic. They managed to slow the bleeding but I was a few mins away from being rushed into theatre.

9. My older 2 boys were with my ex, he was a waste of space, luckily I had 1 sister there with my eldest and another sister there with next son as they were my support. He was there but might as well not have been.
With my 2 little ones my husband was amazing. He was supportive from day 1, was amazing when I was in labour. Could not have been any better.

10. I love being pregnant, I love giving birth, I love being a mum and have always wanted a large family and feel out of everything I have done in my life being a mum is what i've been best at so want to do it again.
It's not to try and get a girl like lots of people think!
Hi Ladies :wave::wave:

Lovely to hear stories from other larger families - I have not told anyone we are ttc due to worrying about negativity :nope:

And its only number 5; not like 16 or something :haha:

My age makes me a target for ppl looking at me badly - going to be 40 this year too. (I am a young 40 -honest!! Always get mistaken for my DD (18yo) sister when we are out; although of course, it could just be they think I am a MUCH older sister :haha::haha:)

I have 1 DD, 3 DS's and admit would love another little girly this time too (but will be delighted with just a healthy bubba) - I increased my calcium, vitamin D intake and dropped my caffeine intake, but to be honest my DH drinks copious amounts of coffee every day so I reckon we'll have another boy lmao. And worried too much about missing the egg altogether to limit our BD-ing to alleged girl times haha (totally hopeless swayer here haha)

Anyway hope no-one minds me popping in, will come back later to do the quiz; if that's okay??

Hi Ladies :wave::wave:

Lovely to hear stories from other larger families - I have not told anyone we are ttc due to worrying about negativity :nope:

And its only number 5; not like 16 or something :haha:

My age makes me a target for ppl looking at me badly - going to be 40 this year too. (I am a young 40 -honest!! Always get mistaken for my DD (18yo) sister when we are out; although of course, it could just be they think I am a MUCH older sister :haha::haha:)

I have 1 DD, 3 DS's and admit would love another little girly this time too (but will be delighted with just a healthy bubba) - I increased my calcium, vitamin D intake and dropped my caffeine intake, but to be honest my DH drinks copious amounts of coffee every day so I reckon we'll have another boy lmao. And worried too much about missing the egg altogether to limit our BD-ing to alleged girl times haha (totally hopeless swayer here haha)

Anyway hope no-one minds me popping in, will come back later to do the quiz; if that's okay??


Welcome to the large happy family group LOL Glad to have you a board!! :hugs: You are good to do the questions when you get a chance!! it is just for fun!!
Hi Ladies :wave::wave:

Lovely to hear stories from other larger families - I have not told anyone we are ttc due to worrying about negativity :nope:

And its only number 5; not like 16 or something :haha:

My age makes me a target for ppl looking at me badly - going to be 40 this year too. (I am a young 40 -honest!! Always get mistaken for my DD (18yo) sister when we are out; although of course, it could just be they think I am a MUCH older sister :haha::haha:)

I have 1 DD, 3 DS's and admit would love another little girly this time too (but will be delighted with just a healthy bubba) - I increased my calcium, vitamin D intake and dropped my caffeine intake, but to be honest my DH drinks copious amounts of coffee every day so I reckon we'll have another boy lmao. And worried too much about missing the egg altogether to limit our BD-ing to alleged girl times haha (totally hopeless swayer here haha)

Anyway hope no-one minds me popping in, will come back later to do the quiz; if that's okay??


Welcome hun. Hope you get your bfp soon. Xxx
Hi Ladies :wave::wave:

Lovely to hear stories from other larger families - I have not told anyone we are ttc due to worrying about negativity :nope:

And its only number 5; not like 16 or something :haha:

My age makes me a target for ppl looking at me badly - going to be 40 this year too. (I am a young 40 -honest!! Always get mistaken for my DD (18yo) sister when we are out; although of course, it could just be they think I am a MUCH older sister :haha::haha:)

I have 1 DD, 3 DS's and admit would love another little girly this time too (but will be delighted with just a healthy bubba) - I increased my calcium, vitamin D intake and dropped my caffeine intake, but to be honest my DH drinks copious amounts of coffee every day so I reckon we'll have another boy lmao. And worried too much about missing the egg altogether to limit our BD-ing to alleged girl times haha (totally hopeless swayer here haha)

Anyway hope no-one minds me popping in, will come back later to do the quiz; if that's okay??

