TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

oh let the nesting begin!!

that's right, star - I'm sorry I forgot! Have you started thinking about names yet? I'm sorry you're feeling crappy too. You should have been over that stage by now!
I didn't really go with a theme. I just picked a color palette that I liked and went from there (blue, green, and orange). It's morphed into something different from my original vision, but I'm happy with it. I'll share a picture after I finish things up this weekend.
Dandi l am so excited that you are getting close and all is going well. Are you done with work already?

Mdc and Wish- Yes, l thought this stage was over too! We started thinking of names but have not seriously sat down and decided on any yet. My mother's name is Delight and we are thinking of that name as maybe middle name. We are still thinking..... haven't made up our mind yet. I guess we will be more proactive with names when am close. Now we are just chilling and playing around with names.

Today has been better with nausea. Last night at work was not good but tolerable. On top of the nausea l have a nasty dry cough but l have beem treating it with non caffeinated tea with honey and ginger. Hopefully lt gets better soon.

I have a level 2 US in 2 wks. I am excited about that.

Well, about to take a short nap before l go back to work tonight. Hope you all have a good evening.
Hello lovelies! Sorry I've been MIA. I need to do better at remembering myself and my friends. Newborns can be so all consuming.

Star I'm sorry you're feeling bad. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. My nausea returned during 3rd tri so watch out for that possibility too.

Dandi I know you must be so ready for Nash to arrive. I felt such relief when I saw that Isadora was healthy
Hi Sugar! no worries about being so consumed - heck, I'm surprised you posted so soon!!
How is our little sugar baby doing? are you going to call her Izzy? I had a friend when I was a kid named Isabelle and we all called her Izzy. I loved it!
how are you feeling? is everything just crazy good? how's DH adapting?
Just popping in to see how everybody is doing.

Dandi am thinking about you as the days get closer. How are you doing?

I am still having nausea and vomiting every once in a while. I am not so tired like before, thats good though. Otherwise, all is good.

Hello everybody.
yay star! how many weeks now?
I can't believe you're having 2nd tri nausea and vomiting. This is supposed to be the fun tri! How are you calming your stomach, if at all?
I'm the most exhausted I've ever been in my life, but I hear that this is nothing compared to the exhaustion after the baby comes. The idea of sleep is laughable at this point. I'm either getting up to pee, getting up to shift bc my hips and back are on fire, getting up to take more tums bc of the hellfire inferno in my chest, or getting up to get something to drink bc my thirst is insatiable. I'm not complaining, it's totally worth it, just keeping it real, lol.

I hate that you are still sick Star! That's just the pits. Sounds like you are dealing with it as well as you can though. The weeks are just moving right along!

Work is also just hysterical right now. They are expecting me to be 100% invested right now in plans that we are making that will take place while I'm out. Not that I'm slacking on my responsibilities or anything, but I really don't need to be included in conversations that aren't going to be finalized until I'm gone. Not to mention the fact that I'm clearly not at the top of my game (aka don't expect me to remember some tiny detail from calculations we did a year ago and haven't looked at since). If I have any regrets, it's working right up until the last minute. I should have made last week my last week. This week is going to kill me just to get through.

10 more days max though! My doc has already said that should anything look even the slightest bit like he may be ready to come or like anything is up, he's taking him right then. He's so excited that I've made it this far that he doesn't want to take any chances. I'm just ready to get the healing underway so I can feel somewhat normal again.
Yeah, dandi!!! not long now!
I'm sorry you're feeling like t-total crap right now, though. You sound so uncomfortable but you're being quite the trooper about it. I know it's worth it but it doesn't make it any less uncomfortable! :) Almost there! I hope he surprises you a little early so you can a) get out of work and b) get him outta you! :)
Hi everyone! It's Great to hear the updates. I'm posting and nursing the baby. This shows I'm definitely learning how to multitask finally. I feel a bit of stress lifted from my shoulders. My 6weeks postpartum appt went well. i'm cleared to work out eat whatever I want and do the deed. I chose not to go on any birth control. The doctor remembered that we wanted more kiddos and not too far apart. He said bc wouldn't be worth it since we would want a close family gap. Also it's a good idea to wait for the 3 month mark but a pregnancy right now would be ok. I'm not ready now but I'm glad I'm healthy. A year ago I thought my body was not even capable of carrying and now I'm thankful that it can. Feels like I've come full circle.

Little one is healthy and growing. She's sleeping 5-11 hours at night. I don't take that for granted believe me! That could change any night.

I got a new job and it's a small promotion. My commute will be 30 min. which isn't bad for Houston at all. Now we just need to move to the new apartment and all the major planned changes for 2016 will be complete.

Dandi you're getting so close now! Enjoy your uninterrupted time when at home. Its about to end!

Star I'm feeling for you. Girls tend to give their mommies a lot of sickness and fatigue. Those hormones are no joke!

Wish thanks for checking on me. I hope friends call her Izzy. I thought we would but Dora Dora is what's sticking now. Yes we say it twice, no clue why!
I keep forgetting to mention DH. He's doing pretty good. He has a hard time with her crying. His threshold is pretty short especially in the car. The big test will come when he takes care of her days when I'm at work.
thank you for popping in, Sugar!! Everything sounds so wonderful for you guys in life right now - congrats on the new job!
I'm sure DH will come around and probably not even hear the cries after some time. Or find ways to make them stop - bribes and such! :)

please post pics of DD (oh! Dear Daughter AND Dora Dora!!) when you can or if you want to! we'd love to see the peanut again!
Dandi- 2 more days. Thinking about you.

Sugar- glad all is going well. Congratulations on the new job.

My ms is getting better. I havent had nausea or vomitted in 2 days. I am 19wk 3 days today.
Well, I thought I'd better come in here before Dandi leaves, so Star isn't alone. Hopefully I'll be here rather longer than last time!

Just found out my first scan is on 29th July and my lovely nurse Carrie is doing it! I'll find out how many...

Star, I'm glad your ms is easing off. I've had some heartburn so far.
Ahhhh, 4 days until halfway!!! I'm so glad your ms seems to be easing. Maybe the coming weeks will be more enjoyable for you.

Yep 2 days left for me. This time Wednesday, my little one should have already made his entrance. I'm beyond ready. It's still a little surreal that I will have a son to care for, but at the moment, that's overshadowed by the intense need to get my body back to some extent. The past week has been really tough and I'm so in awe of every woman who has endured this with a smile. It's not even the ailments I expected that are testing me, it's the things I never even thought about (hemorrhoids and adult diaper rash to name a couple! I can't even sit down now. Sorry for the brutally honest tmi.). I'm so anxious to have my baby on the outside and for my body to start healing. I knew it would be hard, but it's harder than I ever imagined. I'm almost at my breaking point and I never thought id be one of those women. Enough woe is me though! Just had to vent before I end up in tears. :)
Wish hope your DE appt went well. Always thinking about you my friend.
Ellie l am so happy you are joining me. I cant for the others to join too. Enjoy this moment.

Dandi- l hear you. I think you are normally to feel this way. Your baby will make the healing process quick. I know you will be fine. What time is your c section.
Arrive at 6am, scheduled for 7:30, so I figure we'll get started around 8.
And by the end of the day you will be holding your baby boy. I am so excited for you.
AHHHH I'm so excited for you, dandi!
and lordy, I didn't know there was adult diaper rash involved?? wtf!! complain away - these are those intricate little details that no woman says out loud, so we need to know!

ellie - eeeeee!! I can't stop squealing when i think of you!

star - thank you so much for the constant support - our appt is this Thurs, so haven't had it yet. I can't wait.

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