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TTC sucess after laparoscopy

Thanks cupcake, that was a gentle but firm talking to and I think I needed it! I was a bit down yesterday but it's onwards and upwards today.
Have a super weekend away with DH and many congratulations on your 1st wedding anniversary!!
Hi Noja, good to see you again!!! The Dr mentioned to you what to expect after a D&C did he/she? Any ideas on what has happened to my cycle by any chance. I had the lap/D&C on CD20 and bled for 5 days after the op. Bleeding stopped when I was due for the :witch:, so I am currently confused as to where my cycle is. Any suggestions would be great.

Hope your not feeling too tender with all that bending and moving around at work. I will now be back at work in a couple of weeks time, making it 4 weeks post op.

Sounds like you had a difficult day the other day, I hope you're ok :hugs:, hang in there. With your friends, I am sure it won't be long until you'll be announcing your :bfp:! fingers crossed that we all get our good news soon!!!
Like Cupcake mentioned, we need to look forward, not back. The best is yet to come, things do happen for a reason, perhaps there was a problem with the last pregnancy. This time when you fall you'll have a happy and healthy pregnancy with a happy and healthy bubs at the end of it :)!!! :happydance:

I am looking forward to hearing everyone's news of a :bfp: after our lap's, I cannot tell you how happy I will be when I finally get mine. Like cupcake mentioned, it will happen eventually. Lets hope it happens sooner than later for us all. "We will all get there - through blood, sweat and many many tears - we will get there!!" - thanks for the encouragement cupcake.

My belly buttons ok. A little red and a bit tender if I poke at it. I don't have any dressings over it, I just wash as normal. The other day I did use a cotton bud as there was some healing debri in there :).

Going to go and watch a DVD, feeling a little tired
Good to hear from you lioness. Thanks again for your words of wisdom. Brought a wee tear to my eye-I'll blame bbq smoke if DH catches me weepy! I'm fine 99.9% of the time-like all of us I guess. It's just now and again a sad thought passes through. But it does pass.
Lioness, I'm not sure what's going on with your cycle. I can only presume the lap did knock things out for you a bit. The gyno just said the next period would probably be heavier than usual, this was in an e-mail when I asked him directly if I should expect anything different. At the consultation he had said something about allowing 6 weeks for my system to settle down after the lap.I'm not sure what he meant by settle down though. I didn't have a D&C though (as far as I know!) that might be what has disturbed your cycle.Can you ring your doc?
I was hoping to get cracking again on the baby making front but I'm still bleeding a bit on day 10 of my cycle so I'm wondering if there's something up and beginning to realize that realistically we may have to wait another month. I have a nasty bad habit of looking everything up symptoms wise on the old net and leaving myself in an awful state so I'm really trying not to do that this time.
My bellly button thanks you all for you advice :rofl:
Take care all.
Hi all

Good to hear from you noja, you sound like you had a tough day at work :hugs:. Thanks for your comments noja, i've realised you just have to turn a blind eye to peoples comments and assumptions and carry on regardless. I too have a good cry to myself on my bad days and coming on here and talking to you girls certainly helps but best to let it out. My belly button is still red and slightly tender if i touch it but looks like its healing nicely now.

Glad to hear your doing alright cupcake queen, your words have certainly given my PMA a much needed boost :hugs: and it's very true we will all get there - through blood, sweat and many many tears - we will get there!!

Well noja my :witch: is still in hiding too, i think she's playing games with us both. Really feel like it would have came by now, hmmm!!!

Had a cry to myself today, was out with mum, sis, sis-in-law and kids and my sis bump starting to show (thinks she 17 + 5) and my jealousy pangs started, feel terrible cos really pleased for her but just reminds me of this emotional rollercoaster and my PMA not been great recently.

Big :hug: to you all great to hear from everyone
My FS has been away on a conference, so I have just been letting time sort out the :witch: side of things. I'm using this time out to allow my body to heal so when its time, things should stick and be healthy...got to look at the positives :)!!!

