TTC soon? Within 3 months or so?

I also like names that have nicknames. I think because mine is so short and I never really had a nickname. Poor Ashlyn has like 50 names we call her haha.

I bumped out really early. I had a little bump by the time we found out. I was bump tastic from day one haha.

I miss it too. And I don't. I was miserable. MS until 20 weeks, tore my pubic symphysis mid 20 something weeks so couldn't walk well without pain. Aleep was horrible. But I miss it.

I'm up all damn night anyway so what's the difference? Been up since 5 today...took my unisom and melatonin and nada :(
I guess I had a fairly easy pregnancy up until a couple of days before my water broke. I did have some MS but not too bad. Maybe threw up a dozen times total. Was totally gone by 16 weeks I think. I'll need to go back and read my pregnancy journal on here sometime lol.

Sleep issues are definitely difficult to cope with. I'm sorry your supplements aren't helping anymore. Have you tried drinking some chamomile or a lavender bath when you're having trouble? Or even a good old fashioned orgasm lol.

I wake up frequently at night and I wake very easily (my mom always likes to tell me how I NEVER slept through the night lol) but typically doesn't take me super long to get back to sleep except on rare occasions.

I had an anterior placenta with Zinny so took super long to feel proper movements I'm hoping I feel more the next time.
I didn't actually throw up much, but the 24/7 nausea and mouth watering was debilitating. Then when I couldn't walk without pain that sucked. Went to Disney and could barely walk...not fun. I've tried it all. Lavender in a diffused, in a bath with Epsom salt, tea, sleeping pills, Benadryl, melatonin....I used to sleep well, but then I had a nasty horseback riding accident and now I go through sleep cycles. I'll sleep well for a while and then not for a while. Though I seem to not be sleeping well more often than not. Still getting up early. I used to be a light sleeper, but then storming at college I learned to sleep through a LOT. One day I'll sleep again lol.

I had an anterior placenta too, but still felt first "real" movement at 17 weeks. She was crazy active in the womb and is crazy active now haha. Hoping the next is a little calmer!

Getting antsy with the closing in less than 2 weeks! Want to be out ASAP. Landlords said they'd let us know when they need to let people see the place. Uhhhh no...we have a baby who takes 2 naps a day and goes to bed early. And a dog who, while small, barks a lot and is very protective of Dd. so that blocks out after 6 on weekdays and weekends really so I'd love to know when they think they can come and show the place. I have enough to do everyday with working and taking care of dd that I'm sure as hell not going to make sure this place is spotless and presentable for them. Not like they ever did anything to help us. Had so many problems and they never responded to any of them. Worst landlords ever. It's making me very anxious.
Yeah seriously landlords need to work with you. You still live there so it's your place and it's up to YOU who can come and when. If they don't like it they can wait until you leave to show the place. Especially if they've been crappy landlords overall, they don't even deserve the consideration.

Not much longer now!

I just ordered a bunch of cheapie OPKs from Amazon and I'm weirdly excited to be peeing on sticks again even if nothing is coming of it lol. I'm expecting my period soon (just got a telltale zit on my nose ew). It was easier to anticipate AFs arrival when i used to get cramps. Having a baby seems to have stopped the horrible debilitating cramps I had every time and I'm definitely not complaining!
It's just the way they told us they would let us know when they need to show it. No. This is still out home right now. We need advanced notice. During the week u less it's during the day Tuesday's Thursday's or Friday's someone is here with Ashlyn so won't work. Weekends we could potentially be out with notice, but not for her nap times unless we go to my parents. I just hate them. Not enough space to explain all the horrible things they've done.

Yay! Peeing on stuff is fun haha. It would be nice to just have sort of confirmation you're Oing. Are you going to temp or just use OPKs?
Just updated my lilyslim and was pleasantly surprised to find I've recovered from my fall off the diet wagon! I was sure I still had a couple of pounds, but I'm actually half a pound under when I last updated it! Score! This is the lowest I've been since I started my diet in March :). 36lb down, 15 to go! I can do that by January if I keep myself focused.

Just use OPKs. I did temp the last time we were TTC but I just wake up too much at night these days for it to be at all accurate. Plus I never had like the perfect rise. There would be a couple of days of in between temps--and I'd be like I'm not sure I must BD which just made things stressful. I think OPKs work a little better for me even though I havent used them much in the past--and when I did I used those smiley face ones not the cheapies. But we'll see. I remember I used to get my surge more in the evening not in the morning. So I'll have to read twice a day.

Do you usually get your donation after a positive OPK? Or do you go by other fertility signs?

Those awful landlords will just be a part of your past in less than two weeks!! :happydance:.

Woohoo for not falling off your weight loss goals! You're so close I'm jelly! I've lost about 15 pounds since July. Which is pretty decent for 2 months I think! I've got like 9 more to be pre-Zinny weight. Which I definitely think I can do by December/January. Let's do it!