Hi, I am also an older mummy, I am 36 this year. My hubby is 10 years older than me, we were going to wait 5 years before ttc again then one day I said oh shit, we had better not leave it too long, I will be 40 which is fine but he will be 50! That made us think even more now is the right time for us.
Looking forward to reading your answers to the quiz x
Welcome wannabubba! I will be 40 this year too. DH just turned 51.

We don't tell anyone we're TTC either. No reason to hear the negativity when you're trying. And it's much easier to tell them to kiss your foot when you're already pregnant or holding your baby, at least for me anyway.

I'm hoping to get time to do the quiz soon. Work has been crazy this past couple weeks.

We have a DD 31, DD 29, DS 20, DD 17, DS 14, DD 10, DS 10, DS 4, just the last 5 still at home.

We get to start trying as soon as AF comes and goes. I've been taking prenatals, fish oil, coQ10, and calcium for the past 3 months. DH has been taking his usual vitamins, fish oil and coQ10.

Coffee/caffeine sways for boys??

So happy to have all of you to talk to this time around! It can be so hard to find others who understand or feel the same way we do. Wishing all of us a :bfp: really soon!
Welcome wannabubba! I will be 40 this year too. DH just turned 51.

We don't tell anyone we're TTC either. No reason to hear the negativity when you're trying. And it's much easier to tell them to kiss your foot when you're already pregnant or holding your baby, at least for me anyway.

I'm hoping to get time to do the quiz soon. Work has been crazy this past couple weeks.

We have a DD 31, DD 29, DS 20, DD 17, DS 14, DD 10, DS 10, DS 4, just the last 5 still at home.

We get to start trying as soon as AF comes and goes. I've been taking prenatals, fish oil, coQ10, and calcium for the past 3 months. DH has been taking his usual vitamins, fish oil and coQ10.

Coffee/caffeine sways for boys??

So happy to have all of you to talk to this time around! It can be so hard to find others who understand or feel the same way we do. Wishing all of us a :bfp: really soon!

Hi, going off subject here but do you get people comment about the age gap? We sometimes do but more so now we are ttc, as people like to point out how old hubby is!! Which really annoys me and for this reason I wish id not told people we are ttc.
I have not heard the coffee thing before, I drink coffee but hubby does not drink any hot drinks.
I am so happy we are all in the same boat as well! It's so nice to talk to others without being judged x
Hi ladies -thanks for all the nice friendly welcomes xxx

Well from what I have read -caffeine (along with lots of other things) changes the PH in the semen department (CM too, I gave up coffee and started drinking decaf tea) which although does not lead to better conditions for male swimmers; doesn't help the female swimmers - I have a naturally higher than normal PH in my lady bits too so tried telling DH that his drinking 10 cups of coffee a day was not going to help get us our girl lol -to be honest I did look into douches and other girl sway stuff, but decided that a healthy bubba was much more important so like I said , terrible swayer haha

I as of today am symptomless lol -think maybe lots of my symptoms were psychosomatic (wishful thinking in overdrive haha)

Oh well, just wish I hadn't mentioned every possible sign n symptom to my poor hubby who has his hopes up now :(

As for the age gap thing - I don't think 10/11 years is a huge gap, especially when the man is older. My sis is in a relationship with a man 10year her junior, and mentally and physically they get on perfectly but if they were to decide to try to conceive any more babies then her fertility would be more of an issue than an older mans would be. Once we are adults, then age really is only a number -I have friends my age who act like pensioners (but thinking back they always did act older than their years lmao) and others who still think they are in their teens lol - I feel young at heart, and cannot imagine feeling much different in 10 years or 20 lol:haha::haha:
:dust::dust: to all
Off to do the quiz now lol
Welcome wannabubba! I will be 40 this year too. DH just turned 51.

We don't tell anyone we're TTC either. No reason to hear the negativity when you're trying. And it's much easier to tell them to kiss your foot when you're already pregnant or holding your baby, at least for me anyway.

I'm hoping to get time to do the quiz soon. Work has been crazy this past couple weeks.

We have a DD 31, DD 29, DS 20, DD 17, DS 14, DD 10, DS 10, DS 4, just the last 5 still at home.

We get to start trying as soon as AF comes and goes. I've been taking prenatals, fish oil, coQ10, and calcium for the past 3 months. DH has been taking his usual vitamins, fish oil and coQ10.

