TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

omg, you have to schedule it for 12/7!! That's my bday!! it's in the stars for us since we already have the same anniversary! :) did I just make this all about me...? :haha:

What is SOB? I couldn't make that one out...

both you and Ellie must post bump pics! I've been holding back from asking!
Are you sure you want to see? I put one on my journal every Friday. Here's today (15 weeks)...
Oh Ellie! That bump is precious!!! You look great. The weeks are just flying by now.

Star- I have great news. The c section recovery is nothing compared to the myomectomy recovery. At least that's how it was for me, so I'm hoping the same for you. It was practically a breeze after I was expecting the same level of pain and discomfort! Enjoy your last trip!
oh i didn't see these - thank you for posting! Of COURSE I want to see!!!
You look absolutely adorable. And I didn't know you had your own journal too!
Super cute pictures Ellie! Love the heart shape.

Star your cs date makes me realize Christmas will be here in no time!

Wish I want to share a date with you like Star. When did you last get your teeth clean? Bra fitting?

Isadora has a little cold but she's still a trooper. Her runny nose isn't getting her down too much just making her a little clingy which is fine. I have a tailbone injury from her birth. The spine specialist put me on a lidocaine patch and heavy dose of ibuprofen. It's the pits and literally a severe pain in my a$$. It got worse once I returned to work. Other than that we're doing fine.
ouch, sugar! that stinks!! will it heal or be something that you'll have forever?

haha - ok, um, well I just had a teeth cleaning so can't be that... I've never had a bra next hair appt is coming up in Nov? :haha:
Wish, you make me laugh. I do not any recent bump pics. I am not fond of pics but DH has been taking random pics and l will post one or two from his phone one of these days. I promised him l will also do maternity pics just for him coz he loves pics. By the way SOB mean short of breath not son of a b****:)
I wish my c section could be scheduled for 12/7. But after today. They said they would scheduled me earlier.

Dandi- thanks for the advice. I was getting scared because the Mymectomy recovery was hell. How are you doing?

Sugar- l am sorry baby Sugar has a cold. Praying it ends quick. Hope you also heal from that spine injury.

Ellie- Beautiful bump pics. You look lovely. Are you enjoying 2nd trismeter?

I had a good trip and did enjoy being away for the weekend. It was refreshing. BUT I came back to the following:
I went to my usual US/OB check up today and my cervix has shortened. I am not having contractions and baby is doing well. I got sent to labor and delivery from the Drs office so they can monitor me further. We did a test called FFN that shows if you will deliver in 2 wks. It tests for a protein in your cervix that if present it is a sign of preterm labor. My test was neg thanks goodness. I am about to be discharged home and they told me not to go to work for a week until l go back again next week for another check up. In short, l have lncompentent cervix. I was nervous and DH was more nervous than me. Had to calm him and calm myself. All is well and we are headinf home to take it easy. Still hoping that my baby stays in the oven a little longer. My c section will be scheduled when am 37 wks hopefully. I am sorry wish we wont share the birthday. But at least we share some other things.
Oh no Star! I'm sure that had you quite worried. It's hard not to worry when they send you over to L&D. Take it easy and stay off your feet. I hope that cervix cooperates and does all it can for as long as it can. Hang in there litttle baby girl and grow strong!

Sugar, you poor thing! I hope you get some relief. The tail bone is not something you can avoid very well when you need to sit, sleep, drive! I hope Isadora gets over her cold soon.
Ellie- it still blows my mind that you are in second tri already. I hope you are able to enjoy every minute of it now as all is smooth sailing.

Tomorrow makes 10 weeks post partum for me. It feels like it's gone by too fast and it also feels like it's been ages since I gave birth. Physically, I feel back to normal. TMI! The post partum bleeding finally stopped last week, I thought it was going to go on forever. I feel so much better now that that's over. I started weaning from breastfeeding and it's so bittersweet. I feel so sad about it but I also feel less stressed and more rested, which I definitely will need when I go back to work. Two more weeks with my little guy before he goes to daycare. It breaks my heart and I'd give anything to be able to stay home with him. I am going to look for telecommuting positions so I will be closer to him if he needs me during the day and to gain about 10-12 hours of commuting time that I can spend with him instead. Wish me luck! Baby boy is doing great. At his 2 month check up he was in the 85th percentile for weight and 93rd for height, so we've got a big strapping boy on our hands who will surely bankrupt us from food and outgrowing clothes by the time he's a teenager. He has outgrown the 6-12 mo socks that he has been in since birth and he's just started sleeping from 9pm-7am with only one wake up for a quick change and bottle! I'm finally sleeping, yay'!!
Yikes, Star. That must have been scary. I hope your baby and your cervix cooperate and all goes smoothly now.