But I'm actually 30 pounds away from my wedding day weight. I was so skinny. Sigh. If I get pregnant I can't get there until after baby #2. Guess I'll just lose as much as I can now. Control the gain while pregnant (I only gained about 27 pounds with my daughter so hopefully I can manage that again) and definitely try to control it AFTER baby because that was my downfall with Zinnia. Breastfeeding messed with my hormones big time and my appetite was INSATIABLE. Always felt hungry. Not so much anymore now but I'm making probably a measly 2 oz a day if that lol. I was always told you lose when you breastfeed I felt gipped.

CD1 here! I thought I would have a shorter cycle this time because I felt like I was PMSing for like ever but it was a 26 day---so even though short still, it's about my max length these days. I'll start OPKing morning of CD9. The cycle we conceived this little munchkin in front of me i O'ed CD11.
If you're pretty regular those should work fine. Just figure anywhere from 12-36 hours after you ovulate so bd at the first positive!

For Ashlyn the donations ended up being 7 and 5 days before O as I ovulated super late. I'm pink swaying again so I really want to work on pinpointing O so we can get them further from O. The idea is that girl sperm are slower but love longer so you want to do it further from O. I want it the last donation no closer than 4 days before O. But I have no idea how it'll work with us being so much farther from the donor now. Time will tell. I have weekends and Monday's off so hopefully it works out for that time.

That was my downfall too! Going through my time hop on Facebook I was so close to my prepregnancy weight at one point and then I gained most of it all back. Sucked. I definitely didn't lose weight in the 3 months I pumped. No way.

Oh right my cycle with Ashlyn started the end of October! 2 years ago. Time goes FAST!

Closing has been officially scheduled!one week from today! September 27! OH took the first week of October off to move and paint and do all that stuff. Yay! How's your house coming along?
Whoo!! That's so soon! Awesommmes!

Our house is suchhh a huge project at the moment I think it's overwhelming my husband. But he talked to a general contractor on the phone today that he really liked and thought his prices were reasonable sounding enough. Having him come out on Thursday. If he still sounds reasonable after looking at the house and giving more specific numbers, we'll hire him and that should make everything go much more smoothly. We wouldn't have to find people for specific jobs anymore. No coordinating their schedules. He would take care of everything. Which would hopefully have us moved in sooner.

We're going to buy new appliances for the kitchen and my brother is taking the old ones so that saves us having to figure out how to get rid of them. Double oven, stovetop, and refrigerator; my brother is psyched! lol.

We just got some floor samples today and I think we've found our winner. Michael wants to show his mom and his sisters before making a final decision which kind of annoyed me lol. They're MY floors, what do their opinions matter? But I know he would do whatever I liked even if they liked something else so I'm just going to let it go. Huge money pit though. Painting alone will likely cost us upwards of 10 grand. We would do it ourselves if there wasn't so much to do already and the 2 story parts of the house (foyer and breakfast room) are a huge doozy.
If you can afford it, a contractor would be so helpful! Just tell him what you want and he will see it gets done. It would greatly cut down on the overwhelmingness...if that's even a word.

Big score for your brother! Haha. Stainless steel appliances are on our someday list ;) Kitchen is mostly done we just want to repaint the cabinets. Probably a light grey. Granite countertops are on the someday list too.

That much for paint? Now I'm worried as we have to paint. Every wall is white. But we will do it ourselves so hopefully just a couple hundred for the paint and supplies. It's two floors also. That is weird he wants to ask his family about the floor....hopefully they don't sway his decision since you like the paint.

Are you trying this cycle? If so, I'll live vicariously haha. Such bad baby fever, but not the right time. Soon enough though :)

I have a question - are you going to be keeping your daughters new room the same as her current room? I'm split on that. Originally I wanted to keep Ashlyn's room in the new house the same as her current room. Same theme, we have paint left so use that and save some money, wouldn't need to buy anything new, etc. I thought it might help her transition. But I found a nursery theme (we want to keep her in her crib at least another year, but at the very least her crib converts so even if she needs a toddler bed we will still use the same crib) I LOVE! It's called lavender woods. It has forest animals like owls, foxes, deer, ets. Ashlyn is obsessed with owls! I think it's adorable. It wouldn't be too different from her room now. Her room now is pink and purple (butterfly theme) this new theme would be pink and purple as well, just a bit more purple whereas now her room is a bit more pink. It would still have her same furniture and books, toys, etc. I'm thinking it really doesn't matter much if we change it. We change her crib sheets and changing pad covers and blankets and she never notices. It would be cheaper to keep everything she has. Now, but I love this new theme.
It's a huge house and the whole place needs a new paint job that's why it will likely cost so much. 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, dining room, living room, family room, 2 story foyer and breakfast room (so 2 staircases :wacko:), and conservatory---almost 5000 sq ft house---yeah we're nuts lol. We will probably have new paint in the garage and basement as well. That's a lot of taping and painting so most of the cost will be for labor for sure--they will need scaffolds for the 2 story rooms so I'm sure equipment is factored into the price as well.

