i'm on cycle #9 ttc now (cd 2). each cycle has ranged from 24-26 days. unfortunately, i don't usually see a +opk until cd14... and when i temped, i didn't see a rise until around cd15-16, and even after that they are not consistently elevated. this has left me with a pretty short LP!
after about 6 cycles, i did talk with my ob/gyn (and because i work in health care) i convinced him to let me do a few rounds with clomid to provoke a stronger O. the clomid lengthened my LP by about one day each of those two cycles, although i still spotted the day before AF arrived (not to mention the acne and hot flashes!). he also gave me an order to get dh a semen analysis just in case, tho we have not done that yet.
i did a few cycles with raspberry leaf tea... i've taken a B complex vitamin (along with my prenatal, a fish oil, and calcium) for the last 3 cycles... we have preseed... timing of and dtd is DEFINITELY not an issue (lol)

... i have used OPKs most months, and have temped a few cycles but just don't have the same wake up times especially on weekends. i'm really wondering if i have a progesterone problem with my short cycles and early spotting.
anybody else have a similar situation or any suggestions? where are you all at with your journey?