TTC sucess after laparoscopy

I hope you are feeling better today cazhd. Any sign of the :witch: yet? Nothings changed here :(. You guys are so funny, between the vision of noja in a dress with irish legs leaving hosp and cazhd fainting on the consultant as he show you out to the car .... hehehe:rofl:

All is good here, just keeping warm and watching more DVDs. Although I have had some dizziness today, started last night. Don't know what thats about...hmmm. Other than that, not much else. Hope you are all well, keep us posted how things are going gals.
Hi lioness no sign of the witch yet, although boobs getting more tender??? You had any luck with :witch: yet?

Good to hear your feeling okay and carrying on with the relaxing. Me and DH went out today and think it's taken its toll, been really sick and had to come home and feeling generally lowsy now!!!

Was bit upset earlier was sitting in car with my mum and she brought up a situation at the moment which to cut a long story short is my sis is pregnant (17wks now) and told people in confidence prior to scan and people found out (Think it was her sister in law and mother in law telling people) Her sister in law ttc for years and found out eventually couldn't have children and then went on to adopt two children. I think my sis being pregnant has brought feelings back for her about not being able to have her own and the emotional rollercoaster she experienced so felt she had to tell someone, i can really understand this!!! My mum was saying how wrong she is and should be glad she has got two children. I was so angry :hissy: and was nearly on my high horse but then i would have blurted it all out :cry: about my own problems. I eventually just said well your lucky to have had three children easily mum and the rest of my family have all had pregnancies easily and until your in that situation of unable to bear a child how can you judge how someone else will feel. :cry: i just wanted to run away. DH got back in car and couldn't understand what was wrong and couldn't tell him till two hrs later when we were on our own.

oh well god sends these things to test us i'm sure and you have to carry on regardless. hope your ok, big :hug:
Sorry to hear you had a lousy day Cazhd, sounds like its the last thing you need right now :hugs:. I know what you mean about people making comments about things they know nothing about, it hurts when that happens. I am sure they don't mean any harm, they just don't think before they speak and live in their own little bubble, they are insensitive to what other people have or are going through. I hope DH was supportive when you were able to tell him. How are you today?

I am still just cruising around home, I don't feel house bound yet, just glad to not have to go anywhere or do anything. I am using this time to emotionally heal as well. Things get busy with work, tcc journey and everything that I get quite exhausted.

My tummy is still a bit tender, but the swelling gone down quite alot now. No sign of the :witch: yet.

Hope you feel better soon after yesterday
Thanks lioness, i'm doing okay have to get on with things and just turn a blind eye to peoples comments. Some people are really insensitive. Went to work today to see my manager and hand in sick line, met one of the staff outside and she said i'm the talk of the place cos kept private why i'm off, why does everyone want to know everyones business :hissy: are we not allowed any privacy in this world? One of the staff who is extremely nosey and likes to know everyones business said to someone who i'm friendly with at work "so did she lose the baby?" i mean why would you make that up? She said i don't know why she's off but sure thats not the reason!!!! If i didn't know why someone was off i wouldn't pry and certainly wouldn't make vicous rumours up. Don't want to go back now :cry:

Hope your okay :hugs:
Oh thats no good, sorry to hear you have to go through all that :hugs:. I don't like rumours and gossipers...they don't realise how hurtful and damaging it can be. I'm like you, I would never do that to anyone. The only thing I can suggest is to tell them to "Mind their own business" or something similar as they don't need to know. You have the right to tell who you want to tell, need to know basis I say!!! I haven't called into work yet, I am pretty private and stand offish...I don't know if they would be game to ask or say anything to me :rofl:.

Stay strong, try and ignore them and remember... you don't have to answer to them!!! :hugs: When are you due back?

Not much happening here, been keeping low and resting... just the way I like it :). I did go to the TCM acupuncturist today...he is always really good, he knows his specialty and cares. He advises me against tcc this month allow my body to heal and build up so that when I do conceive my body will be strong and healthy. I need to wait until the :witch: returns anyway, so its all good, I feel positive about it all (at the moment anyway) hehehe! Are you still looking at TCM/acupuncture?

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Thanks lioness you always make me feel better with your kind words. Wish i was stronger and more like you and a little stand offish. Would make a big difference. I've told them i'm alright and rather not discuss my private affairs but some folk just live on gossiping, i can't even understand why some people would make these things up.

