TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Dandi- l am glad you are doing well. Cant believe you are that close. 5 weeks to maternity leave and to having your baby. Enjoy seeing your baby tomorrow.

Sugar- Hows little baby girl doing? And you?

I just started having metallic taste in my mouth and my boobs have been hurting and getting bigger. I havent bought anything maternity wise but now l feel l will invest in a bigger cup size bra this weekend. I heard the 2nd trimester is the slowest one. We have a few trips planned this summer, a few friends and relatives are planing to visit us, l am scheduled for some training and inservices at work from July to Sep and all these will hopefully make the trimester go fast for me.

Hello to everyone else.
Star the 2nd tri is one of the most enjoyable and exciting . Its where all the good stuff happens :) find out the gender if you choose too ... Really start feeling baby kicking :) getting your bump , starting to feel amazing !!! Great hair ... Nothing about it is bad :) don't wish it away :) ENJOY EVERY SECOND of the whole experience :) I'm so very excited for you :)

Dani !! 5 weeks OMG !!!! Eeeeeek almost labour watch !!! Are you excited ????

Sugar I too want to know how your doing ?? Hope all is well with you xxxx
I'm excited, nervous, a little bit many emotions! Most of those feelings have taken a backseat to pure exhaustion though. =) I'm just ready for him to be here.

So glad things are moving right along for you Star!
Dani the end is hard ! Its like being a child again ..." Are we there yet " it seems never ending !! All I can say is REALLY REALLY try to savour ever second ... Even the hard ones . Its all part of the experience and I bet you 1million dollars you will look back on it fondly and miss it !!!!
Life with a newborn is so different. She consumes my days and nights with her feelings. Sometime it's every 2, 3 or even every hour. When she's not eating I scurry around trying to sanitize my breast pump or start laundry or feed myself! It's so hectic! I love it. It feels good to be so self less to someone. I look into her little face and can't believe she's my child. Of course I think she's georgeous and smart and funny. All of this in a 2 week old.

During the week before her birth and the week after I had 2 job interviews. I didn't dare blow them off because I so want to work closer to our new apartment. I didn't get the job but I'm not giving up. I'm greedy, I don't want to miss a minute of her growing into a big kid. I'm still in such awe. Man this journey was wrought with heartache but the reward is 100 times worth it!
Sugar your post put a smile on my face . I'm so delighted your enjoying being a mum. It is hard work but of the amazing kind !!
ditto, sugar - I'm so happy for you. I remember when your ticker read something like 'IVF - 1, Bank Account - 0'. And now here you are with your naturally-conceived love of your life. I could not be happier for you!
I'm so happy that you're enjoying it so much and really cherishing this time! I hope I can stay as positive during as you sound during the hectic adjustment.

Good luck on the job hunt! Hang in there and stay persistent! I'm in the same boat. I plan to spend the second half of maternity leave looking for a new position. I know that I'm going to want a job that I don't take so much stress home from and a commute that isn't so long once baby is here.
Sugar you sound busy but loving it. I cant wait to have the same feelings. All the best with the new job. How long is your maternity leave?

Dandi, one week down.... four to go right?

Left, l will do my best to enjoy this trimester.

Hello all!
5 weeks to go. 35 days exactly.... not that I'm counting or anything, ha!

Yes, enjoy the second tri! I didn't realize how good it was until it was gone. Oy!
Thank you ladies!

Star I'm a teacher so I dont go back to work until mid August. I could take up to Sept. 1st But it would be without pay.

Dandi- those 35 days will go so quickly. Enjoy your bump until then.

Left thanks for all your encouragement. I even looked to your birth story for inspiration to try to go all natural.

Ellie I'm following your journey and I know you will be pupo very soon.

Wish I'm praying for solidarity between you and your OH as you make adoption decisions.
Good afternoon ladies,

Sugar- hope you getting more settled with a routine with your little baby girl. Am sure she is grown now.

Dandi- how are you feeling? Your baby boy is almost here.

Left- I am sure life is busy with two little ones.

Hello to everyone.

Afm, l am doing fine. Started showing abit this week. My boobs have this random pinching pain every once in a while. This started 2 wks ago. Interesting how l didn't have any boob pain the first trismeter but now l do.

Hope you all have a good weekend. Other than going to a friends beach birthday party on Saturday, it is going to be a relaxing weekend.
Hi star it sure is but loving every second of it ... Even the crazy ones .. And there are a lot of them ! Just wish I didn't feel so tired ALL the time ! By the time I get to actually sit down to unwind I ALWAYS conk out on the couch !! I'm not complaining I know I'm blessed to get to experience this . Yes EVEN the tiredness !!