And yeah he's like that he's definitely a mama's boy haha. Usually doesn't bother me because his mom is a sweetheart and so good to me. He likes the same one I liked too so I think he just wants to see if they like it too (and I don't see why they wouldn't).

We actually never got around to adding the decorations to her room that I wanted lol. So there's not much going on in her room right now. It's a hot air balloon themed room with orange and navy blue. Never got around to hanging the beautiful hand knit mobile I bought or the pictures that were supposed to go on the wall. I think I will just hang them when we move. But no plans to change her room much.

I think the new theme sounds adorable and I doubt Ashlyn would complain or lose any comfort she currently gets from her room. It doesn't sound like that much would be different. She would probably love it :)

Oh and no not trying. I have a few more cycles yet. Just starting to track where I am. Want to see when I ovulate these next few cycles. Gives me something to do while WTT :haha:.
I saw a picture in your journal. It's huge!! Oh man makes our house look like a shack haha. I'd pay people to paint too lol. That's a huge job.

That's good you get along well with your MIL. I love reading the horror stories on here haha. The things people do to other people is nuts!

Ooh I see. I started that with this cycle. I'm hoping O keeps coming forward a bit, but also it would be nice if it stayed the same so I'll know when to expect it and can plan. I'm hoping getting back on my diet plan will help.
I bet your diet plan will help. FX it all works out just the way you want ;)

So seems like this may not be CD1 after all. Just light sporadic spotting today. Unusual for me for sure. The last time my cycle went past 26 days was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Before that, it was only when I had a loss. Hm. I'm almost positive tomorrow will be full on flow. But leave it to my cycle to choose now to start becoming unpredictable :haha:.
You 100% sure you're not pregnant?

Our cycles always start misbehaving when we start tracking! Without fail. Every damn time haha. Mine was becoming regular the 3 cycles I've been on inositol. I on cd 19 then cd 18 then cd 17. I start doing OPKs and I o cd 23! Though I think my fall off the diet wagon is to blame mostly but still. It was being so good haha

Tricky little buggers.

Pretty sure Ashlyn is coming down with something. Another little one in daycare has been out a couple of days. Then the mother of another was like, you know it may have started with mine she wasn't feeling well the other day blah blah. When Ashlyn got hand foot and mouth too it was from that same child. If your kid is sick keep them home! She was super cranky yesterday and it took a half hour longer than normal to get her to sleep last night. She was not happy. She did feel warm yesterday too. On the plus side, by the time she starts school her immune system will be primed and ready to go haha.
Yeah it would have been a miracle conception pretty much if I had been pregnant :haha:. We sex twice like the whole month and nowhere near ovulation. Things have been a little too busy around here. Hopefully we can have more time for us soon.

Today is definitely CD1 arrived in full force. My OPKs out for delivery (possibly already in the mailbox haven't checked), and I'm weirdly excited haha. Makes trying feel so much closer. Hopefully your diet gets things back on track for you with your cycle!

Ugh seriously makes me so mad when people take their sick kids out. Especially when they bring them to family functions :growlmad:.I don't think Zinnia is sick but she's been giving us a hard time at bedtime the past few days. Hour+ for her to go to sleep in her crib. It used to be so easy. Give her some milk. Take her upstairs and put her in the crib and she'd roll over and go to sleep. now I bounce and bounce on the yoga ball and then she's up standing and screaming seconds after being put down. And it seems like I have to keep doing it over and over until she'll just sleep in the crib!

Exhausting and really eating into the bit of 'me time' I get after she goes to bed. On the plus side she does sleep all night after that so it could be worse. In fact last night she slept a little TOO much. I was kind of concerned lol. Put her in bed after 10 and she didn't wake up until around 12. Happy playing in her crib until about 12:30 noon :saywhat:. Now our schedule for the day is all whacked out but I'll figure it out lol. I think she needed that sleep because she's a pretty happy kid today.

Hope Ashlyn is feeling better not worse.
I know kids get sick. It happens. They're gross little germ buckets in a cute coating so we don't kick them to the curb ;). But if your kid is sick keep them home. We do send them home if they have a fever, but if the parents don't take it and send them they're infecting all the other kids. We don't go around feeling the kids for fevers haha. We only notice if they're really hot. I get sometimes the parents don't know too and it happens, but if you know keep them home!

Oh man sleep with Ashlyn has SUCKED the past 3 sleeps. Started with last nights bedtime. Then her first nap today took her a while and she's currently up there causing a fuss for her second nap. What you're going through now is how Ashlyn used to be until recently lol. But she did get better and we rock and sing and put her down and she's been out within 5 mins, but past day it's been horrible.