Glad your session with TCM/ accupunture went well. Our plan is to go to accupuncturist when we return from hol and will be on my next cycle. A month off sounds good idea just to let your body rest and recuperate.

Going back to work for one shift a week tommorrow if i'm okay. Then off for a fortnight for our hol. Hopefully i'll be okay for next week belly button still really inflammed and weaped a couple of times so keeping a close eye. Will see gp next tue.

Been a bit stressed out today. My interior mirror fell off windscreen day before op so took it to get fixed today thinkin it would be simple job :rofl: as if!! They phoned after 5 hours to say couldn't get it to bond and then decided i had the wrong windscreen for my car. So told me I would have to replace the windscreen and then they would fix the mirror. The car is only two years old and i bought it from them so assured them it was there problem not mine. Ended up after 5 phone calls and a call to my dad who is very good with these matters, i had to threaten legal action and tell them i'd contacted a lawyer and they were in breach of providing me with a faulty car and my lawyer was assuring me they were in the wrong and i would just be coming to collect my car and they would be hearing from lawyer in due course. Think they took the bate cos five mins later they phoned to say the sales manager would replace the whole lot :happydance:

Oh the joys, happy days

I have been through pettiness of people with their rumors, gossip and trouble before...thats why I now keep people at arms length and only tell those who I choose to tell. People who cause trouble obviously don't have a life or are unhappy in themselves, they have the problem!!! :hugs:

Glad to hear the car situation has been sorted out. You sound similar to me, if anything can go wrong, it will :rofl:, something so simple is never simple :rofl:. Its good to hear that your Dad was able to help you out :). I can imagine how stressful the situation was, I don't like dealing with things like that. My DH does all that for me now, he has taken a huge stress off my shoulders.

I hope your belly button is ok, good idea to keep an eye on it. At this stage all is healing up well here. How are your stitches going?

I still don't know exactly when I am going back to work. So far I have planned for next week...see how I am feeling. I am just worried about the lifting side of things. Did they say to you how long after the op to not lift anything heavy?

Hope your day is better today than the last couple :hug:

Cupcake Queen, all the best with the laparoscopy today, my thoughts are with you :hugs:. I am sure everything will work out ok, think of it as one step closer to reaching your end result... a :bfp:!!! Hope to hear from you soon
Well had a good day today, yipee, how's you?

Well fingers crossed cars okay, to pick it up tommorrow afternoon. Normally DH deals with all these things, in the beginning he was but gets quite flustered on the phone so i spoke when it was getting out of hand. I'm leaving him to do the talking tommorrow when we collect car cos gonna ask to speak to manager and voice our opinion on the whole situation cos we only dealt with the girl at service/repair desk and i felt sorry for her.

Stitches still there. Not to sure bout lifting things after op!!! If i go back for my one shift next week i won't be doing any lifting or turning cos not putting my self at risk. Play it by ear and see how your feeling next week?

Big :hug:

Thinking of you today Cupcake Queen, hope your doing okay :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Awww....thanks so much for your well wishes - that was really nice!!

Everything went well yesterday - still sore and stuff as to be expected - pain less than I thought - they didn't give me any strong pain killers to take home - just have to take normal paracetemol.

So the outcome is my tubes aren't blocked!!!!! Yipee! Can't tell you guys how much this is a relief, given they did think I had scarring from m/c last year. They did remove some endometriosis from front of uterus I think and then a cyst in the uterus which I think was no big deal. The doctor was telling me all this just after I came out of surgery and was all light headed and out of it!! But I was trying really hard to remember everything she said, so I could tell DH later.

I have an appointment with her on Monday and I guess we will go through it all again. BUt she seemed pretty happy that nothing major was wrong which is such a relief. As I started Clomid recently she told me there were 3 follicles there! But this month I think is out as there is no :sex: for 2 weeks.

Sorry to hear Caz that you have had a bad time of late. You just have to sometimes let people's comments just go - most of the time they don't mean it or don't realise how insensitive they are being.

I have had everyone at work wanting to know what I was taking time off and I just kept saying 'health issues' - I know that they will gossip regardless, so no point giving them too much to go on! MY close friend at work knows though.

Also I am not sure if I mentioned that a friend of mine who has a 1 y.old is pregnant again and she didn't want to be and she told me she didn't mind if she miscarried as it wasn't planned etc. She told me all this the day my doc told me about my potential issues (blocked tubes, endo etc) and it was the most rotten day. Anyways, turns out she did m/c poor thing I hope she is ok. Having had gone through that I get really put out when people say 'oh it's only a m/c' because it's a pretty awful thing to go through and now she has gone through this with no medical intervention (she's a bit alternate and just went to the acupuncturist for treatment!). She's going through the blaming herself stage so I should probably give her a call.

