TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

It sure is a blessing! She is a beauty Sugar. I love the hair! Job well done:)
I have a question on the on the 1 hr glucose test. I have an appt with my ob today and apparently am supposed to do the test. One of my friends who did it stated she could not hold it down. She says it tastes horrible. She had to come back the next day to do it again. She also did when she was 20wks. When did you do yours? Is it too early to be doing it now? Is it that horrible as my friend says so? I am just curious. My appt is not until 2p.
Thanks for the answers ladies.
omg Sugar, she is precious!!! I'm so, so happy for you and DH. <3
That first picture is to die for - the little headband is so adorable!!
Sugar she is gorgeous! All that beautiful hair!

Star, I didn't do mine until 28 weeks I think, but I've read of many others whose doctors have them do it super early. The taste wasn't as bad I was expecting from all of the horror stories. It's not delicious, but it's doable. A few tips from someone who has downed that stuff 3 times now: 1) ask for the lemon/lime flavor if its available, it tastes like Sprite for the most part and was the easiest flavor to get down in my opinion. Stay away from the orange is at all possible. 2) be sure to shake it before you drink it. I made the mistake of assuming that the little shake the nurse did was enough on one of my tests and it wasn't. By the time I got the bottom of the bottle, it was like pure syrup. Shake shake shake. 3) Don't sip too slow. On one test, I thought it would help to take all of my allowable time to sip it and stretch it out (I think they give you 5 minutes to finish). That made it worse for me. Chugging it as quickly as possible helped me to not focus on how sweet it was.
Sugar she is absolutely stunning and I love the headband. Cannot wait to hear about your birth story. We done momma!

Star, GL on the test. Seems like Dandi has some good tips!

Dandi, I am going to file those tidbits away since I will need them soon :winkwink:
I got mine at 21 weeks this time . We get lucosade to drink which is actually quite nice lol
Thanks for the tips Dandi. Lemon flavor it is!

Lucosade sounds nice.

Anyway, will update after my appt. They told me l will get my results today. Hope l pass.
Appt went well. Physicals complete, paps and alot of blood draws. Next appt when am 16wks.

Didn't get the lemon flavor so went with the fruit punch. It was gross but l was able to hold it in. Passed the test. I have to get another one at 24 weeks again:(
awesome job, Star!!! Your pregnancy - YES YOU'RE PREGNANT!! - sounds textbook so far!!!
That's awesome Star, so glad it all went well! Time is just ticking away. 16 weeks will be here before you know it and then in a blink you'll be halfway through it. Have you told anyone yet or do you have a time in mind when you will announce?
Sugar - what a beautiful baby! Gorgeous hair.

Star - glad it went well. Mine was 28 weeks and was fine. Hope all continues to go well!
Thank you all.

Dandi- We started telling more friends and family this week. I dont have a fb account so I have been either txting or calling to announce. I didnt do anything fancy. I told most of my co workers when I was 12 wks. Guess I have been so busy worrying and going to drs appt to even thing of how to announce.
Hi everyone. I've finished my birth story. It' s pretty lengthy because I wanted to remember every single moment.

Monday May 30th 2016
My Birth Story

At 6am I woke to strong feeling cramps. I needed to use the restroom so I rolled my self up so I could go. I decided not to get up because my bump felt so hard I waited a an hour and had 4 more cramps which I decided was either Braxton hicks or maybe real contractions.

Hubby made bacon and eggs for breakfast. We had plans to go look at a volkswagen he wanted to buy and his dad was going to meet us at the dealership. I decided to say nothing about the cx. I new his heart was set on getting a new car to bring the baby home in. His had stared to have AC and transmission problems that couldn't be ignored or easily fixed. Having AC in Texas is as essential as having wheels on a car. At this point I wasn't in any more discomfort than mind cramping so I didn't have to breath and everything appeared normal.

We were at the dealership from 9am-2:30. The car selection and deal took forever. I wasn't directly involved after the first hour including a test drive. I had been timing the cx since 6am and they were mild until 12:49 when they became moderate. I had to breath lightly and move around at that point. I also was really thirsty and spent a lot of trips to the loo. I was by myself in the lounge most of the time. I watched my fav. Shows and tried not to focus on the fact that I was getting hungry. Finally I was called into the finance office to sign off the motorcycle title that would be used in the vehicle trade. I had bought that bike for my hubby in our first year of marriage but it helped to sweeter the pot so he included it in he deal. Sad to see it go because it's a part of our relationship history but it needed to be sacrificed for the cause.

