TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

thank you for the pep talk, dandi! I know you are feeling guilt but at least you can be comfortable in knowing that (I believe) the formula these days has come a loooong way. I wasn't breast fed and I came out fine!!:laugh2::bodyb:
And little Nash knows just how much you love him!! Your body is doing its absolute best!!
Hey Ladies,
Ive been following along on my phone via email updates.

Dandi- Nash is SO scrumptious! You're doing A GREAT job with him. Please don't feel guilty that you can't give him 100% breastmilk. I know a lot of mamas who got a late start in breastfeeding and also had difficulty. Formula has its purpose. When Mo was first born he lost so much of his bodyweight because my milk didn't come in for 5 days. The pediatrician told me to give him 1 bottle of formula per day for 3 days and then nurse on demand. It worked, but even exclusively breastfeeding is HARD in the beginning because the baby will cluster feed in order to get mom's body to produce enough milk. It darn near killed me. Mo is 12.5 months old now and I still breastfeed-he had some cow's milk the other day and did great on it. I'm relieved that he can now get hydrated from other sources and give me a break!

Sugar: I pump in a closet at work :shrug: It's actually not horrible because I'm just happy to have some alone time and luckily I only have to pump once per day (at lunch) because Mo is older now. Your daughter is so beautiful.

Wish: I'm so proud of you for continuing to forge ahead with donor eggs. I gotta be honest- before I had Mo I said I would never want to adopt because I believed I wouldn't be able to form a bond with a child who wasn't genetically related to me. Now that I'm 12.5 months into being a mother I realize it's caring for and nurturing a child that creates the bond, nothing else. Mo doesn't look like me or my husband as infants. For me there was also a strange disconnect between carrying him in utero and then holding him in my arms after giving birth. He also looks nothing like he did when he was born. These babies change so much and so quickly in the first couple of years. They have their own unique personalities which are sometimes nothing like that of their parents.

Ellie: I read your post on sex with DH. Sex has barely returned to our relationship, 12.5 months post pregnancy!!!! It was painful for me for the first 6 months and now we're just too exhausted. We're planning our first 3 day getaway in October so I'm excited for that alone time.

Left: How is my favorite Irishwoman?!?! You daughter is so beautiful. I absolutely love her hair color. My great grandmother was a redhead!!!
Question for you: Are you still nursing her? I know you breastfed your son for a long time. Did he wean himself? Mo nurses a lot at night and he's still in bed with us.

Star: So happy for you. You're nearly finished. Love the scan of your daughter!

Hi heidipie!! Can't believe our kids are over 1 year now! Mo is still waking up at night too, but he's in our bed so I mostly sleep through it. I can unlatch my nursing bra during the night and not even remember doing it the next morning.

MDC: woo hoo on 7 frosties!!!! you will be pregnant soon. <3

As for us in sunny SoCal-

Mo turned 12 months old a couple of weeks ago!!! I look at his chubby baby pictures and the only thing I really miss is how much easier it was to carry him. He's wiggly and weighs 23 lbs now. The infant stage was really challenging with his 6 naps per day, constant nursing and frequent night wakings. He's crawling around and has got a great sense of humor. I work 2-3 days per week and it's the perfect amount of time for me to be away from him. We had a nanny come to the house for a couple of months but it was expensive and Mo got bored at home. We started him in daycare last week and he absolutely LOVES it. He squeals when we get into the parking lot in the morning and cries when we have to go home at the end of the day. Would love to give Mo a sibling in a year or two so we're going to wing it and see what happens. I'm still breastfeeding a lot so my period hasn't started. He brings us such joy which makes the difficult times with him much more bearable.

I'll attach some pics of our little man in the next post!
Ellie- 11 wks already! We will be in 2nd trimester together in a few weeks. That is great. I also have a doc appt on 9/2. Hope our appts go well.

Dandi- l am sorry you are having difficulty with bf. I have no advice other than to hope baby Nash grows healthy whether with bf or formula.