Speaking of acupuncturist, I have found a good one that deals with women's issues and will look at going to see him when I've healed up a bit.

Well that's all my news for the moment! Thanks again for your well wishes and for thinking of me. :)
Hi cupcake queen glad to hear your doing okay and results sound better than you had expected. Paracetamol not really much hope your not too sore, i took tylex (co-codamol 30/500) for first four days and really needed them especially when the bruising started coming out.

Thats great to hear that you've 3 large follicles after clomid, fingers crossed for next month then. Hopefully you'll find out more on monday.

I'm doing okay just letting comments go over my head. I never told anyone at work why i was off so they've just decided to make up their own reasons :cry:

I've been looking into accupuncture too, hopefully going to start it on my next cycle when we return from our holiday. Worth a try!!!!

Sorry to hear about your friend, that seems a rather strange comment for her to make about not minding if she miscarries especially when she's knows you've been thru it. Big :hug: for you, can't be easy hearing that.

Well rest up and hope your okay :hugs:
Congratulations Cupcake, good to hear everything went well! How are you feeling now? Did you stay in overnight? Did you know you had any endo prior to the lap? Good luck monday, hope you receive more positive feedback, let us know how things go. I was put on Panadeine Forte for 5 days and voltarin. I didn't feel much discomfort at all until I started reducing the amount of meds I was taking. In the first week I would get a sore throat (from the LMA/airway they used while I was anesthetised) and for me the pain meds helped with that also.

Hows the Clomid going? Did you start taking it before the lap? If you've started on it, did you get any side effects?

As for me, I'm healing up well, still waiting on the :witch: and won't be going back to work for another couple of weeks. Since my job is pretty strenuous and requires lifting, I was advised that I rest properly and not rush back to work. So it looks like more time of rest which is good but hard for me as I am not use to it, I don't like leaving my work mates to pick up the slack. But I guess at the end of the day its about looking after ourselves and not putting ourselves at risk.

Glad you're having a better day Caz, good luck with the car tomorrow. :hugs:

Haven't heard from Noja for awhile, hope she's going ok.

Hope everyone is going well :hug:
Thanks girls.

I didn't stay o/night. I was admitted at 7 am - operated at 10.30 am and in recovery until about 2 pm before they gave me something to eat and then DH came to get me at about 4 pm. It was a full day though! Why are hospital beds so uncomfortable!?! :rofl:

I am on day 3 of healing and it all appears fine. I didn't have to take any painkillers last night and had a good night's sleep. I am on standard paracetamol and have nuerofen as well - but don't really feel like I need anything else -I am quite ok. Just the shoulder tip/muscular pain from anesthetic that hurts more than anything, but that is going.

Getting around the house a bit more today and we are actually going away to the Gold Coast this w/end for our 1st year anniversary! (although not terribly romantic given my current state - but nice to get away).

I have started Clomid - not sure why FS told me to start before op - but yeah it went quite well. First day I felt like I was carrying a bunch of grapes around my insides but apart from that all was good. No mood swings or anything thankfully.

I didn't know for sure I had endo before op - doctor suspected it given I had spotting before :witch: for quite a few months now. So she was right.

So that's about it from me for the moment. Feeling positive and good about everything and loving having an excuse to eat chocolate every day. :)
hi lioness i'm good thanks, picked car up earlier and happy with it so thats good. Got phone call tonight to say a manager will be phoning in next 48 hrs to discuss why we were dissatisfied with the service we recieved :dohh: as if they need to ask.

Your :witch: still not showed up, hmm!!! Me neither not due for another couple of days but my boobs have been really tender for 4 days now so thought it was coming early.

Was thinking how noja was.

Big :hug: hope everyone doing okay
All sounds good cupcake, and as for chocolate....well....that sounds great :)! You're doing well without using much pain relief. Apparently I woke up in discomfort last night asking DH to get me a couple of neurofin. I don't remember any of it...I tend to do things in my sleep and not know anything about it :rofl:

Glad you've got your car back caz. Hope you're healing well. Not much else happening here, just resting STILL!... hehehe.

Let us know how things are going...
Lioness know how you feel dh says i do things like that all the time and i'm none the wiser!!!