Coffee/caffeine sways for boys??

So happy to have all of you to talk to this time around! It can be so hard to find others who understand or feel the same way we do. Wishing all of us a :bfp: really soon!

Hi, going off subject here but do you get people comment about the age gap? We sometimes do but more so now we are ttc, as people like to point out how old hubby is!! Which really annoys me and for this reason I wish id not told people we are ttc.
I have not heard the coffee thing before, I drink coffee but hubby does not drink any hot drinks.
I am so happy we are all in the same boat as well! It's so nice to talk to others without being judged x

Hi there I drink loads of coffee but OH doesn't, Although he does like his diet coke so maybe the caffeine in that will give me another boy. Lol. But I honestly am not bothered by either gender as after having 3 girls in a row and then finally having a little boy I am happy to have either a girl or boy.

Good luck to all of us. Hope we will all be in the bfp announcements section soon. xxxx
1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.
All bump with first preg, with DD; then HUGE all around weight gain with all my boys. Severe symphis pubis dysfunction with number 4 (hoping to not be as bad this time)

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?

No crazy ones, chocolate, especially millionaires shortbread with the boys (hence the massive weight gain probably lol)

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked :haha:)

At the beginning with them all, really horny -must be that increase in blood supply :blush::blush:

4. With any did you gain too much weight?

DS3 -Last pregnancy -spd = lots of immobility, I was on crutches since week 16 and got very large lol -put on 4 stone

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?

Apart from mild MS and horrid SPD; except with #2 I had a high risk blood test for Down Syndrome and had an amniocentesis (think it was 1:26, which considering I was only 24 was worrying)

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?
#1 Labour - 20+hrs (horrid experience -horrible bullying midwife and me absolutely terrified and hallucinating from pethidine lol)
#2 -8hrs -good
#3 -2hrs -perfect 'popped out' lol -every labour should be like this
#4 -Induced 2 hrs - 'almost' put me off EVER doing it again!!

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?
pethidine and Entenox with #1; then Entenox only last 3

8. Any complications with delivery?
#4 baby heart rate decelerated , meconium present; Room full of 10 staff, paeds, nurses resus team - scary!! Someone screaming 'get a theatre ready!!Page the theatre staff' ended up in lithotomy position legs in stirrups with non medicated forceps delivery :( :nope::nope: Not good with spd, could not walk for about 12 hrs afterwards (with the ward midwifes saying 'you have ONLY had a baby!! Despite arriving earlier in the day on crutches :dohh:)

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?

DH only -very supportive

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish ;)

I want my DS3 (#4 baby) to have a close sibling (I originally planned to have #4 and #5 back to back pregnancies but after the spd and horrible delivery it didn't work out that way lol DH still cannot believe I am willing to go thru it again lol -will probably totally panic when it does happen )-I worry that when my other three all leave home; DS3 will be alone. My eldest has already left for college and DS1 is 16 this year, so another couple of years and he will be away too. By which time DS2 will be in his teens and wont want to be bothered too much with a 5year old sibling lol. I also love the idea of being pregnant once more, the excitement of finding out, going for scans and feeling the baby kick and hiccup and hearing the heartbeat and watching him move on sonogram and the newborn stage, the breastfeeding the closeness and that baby smell :) :cloud9::cloud9:

xxx :hugs:
I love reading everyones questions! A great way to know each other a little bit more. :flower:

As for the age thing. With my first marriage, my DH was 9 years my senior. He thought I was in my thirties or closer to it, a first for me since most people think I am in my mid twenties LOL, and I thought him to be only in mid/late twenties. So I agree age really doesn't really mean anything when Love or attraction is concerned. Even though we didn't workout as a married couple, we were best of friends in the end before he passed. Plus we made three beautiful boys!!

So my temps went up this morning, just a bit but they did go up. Don't think that DH was lazy enough with pulling out for us to catch the egg by chance. But that doesn't matter. This is my last cycle before we are able to conceive again. I don't feel any different, but I know the MTX is one nasty drug. We really do what a healthy little monkey!! My Dr seemed very strict with us waiting the full three cycles after went to 0. Have any of you had any losses with all these PG? This was my first.
It is lovely to know abit more about all you ladies. Us big families have to stick together. Xxxx

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