Sugar, that does sound sore. Hopefully it eases soon.

Dandi, I can't believe he's 10 weeks already! Enjoy the last couple of weeks with your beautiful boy.

I'm loving second tri, though first tri was also great. I am lucky that I was off work until 12 weeks on summer holidays. Being back at school has been hard, the early mornings kill me, but I just have to go to bed early now. DH hates it when I slope off at 9.30, especially as I sleep in the spare room so I'm not woken up when he comes to bed at silly o'clock.

I have my 16 week antenatal check up on Thursday and it's getting exciting now. I also meet my consultant next week. My 20 week anatomy scan date is 25th October, so only 4 weeks today! Still don't know if we will find out the gender of little Bee...
Star, I how scary. I hope being at home and resting will help avoid premature labor, and glad the proteins in your cervix did not show premature labor. I hope your little one will stay nice and cozy until your cs.

Sugar, poor little babies (yes both of you :haha: I hope you both are on a speedy path to recovery.

Ellie, good luck with your appointment. Do you have a feeling about the gender?
so glad everything worked out ok, star - that's scary. I guess I'll be ok with you having an earlier delivery so everything is safe and sound for our Little Star. :)

ellie - so glad you're enjoying your pregnancy! I feel badly for women who don't or can't due to so many frustrations or issues. I hope this continues on for you. <3
I've just seen a typo in my last post that made me laugh... I put that DH doesn't wake me up when he comes to bd at silly o'clock... I meant bed, obviously. If he tried it on late at night, I'd not be impressed. I would also definitely wake up. Lol.
Dandi- 10 wks! Wow. Babies grow so fast. You remind me l need to start phoning around for day cares and pediatricians. Enjoy your remaining weeks with baby Nash and l hope you get the desired job so you can be close to him.

Ellie how did your appt go? Your anatomy scan is coming up soon. I am praying for the best.

Well, my friends l am 30 wks today. Time is moving so fast. Can't wait to meet my little the right time though....not now.
30 weeks... No way! That's amazing :) I'm so excited for you.
I'm 16 weeks today, so 14 weeks behind you. Odd to think that when little Star is the age little Dandi is now, I'll be on the home stretch and about to start maternity leave. The time does certainly speed up the further you go... the first 10ish weeks dragged so much!
Midwife appt was ok, if a bit boring. I don't see her for another 10 weeks now, but I have consultant next week and scan 2 weeks after that.
Star happy 30 weeks :) every day baby stays put is a bonus now :) another 7 and we are in offical LABOUR WATCH my favourite. Its so exciting !!
Left- l am on home rest. That is what the Dr calls it. I go back next week for more monitoring. YES! 7 more weeks. I also cant believe it.

Ellie- 16 wks! Before you know it, you will be in 3rd trismeter. I am excited to know what you are having.

Well ladies, have a good weekend.
I am going to go back and read the all the messages here later but wanted to share the good news.

We have a BFP and a beta of 127 8dpt5db!!!!! We are so excited and I have such a good feeling about this. Redraw is on Monday. Last time I was so nervous to post here, but this time we are just going balls to the wall and even tells our parents and siblings soon. Positive intentions = positive outcomes. Well at least it does not hurt right? Ha!
Mdc BALLS TO THE WALLS .... I love it :) my new motto for life !! Lol.....
Ill say it again 1000000000 times congratulations :) I can't stop grinning so I can only imagine how your doing !!!!
Mdc, this is something I put on my journal just after I got my bfp. I've tried to be optimistic from day 1...
My picture quote shrine to how being optimistic does not jinx things... I'm fed up with thinking I should prepare for the worst. I did that last time and it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This time, I am preparing for the best. This is going to be an amazing pregnancy!

I've said it already elsewhere, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! So excited to be bump buddies with you :)

I am so overjoyed with this news. It is such a relief to hear those #s and YES being optimistic is the only way to go in this journey.

Looking forward to reading your update.

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