I'm just resting up too, dreading going to back to work next wed. Hopefully no one will ask anything.

Got my letter for my next fertility appointment this morning it's in september seems ages away, know it's not really, just hoping we don't need it but then the negative side of me knows we'll be going, think i'm needing some PMA :cry:

Glad ur doing okay :hugs:
Hi girls, back on-line after a busy week back at work. How is everyone recovering? Hope you all had a good week. I'm so glad to see Friday!
I had no idea it would take sooo long to get back to normal. :witch: paid me a very long (8 days) and very heavy visit but at least the doc had warned me what to expect.
Cupcake you must have a very high pain threshold-good for you!! Really pleased for you that the reports are so positive, I hope everything goes well for you now. I LIKE the attitude about chocolate.:munch:
Lioness and Cazhd you noticed my absence, I feel quite touched, thank you, you are all so encouraging. I was just so busy at work and so tired by the time I got home in the evenings that I hadn't the energy to turn on the computer. In hind sight I think I should have left it another week, I spent a lot of time this week hopping up and down of chairs, hanging things on walls and generally running around the school like a mad woman. Probably not helped by a 70 minute drive every morning and afternoon!!
Comments at work and from people in general seem to be something we have to learn to deal with. The minute people think it's about time you should be 'producing' the pressure starts. It's awful. I really feel for you Cazhd. I had a parent in school STARE at my stomach in such an obvious rude way I felt quite uncomfortable. Apparently there was speculation about my time off-even though I had quite deliberately made it known I was having a small op and would be off for a few weeks.
I obviously missed out on a car adventure here Cazhd, hope it got sorted whatever it was that happened!

Going out out for a bite to eat with DH tonight and have a few wee glasses of wine cause after that it'll be way too close to O to be chancing alcohol...The countdown is about to begin again.My two best friends are pregnant, they managed both managed on the first go-where am I going wrong!!!

You know what, it's just good to be back in here today and to be able to unload. I had a good cry today on the way home form work, about the fact that had I not had the early m/s I would now be looking forward to going on maternity leave for the next school year. And, of course like each of us, I'm terrified of the prospect that there might never be baby-ouch, even saying that hurts. Gotta believe it will happen.

oh, also , a slightly odd question-how are your belly buttons? Mine is quite red but not sore at this stage. I'm afraid to poke about too much. Have removed the dressing now which the nurse had changed after a week. Is there anything I should or should not be doing???::confused:
Yippee, now I've got a ticker too!!

...and another one. Do I have to put the text in every time i write a post?
Hi Noja

My belly button is ok! I took my dressing off today (3 days post-op) and really expected something yuck but it was all quite fine. Can't really notice it much and it is probably the most sensitive of the three spots, but not too bad.

Don't be too down about where you might have been maternity leave wise if things had turned out. I went through this as well - my :baby: was meant to have been born on Easter Sunday this year and that was a really tough day for me (and leading up to it) :cry:, with all the 'if this had turned out - then I'd be doing this right now".

Even now sometimes I think, if it all went ok I'd have a 7 week old :baby: etc. But it will drive you batty if you keep going through this. It's ok to think about now and then, but please look forward, not back - the best is yet to come!! :hugs:

I have a background in engineering and science, so I'm a numbers girl, and statistically there are very very very few people that end up childless. I keep telling myself this - statistically, it will happen at some point - even if it takes ages - numerically, it will happen!

I don't know if this gives much hope - but the more you try, the better chances you have. And we all seem to have had to take a little detour from the 'standard' way we think things should happen - but they will happen. Of that I am certain.:thumpup:

One thing I try to think of sometimes, when I see all these pregnant women is that I just assume everything has gone well for them - but this may not have actually been the case! I mean, just because I see a pregnant woman doesn't mean it just happened when she wanted - she could have been trying for months, even years, and no one ever knew.

Just like when we all have our babies - people might think 'oh it was easy for them - they had a baby when they wanted it' but that is far from the truth.

I know I haven't been telling everyone how hard we have been trying and for how long (12 months) and when people ask I say "We'll see what happens". So when I do have my baby, maybe people will think it just happened when I wanted it to happen, which is so not true!! :)

Sorry for my ranting - but I am just trying to get some PMA out there. Don't get me wrong - I get down - very down sometimes - but I think this forum is really helpful and to read other people's posts provides hope.

We will all get there - through blood, sweat and many many tears - we will get there!!

Take it easy hun.
Cupcake Queen

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