I find looking things up on the net sometimes makes me feel better, but more often than not, it makes me feel worse...I think I loose perspective and start to become tunnel visioned and anxious. Its like I want a miracle answer that will solve all my problems and make all my worries disappear :rofl:

Caz, sorry to hear the :witch: hasn't arrived...when was/is it due? I can only imagine how emotionally painful it must be to see your sister-in-laws bump growing..I would feel the same. There is a girl at work due in September, I haven't seen her for awhile. I am happy for her but I am not ready to have people talk baby around me. I have been waiting for sooo long to have a family and no one would know how many tears have been shed, or how many times my heart has broken as each month and year passes. I have watched others announce their pregnancy, then have the baby, then announce another pregnancy, etc. I have to stop and relax and take each day as it comes and not think about time. I need to think that when the time is right it will happen, God will bless us in his time. I know we have all thought or heard that many a time, and it doesn't always sit well...but really...what choice do we have but to accept and let go. At least all of us here knows how hard it can be and can make it easier by being there. I find coming on here and meeting up with you guys helps me to feel not so alone with what I am going through, that there are other people (such as you lovely ladies), who are going through the same thing. And if I have a bad day or worried about something, I can come here and know that you guys understand or might be able to give me a different perspective, thanks guys :hugs:. The best thing will be when we get to announce our :bfp:. I am sure we will all be having a 2010 baby...so hang in there...its not too far away!!!

Hi All

I hope I wasn't too harsh the other day with my rant! I was just wanting to get some positive vibes out there and I tend to go on a bit!! Just ask DH :)

Lioness - not sure what's happening with your cycle. After my curette last year I bled for about 5 days, then just had a normal period. But then I got an infection and didn't stop bleeding for months! This obviously isn't happening with you - but I guess what I am trying to say is it probably varies with everyone.

Noja - don't worry about trying again too quickly. I did that after m/c last year and I am sure that's what resulted in an infection and it took even longer to heal!

I guess we all just have to be patient with our bodies and let them heal (and have hubbies run around after us for a bit :rofl:).

Caz - Sorry to hear you are down with your sister's pregnancy etc. :hugs: Just take each day as it comes and don't be too hard on yourself - it's ok.

On an other note I had a nice night away with DH down the Gold Coast for our anniversary. It's amazing to think we've been TTC for 12 months - but I'll try for as long as I can to get there! Thanks for all your well wishes.

Might go back to work tomorrow - I'll see how I go.

Take care all!
Cupcake, I don't think you were harsh the other day, I think it's great getting some positive vibes out there...it's what we need sometimes, thank you :).

As for my cycle, perhaps the first day of bleeding after the op was the start of my cycle...perhaps it made it start early. Either that, or there was nothing left when I was due to start - hehehe! I'm guessing it will be about another two weeks away...watch this space... :). Out of curiosity, (so to try and avoid it myself), do you know how you got an infection (or is that too personal)?

Don't rush getting back to work, make sure you look after yourself first. I thought I would have been ready after a week and a half...I am so glad I didn't go back then, in hindsight I definitely wasn't ready!

Take Care and stay warm xo

Happy anniversary cupcake queen, that's was great you got away for a night, you lucky thing. Don't be daft don't think you were ranting actually helped me and boosted my pma - much needed, thanks :hugs:

:witch: was due two days ago, never wanted to see it so much :dohh: Just want to get back on track with things.

Well feeling better today, it's a lovely day again so going to enjoy the sunshine for once (it doesn't come often here) and heading to sisters for bbq later when DH finishes work, hoping there won't be any baby talk. Taking yesterday as a little glitch in my emotions and i know me and DH and all you lovely ladies will have our much wanted babies soon, praying for 2010 for us all :happydance:

:hug: for you all
Out of curiosity, (so to try and avoid it myself), do you know how you got an infection (or is that too personal)?