Oooh there should be more baby news soon :) Dani ? Exciting times really soon !!!
so exciting! how far are you now, star?
I forget - in your testing, did you find out what you're having? are you going to find out?

dandi - not long now for you! 4 weeks?
3 weeks and (less than) 2 days! C section scheduled for the 20th if he doesn't decide to make a move before then.

I had quite an interesting check up last Thursday. I went in late in the day for what I thought was another routine check up. He measures my fundal height, listens to the heartbeat, asks if I have any questions, etc, and I'm out of there in 10 minutes. Except this time, the check-in nurse who does my urine check, weight, and blood pressure puts me in a room and says to disrobe from waist down because today they are going to do my swab. I don't really know what she means by that, but I assume he's just going swab something down in vj-town...perfectly fine, he's been my gyno for 15 years so we well acquainted in that area. Well, there I lie, knees spread, belly out to here, when I hear him call out from the trenches... "now you know, this swab we take both vaginally and rectally, so just thrust your hips up a bit..." wtf did you just say?! All I heard was rectal and I was not prepared for anything in that neighborhood. So I'm stammering "wha.. huh...are you seri...Whoa!" Before I could even get a word out, he had a q-tip in places that a q-tip has no business being. It was an experience to say the least. I thought I had become immune to mortifying medical experiences during the assisted conception journey, but no. Apparently there are plenty of embarrassing surprises to last the whole way through.

When I thought that it was all over, he listened to the heartbeat and then asked if I had time to go over to OB assessment for a non-stress test. That is not something that you want to hear right after your doctor listens to your baby's heartbeat. He had me in a total panic. I asked if the heartbeat was ok and he said it was, he just wanted to have an abundance of caution and have things checked out. He said if the non stress test was ok, then that was a 99% sign that my baby was going to perfectly fine unless I'm shot or in a car accident. It sounded to me like he was just trying to keep me calm. So at this point, it's almost 6pm, my husband expected me to already be on my way home by then, and my cell phone had about 2% battery left. So I get over to OB assessment and they fully admit me to the hospital, hospital gown, id bracelet, hospital bed, the whole thing, hook me up to fetal monitors, I'm practically in tears wondering what's going on. I call my husband quickly before my phone dies and tell him whats going on and that he needs to answer any calls from an unknown number in case its the hospital calling to tell him to come (we live over an hour away, so I didn't want him to come yet until we knew more). About an hour later a nurse comes in to tell me that everything is fine, the baby sounds great, and I can go home once I sign all of my discharge papers. So all was well in the end, which is all that matters, but it was quite an experience that I was banking on when I went in for my check up that afternoon.
WOW!! so good to know these things NOW! what a shocker (har har har)!!

i'm so glad everything came back fine, though!
What a horrendous experience Dandi! Not sure I'd have been too happy with a rectal swab, especially one I hadn't expected... Still, all is looking great for you and N now :) :) xx
Dandi- that was a scaring experience. I am glad all went well. 3 more weeks! Do you feel like you are ready?

Wish- l am 16w 3d today. I did the Verify test when l was 12 wks and found out am having a girl. I am really routing for the IUI.

Ellie- Good luck on EC. I cant wait to hear you are PUPO.

Afm, l have been doing well, until yesterday l had a bout of nausea upto the point of vomittingx2. Couldnt put anything down. Today woke up with the same. The only thing that can stay down is romen noodles. I cant believe am having all these during my second trimester. I had a Ob appt yesterday. Baby is doing good amidst my symptoms.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Physically, I am sooooo ready. Things had been pretty smooth sailing until a few weeks ago, but now my body is over it and ready to start recovering from this pregnancy. Mentally, I'm starting to get scared about the surgery, the recovery, the wondering if baby will have any unknown medical problems, the chances of dying on the table, etc. Pragmatically, I'm almost done with the finishing touches on the nursery, I'm packing bags this weekend, I'm doing some freezer cooking the next couple of weeks, and I'm obsessed with cleaning out every drawer in the house and purging anything that isn't nailed down.

I'm sorry that you're having delayed morning sickness! Hopefully it's just the result of a hormone surge and you'll be able to enjoy the rest of 2nd tri as a more relaxing time. The weeks are just ticking by now. Almost half way!
Dandi, how scary and they should have warned you about both and especially the stress test. Ahhhh! Glad all is well and you are so friggin close!!! Cannot wait for you. Can you share the nursery theme or better yet a picture?

Star, wow that second tri nausea sure snuck up on you. Glad your little girl is doing fine.

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