sorry you are not enjoying your holiday as much as you'd like to. I'm up and down tbh, I have days where I feel really low and sad and other days I'm ok.
My temp rose today so I'm sure I did ovulate yesterday as normal. You could just ov late, I always ov on cd19 and have pregnant twice so it's not an issue as long as your lp is ok. Mine is a little short at the moment after my mc but its usually 14 days so my cycles are 33 days long.
My acupuncture has helped me be more relaxed and not let ttc take over my life, I'm much better than I was a few months ago when I felt obsessed and desperate. Not I get down and feel sad but I can cope as I usually feel better after a few days. Maybe acu could help you too?

My temp rose today so I'm sure I did ovulate yesterday as normal. You could just ov late, I always ov on cd19 and have pregnant twice so it's not an issue as long as your lp is ok. Mine is a little short at the moment after my mc but its usually 14 days so my cycles are 33 days long.
My acupuncture has helped me be more relaxed and not let ttc take over my life, I'm much better than I was a few months ago when I felt obsessed and desperate. Not I get down and feel sad but I can cope as I usually feel better after a few days. Maybe acu could help you too?