Um to be honest I think we :sex: too quickly afterwards. Looking back I probably was experiencing some post-traumatic stress and was trying to ignore/forget what happened by getting back into TTC ASAP. When really it was too soon. So I don't think things were 'healed' properly and we tried again too soon. Thankfully there is no scarring from infection - which can happen. So I guess that's just a little warning out there for everyone to just take time to heal and let things get back to normal - otherwise you can bollocks it all up and make it worse - like I nearly did! :dohh:

Scuz my ignorance...what does PMA stand for? ...Pre Menstral anxiety??? :blush:

Thanks Cupcake for your tip on looking after ourselves post operatively. How long after lap/D&C is it recommended we can :sex: ? Any other things we should be aware of? I am happy to hear there was no scarring from the infection back then, how long ago was that? Sounds like it was a hard time in your life. How long did it take to recover from the infection? Maybe it's a good thing about my disappearing cycle..has stopped me from tcc too early and made me rest and recover. Maybe its good for you as well Caz.

Have a nice nice at your sisters tonight Caz and Happy Anniversary Cupcake...bring on all our 2010 babies!!!

Hey Lioness

I can see you are online but not sure how to chat to you directly? My chatroom isn't working.

PMA = Positive Mental Attitude.

I think the doctor recommended 2 'normal' cycles after curette (for me anyway) before TTC. That doesn't mean no :sex: for 2 months - more just 2 months I think for your system to get back to normal. As for :sex: - I think we tried 2 weeks after and it was too soon. I'd say a month (if your DH can handle it!) but best to check with doc.

IT took a good 3 months to recover from my infection. From when I started bleeding with m/c to when I was healed post m/c - I think I bled for a total of like 16 weeks! It was awful.

How do I get a ticker/timer thing on here? Or have like a signature thing at the bottom about my op etc?
Hey Cupcake, I noticed you were on line also, I do not know how to chat either. Thanks for filling me in on what PMA stands for :blush:

16 weeks of bleeding...ouchhhh, thats aweful!!!! Sounds like a nightmare, sorry you had to go through that. How have things been since then?

As for your signature, click on the 'Quick Links' menu bar at the top area of this page > Edit Signature > either type in what you want ie: op, and/or...you can add a ticker. To get a ticker, click on someone else's ticker and it will take you to a page where you can create one. Once you have created one, just copy the code and paste it into your signature box and save. Any problems, let me know...see how you go.

Sorry lioness PMA stands for positive mental attitude, i get lazy typing some times.

Fertility consultant didn't say length of time before :sex: but we waited 2 weeks but i still felt tender so stopped, oops.

Had good afternoon at sisters thanks, been roasting here today been sunbathing all day, not as relaxing as i planned as my neighbours children were trying to join me.
Hi guys, I was just wondering how you are all going? Its now 3 weeks since the op and I am still looking a bit bloated...how is everyone else's tummy going? Does anyone know how long until you start looking back to normal?!

How has everyone's week been?

hi lioness how you doing? I'm doing okay thought i was feeling back to normal so went to work today and felt awful all day, didn't help that was a 12.5 hr shift and on my feet all day and really stressed out, regret it now! I'm off for 12 days now off on holiday tommorrow, can't wait need the break away.

Hope your all doing okay :hug: till i get back hols, take care
Hi Caz, sorry to hear you had a crappy day at work, I hope they were good to you. It has only been two weeks since your op hasn't it? I was originally planning on going back a week and a half after the op...but I'm now going back 4 weeks after as I don't want to do any damage and I haven't felt ready. I still feel a little tender, not on any meds now. My belly button has become a little red and has a small amount of discharge coming from it, not too bad though.

Have yourself a great holiday :) - 12 days...wow, thats great, I hope you feel good by getting away, let us know how your going when you get back. Take care.

Hey guys
I haven't been able to get onto this site all week! Kept saying server was down. I guess something was going on with my computer.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks Lioness for tips on signature - will have to sort ticker when I have a bit.

I haven't had any bleeding or probs since m/c and infection last year - it's all been pretty good except for spotting before :witch: which I think was a symptom of endometriosis.