Thanks for stopping by Jessiecat. Your baby boy is so handsome. Can't believe it is already! I am glad your family and you are doing well. Enjoy your 3 day weekend in Oct.

Afm, l am 25w 5d today and greatful l made it this far. I have an upcoming ob check accompanied with an US on 9/2. Looking forward to seeing my baby girl. I have not had a pleasure of seeing her face with all the US l have had so far. She keeps on hiding her face. I hope this time around l get to see her face. She has been kicking alot and that brings joy to my heart. Some kicks are painful but l am not complaining. Well, hope you all have a good rest of the week.
Wish l am excited on your journey with DE. I am always excited to read on your progress.
Mo is so cute! Can't believe he's over a year already, it just seems the other day that he was born!
Star good luck for Friday. I hope we both get to see what we want: healthy babies :)
Jessie it seems like yesterday that Mo was born. He's a handsome little fella.

Star glad you're enjoying her kicks. Will you do a 3D/4D scan? My boss did one and it was amazing how clear those pictures are.

Ellie it's almost Friday! I'm excited for you girl!

Wish I'm so glad you're on the DE journey. I remember when you were first discussing it's possibility.

Left I love your journal. You're a great story teller. I feel like I'm in your house when I read it.

We're still getting use to our new schedule. I'm managing the best I can. So far I haven't dropped any balls that have been to hard to undo. Sometimes I worry that something really bad will happen simply because we are so stretched, tired, and just plain busy. I have tailbone pain that a chiropractor is going to check out next week. I had it during the pregnancy too but now it's gotten worse. Probably from the pushing. I can't sit down for more than a few minutes. Little one has dermititis on her belly. Her skin is so sentitive. I'm still exclusively breastfeeding and cloth diapering. Both require a lot of dedication but I've convinced myself they're worth it. Breastfeeding by far is the most demanding as Dandi, Jessie and Left have also said. I really don't want to be at work. I miss her so much. It's hard not to pick her up when she's sleep at night and hug her just to get my cuddles in. I want a magic wand I can wave so I can change my life circumstances and stay home. I guess I would at least like to have the option. I'd probably get antsy but I wouldn't mind having the choice.
Sugar, that sounds so painful. I hope you get some answers and relief soon. I'm sure you're doing a great job of juggling all the balls that matter, you can only do the best you can do. Bravo to you for the breastfeeding and diapering. I know how demanding and draining that must be for you. I feel your pain about wishing you had the option to stay home. I read the day cares policy manual the other night and it had me crying for two hours realizing that I'm not going to be there for him during the day and wont get to see him much during the week. I'm so dreading it. I don't know how I'll do it, but I know it must be done. Hang in there. Sounds like you're doing an amazing job!

I have to celebrate here. I sit here typing after sleeping for 6 whole hours straight!!! Nash is going through a growth spurt and fighting sleep yesterday lead to him going 7 hours between feelings! I couldn't believe it. I felt so disoriented when I woke up and saw the time, lol. The bad part is that means I missed two pump sessions bc I don't set a clock. I just feed him when he wakes him, get him back to sleep, then pump for 45 minutes. My boobs are on the verge of exploding. I'll risk losing a nipple as a casualty in exchange for that sleep though, it was marvelous!!!
reading and running b/c work but Jessie!!! thank you for stopping by!! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. Little Mo is such a little boy now!! He's so adorable, you must eat those cheeks daily. :)
OMG dani !!! You are ROCKSTAR for pumping that much !!!!!!! Feel no guilt !!!!
Jessie, omg your little boy is so cute! I am so happy you are still keeping up with is. I forget where exactly you live is LA. I am likely going to be traveling down there a bit for work so maybe a bnb meet up :winkwink: Thanks for the preggo cheering. Now I just need pgs to come back awesome and work on my damn lining.
Dandi, six hours you must feel like a new women...well one with exploring nipples though :rofl: You are doing an amazing job raising your little boy.

Ellie, no way 11 weeks! It was just yesterday you got your BFP!

Left, wait have a journal. How did I miss that?!?! What is the title?