So finally the deal was done. I had to help transfer our belongings out of the old vehicle and into the new. At that point it was really hard to pretend like nothing was happening. Luckily being guys my hubby and his dad didn't notice because they were drooling over the new toy. So once my FIL drove away and I waited in the new car for my husband to insure it so we could leave. I knew I was going to tell him once he got off the phone. I thought he might be suspicious when he saw I put a towel and a plastic bag on my seat to protect it in case my waters broke. Also I had to jump out the car while he was on the phone bc one cx was too strong for me to sit down through. DH finally said I was acting weird. He the started to tell me the plan for the rest of the day which included going to get the motorcycle and bringing it back there for the trade. This meant I would have to drive which I was in no state to do and that's when I told him. At first he wondered why I didn't say something. I told him that the car purchase take a lot of focus and I knew I was fine because it was very early labor and I'm a FTM so this was likely going to take a while. We headed home, got my FIL to come back and help with the bike trade and I stayed home to call the OB nurse line. The on call dr. confirmed early labor and told me the standard time to call back when cx are 3-5 min apart, lasting 1 min for a consistent hour. I already new this from Dr. Lombard instructions so I set about staring my home labor intensive plan. I should mention that I was really excited to be in labor. When it was clear that the baby wasn't arriving on the due date the dr. gave us options and info on when to induce. Neither of us felt comfortable going too far into week 41 and certainly not into week 42 at all. The risk of stillbirth rises and we just were't comfortable.

My labor plans were to stay home and cope as long as possible. I wanted to use the birthing ball, take warm soaks in the tub, walk and rock my hips, listen to positive birth affirmation tracks and use aromatherapy. Thankfully I got to do all of these. It made my birth experience so special to me. One of the things I did at the dealership was call family/friends and let them know what was happening.My mom was driving in from a Florida. It takes at least 9 hours to get her so I wanted my mom to get a good start. She ended up arriving at 10:30pm. Perfect timing. My cx had turned to the severe level. We called the hospital and got the ok to come in.

I labored for 3 more hours. My nurse used intermittent monitoring so I could move a round and try different laboring positions. I had affirmation poster on the walls and they really helped me focus. By 4:00 the cx were so strong and very close together (2min. ) but I hadn't progressed. I was 4 cm at arrival, 6 cm at 2am, and only 6.5cm at 4:00. That's when I knew things were stalling and I wanted pain relief. I made sure I really wanted to change my birth plan and the doctor informed me about the Demerol shot and its limitations. When she said I would have to stay in bed and the shot would not take the cx away just make me incoherent, I knew I had to do the epidural instead. Only because I had already struggled to stay in the bed for required monitoring. Something about staying on my back like that seriously intensified my contractions. I knew I needed to just take the pains away.

Also affecting my decision was the state of my birth partners. They were giving me their all and I was draining them. They where deliriously exhausted and started to sit more and make crazy jokes which I had no sense of humor so nothing was funny to me. The epidural was difficult. The doctor had broke my waters right before it and immediately my cx had intensified to an earth shaking level. I screamed through them but luckily there was about 5 and the epidurals took effect. Immediately I fell asleep. Like I thought, labor slowed because I was stuck in bed. After 6 hours and being rotated to side lying positions to move the cervix I was ready to push. I felt some pressure so I was able to know where to bear down. My Megan nurse readied the room and coached me for the first 30 min by herself. My husband held my left leg while Megan sat on my right and let me know I was moving the baby. People where rushing into set up. Megan wanted to call the dr. but I was doing so well she didn't have time. Dr. Lombard just happened to come in and said he figured it might be time. Megan tied him into his scrubs and he sat in a stool ready to get baby 10 min. later Dr. Lombard held her up and said I would get to name her. He knew that was our agreement. If it was a girl I would name her and he'd name the boy. We worked on and chose the names together a week ago . He could not agree on Geneveive, my favorite girl pick. So we went with a version of my dad's first name and my mom's middle name. And that's how we were blessed with little Isadora Nanette@ 8lbs 2 oz. and 20 inches long. Long black hair with light brown/ hazel eyes.
I'm crying tears of joy for you Sugar. What a great birth story and how amazing to have such a beautiful baby. Well done :) x
love love love!!! thank you so much for sharing!!
I'm so glad everything went so well for you! You're a superhero laboring at the car dealership without uttering a word for so long, so zen. =)
Omg sugar! That is truly one of the loveliest birth stories I have heard. You are certainly a rock star!
I'm definitely at the uncomfortable stage. I feel like he's doubled in size the past couple of weeks and can't imagine surviving his movements if he gets any bigger. =) The countdown is on though! 5 weeks until maternity leave and 5 weeks 2 days until D day. I have a scan tomorrow, so I'll get to see how he's doing and find out if we're on schedule as planned or if anything indicates that he may need to come early.

How has life been with a newborn???

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