I still feel bloated - it has been 10 days since op. No probs walking or anything now - I was hobbling like a nanna most of last week but feel ok now. Probably shouldn't have gone back to work Monday (5 days post-op), but was getting a bit sick of being at home. I have seen a few people at work looking at my bloated, puffy belly and I'm sure they think I am pregnant. I wish! :rofl:

I went to specialist last week to see what outcome of op was. I had a 'moderate' amount of endometriosis and a polyp blocking my right tube. They removed the polyp, which apparently was no big deal and just noticed some very tiny fibroids in my uterus, which again is something some people just have. They did a dye test and there are no blockages or scarring from m/c :happydance:

Doctor was positive about everything - said fertility is high for 6 months post lap, so that is good news! She recommended we try again this month, albeit very 'gently' as there were 2 follicles ready to go and she didn't see any point in letting that opportunity go. :sex: was ok pain wise, it was quite clinical, but we just wanted to get some :spermy: there!! I don't at all feel like it worked, but at least we gave it a shot.

Hope everyone is going well.
Hi Cupcake, I have also been having trouble getting onto the site over the last week. Good news about the op, sounds like it all went well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your :bfp: this month. Since you just started Clomid, have you been taking bbt? What days do you take your Clomid on..and what days did your specialist recommend :sex:?

I've been having a sore belly button the last week, it has been a bit weepy. Last night as I was cleaning it, I could see the incision and there was fresh blood on the cotton bud and bleeding a bit. I am not sure if this is normal, so we have made an appointment to see the specialist in a couple of days as I am worried about why its like this. How is everyone elses going?

Thanks Lioness. I don't think we'll have our :bfp: this month - but it's good to know there really isn't anything stopping us now. That being said, I still wand DH to get his :spermy: tested just to rule that out as well. Given he already has a daughter though, I think he should be right.

Specialist recommended I take Clomid on CD 2-6 (total 5 days). And no I haven't been taking bbt - haven't ever done that. I'm not using my CBFM either, as it isn't really accurate if you are on fertility drugs.

Hope your belly button is ok!! Mine is fine - healing well, although I can't really twist too far without it straining a bit. Maybe try wash it with saltwater (or go for a swim at Bronte if you are brave :rofl:). Getting some sun on it might be a good idea as well? I was on the gold coast last weekend and had about 1 hr in the sun which I think helped with healing process.
Take care
Hello ladies. long time no talk to. It's good to get a moment to catch up and see how you all are. Sounds like you're recovering well cupcake. Your consultation sounded really positive, hopes and prayers for something special this month.
Lioness, my belly button is ok now but there was weeping and some fresh blood until 3 weeks post op. It'ss stopped onw but it is still a bit red. As long as you don't have a temperature I think that means it's not infected. I kept throwing little wobblers about mine for a while but DH is very calm and convinced me it was all normal. Sometimes I feel for the men in our lives, mine has rather unbalanced wifey to deal with!
Hope you enjoy your break cazhd,
I'm still waiting for my review with consultant, not having it until after DH has his :spermy: tested. My last period-the first after the lap lasted for 10 days in the end! I'm just after my mid-cycle and I think I ovulated, going by CM. I didin't want to do OPK this month as I thought we should relax about things for a while (AS IF I can truly do that!!)A bit worried today as there was a lot of bloody mucus on the tissue (TMI?-sorry) I don't know if that's to do with the endometriosis? I have quite a bit of pain in my lower back as well. I have jumped to the conclusion that it must mean that I def won't be getting a :bfp: this month because surely that much CM would flood any little :spermy:out of the uterus!! (...and this is me 'relaxing' about things:rofl:)
Oh, I picked up a good book at the weekend, it was recommended to me by a friend. It's by Zita West, Plan to get pregnant, 10 Steps to fertilty. Some interesting stuff in it. I bought some Agnus Castus as well but I'm afraid to take it until I check with the doc.
Anyway, I better head to bed now. DH is waiting and probably quite relieved not to have to :sex: tonight!!
Warm thoughts to all!

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