I would kill many people for that amount of sleep! I'm lucky if we get 10 hours. Though she won't make noise, usually, until 5:30 the earliest. Usually 6. I wish we could fast forward them to their high school and college years so they can see how amazing naps are and how they wasted them as babies and then come back and they would be amazing sleepers! Haha

She's kind of the same unfortunately. Very fussy and clingy and whiny and having trouble sleeping. She's not supposed to be in another leap for a few more days, but could have started early.
Sorry things have been rough with Ashlyn. We're going through a similar rough patch. Threw the biggest tantrum today when I tried to get her to drink from her straw cup that she had used just fine a couple hours before. Went crazy and bananas---wouldn't even take her normal sippy even though I knew that's what she wanted and the reason for the tantrum. Took forever to calm her down. Aiaiai :wacko:. Thankfully bedtime seemed ok my husband took her up. He said he just held her a little longer before putting her down this time and it seemed to do the trick. Normally we just plop her right into the crib lol--because it used to work just fine. I love cuddling her but I'm just afraid of creating bad sleep habits at this point. What else can we do though? Not comfortable with any sleep training methods that involve crying because she does sleep well once we finally get her in there. We'll just keep doing what we're doing until we feel we can't handle it anymore I guess.

I definitely think her sleep at night is so long because she hardly sleeps during the day. She had 1 nap today, for example, that was probably only 30 minutes long. Let's see how long she sleeps tonight. I'm hoping she sleeps in again because I'm up pretty late making her some food today lol.

And definitely agree with you about parents keeping their kids home if they know they're sick. Selfish and irresponsible to send them to infect other kids becuse they can't bother to work out a way to keep them home.
These babies and their tantrums. We get some epic ones here. It breaks my heart though. I know she's just pissed but the way she cries sounds like someone broke her little heart! Then if you pick her up she immediately stops. She is definitely quite the actress. That's what I get for studying acting and theater for years haha.

We did a version of sleep training. We let her cry a bit. Not much. We took an infant sleep class back in January so we've learned to distinguish between her distressed/something is wrong she needs help cries and her I'm super pissed I'm not getting what I want cries. She very rarely cries from distress haha. That got us not having to rock he tto sleep anymore, but past 2 nights I've had to sit in her room for her to go to sleep. Or else she just screamed. Not even her distressed scream but still. Toddler years are rough.

I'd love to go down to one nap, but she can't go more than 3-3.5 hours of being awake before she's a complete crabcake. Tried it once and never again. Then she doesn't sleep well at night if she doesn't sleep well during the day. She's already up. Has been up since before 6. No idea what's going on with her he past few days.

So I've found out there's a thing called the low carb flu! Apparently when you cut carbs and your metabolism adjusts you feel like crap. Headaches, dizziness, mental fog, fatigue, muscle cramps, irritability, etc. not sure how long it lasts but damn. That's why I've been feeling weird. Hope it doesn't last long. Like a junkie getting clean haha
At least she calms down when you pick her up. My little trouble maker just goes CRAZY and gets herself super worked up. It feels like I have to stand on one hand while I simultaneously juggle to get her to calm down. Sigh.

Sleep has gotten better. Her dad has been able to successfully get her to sleep by just holding her a little longer before putting her down. If only he had figured it out sooner. Last night she did wake up around 2:30 am though. Stood up, cried a little, then stopped and just started playing...I thought I was in big trouble. I left her to play since she wasn't calling out anymore. Took about an hour but she eventually fell asleep. I was pretty relieved lol. Of course I was up for another hour after she fell asleep before I could sleep myself. Thankfully she slept in again so I still felt refreshed in the morning.

I think I went through that when I first started on this diet too. My husband kept talking about how he had so much more energy and I was in the slumps (we're doing it together)---we're also doing intermittent fasting so it could also have been just plain hunger from not eating for so long. It's gotten tons easier though. How are you feeling?
Oh so much better since I had a bad bad bad diet day yesterday haha. I won't even say how far up the scale went. Oh well. It was worth it ;). I'll start again today.

Knock on wood Ashlyn was great with sleep yesterday. Just a brief cry when put downs r naps but took two hour and twenty minute naps and slept 8-6:30 with a brief waking at 5. She cried but was laying down and stopped pretty quick. She wasn't as cranky yesterday either. I was reading there's a 13/14 month sleep regression but I'm hoping she just had a little bug or it was a short phase.

We've gotten our court date for OH's second parent adoption. So that's coming up. And closing on Tuesday. And doing all that moving and painting and some small little jobs around the house and everything. Then having an adoption/housewarming party. A lot going on the next few weeks! Gonna be busy busy busy. Will keep me occupied.

How's everything with you?

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