Wish, so excited you are on the verge of being preggo so very soon :wohoo:

Sugar, hope the tailbone pain gets better and you are deffo superwoman. My sister did cloth diapers also and she was so happy that she stuck with it.

Star, cannot believe you are so far along and very exciting you are starting to buy stuff. Any ideas on the nursery?
Sugar: It kills me that you have to go back to work with pain that is definitely related to the pregnancy and labor. It took me MONTHS to physically feel like my normal self again. I get so frustrated that we are expected to go back to work so soon after having a child and then we're also pushed to breastfeed at least one year, which is crazy hard while working. I was lucky and took my time going back to work part time (my choice) and I wish that everyone had that option. Just take things one day at a time and know that most of us are in the same shoes. I worry all the time that something bad is going to happen because like you and your DH, my husband and I are overwhelmed with the demands of caring for an infant, keeping our sanity and some semblance of a healthy marriage, working, cooking healthy meals, etc etc.

Mdc: I would LOVE to have a BNB meet up! I live in Pasadena, northeast of Los Angeles. Send me a private message on here whenever you're going to be in town and I can add you on FB.
I'm really lucky that I will be able to take quite a bit of maternity leave. I get reasonable pay for 4.5 months and then statutory maternity pay (about 25% of my salary) for another 4.5. I'm allowed to take a year off, but I'll probably run out of money at 9 months. I'm saving for all this now, but it's hard to save and start buying all the things we will need...

My plan is to start weaning at 6 months and hopefully be done with breastfeeding by the time I return to work. We don't have anywhere to pump and we don't have long enough breaks to get it done anyway.

Star, how are you feeling?
Good morning ladies,

You are so lucky Ellie to get that much time off. I am only getting 12 wks off.

Mdc- l am thinking lavender and white for nursery. I havent done much. Just have a crib. Work has been so busy and l have been taking some mandatory work classes and inservices so not to do them end of this year when l am almost due.

Pregnancywise, l am doing good. I have my 1 hr glucose tomorrow. I wish l could bypass it for they made me do one when l was 16 wks and thankfully l passed. My appetite has been good and no more nause and food aversions. I am 28 wks tomorrow too. Can't believe where time went. Baby is doing well, kicking me as she pleases.
Star I love the nursery colours :) I love nurseries they make me all mushy lol.... I am dying to do one for Anna but first I need to do up a room for Sean to ove into . We are at the stage of picking out paint. I'm thinking white with a primary colour on a feature wall . Maybe a red or a blue . I can't wait to do Anna room :)

28 weeks boy that has flown by !!! Congratulations on the third tri ;)
jessie and mdc - so jealous if you guys meet up!! though I know I already had the pleasure of lunching with mdc! :hugs:

star - love the colors!! left, nurseries make me mushy too, heehee! Happy 3rd tri, Star, I can't believe it!! When is your due date again?

jess - are you guys trying for #2, per your suffix area there??

sugar - how are you doing? how's our sugar baby?
Hi everyone. I'm 14 weeks today, so officially out of the first tri!
My bump also popped today and I spent the whole day with teenagers staring at my tummy, despite wearing a loose dress. It's mad how it's suddenly gone from bloat to bump. Apparently, it's my organs trying to find their place now that little Bee has pushed them up. I'm just glad I look less fat and more pregnant!
Happy third tri Star.
Yes, Jessie... Are you trying for another baby now?

Love to all...
It's gonna be you soon, Wish... Wondering where 3 months went and trying to find clothes that accentuate the pregnant, rather than the bloat!
Hi ladies,

Just checking in.

Third trismeter is going on well. Just starting to get tired and sometimes SOB. We are going out of town this weekend. Last trip before baby comes. I am looking forward to that. Tomorrow am 29 wks. Can't believe it. Oh, my due date is 12/9 but because of my Mymectomy last year l wont get that far. I will have a scheduled C- section. No date yet. I passed my 1 hr glucose test. Still taking one day at a time.

How's everyone doing? Mamas with little babies how are doing? Ellie hows 2nd trimester treating you?

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