TTC summer 2010 - Who's with me?

DJ - OMG Huge congrats on the pregnancy, I've been away for a while and just come back to read this thread.

I like your thinking DJ987!

I went shopping today. Was trying on some trousers and suddenly thought...but what if I'm gonna grow out of these really soon?! So i didn't know what do to! Decided i shouldn't be spending money at the moment anyway, so just bought a pair of flipflops instead! At least they'll fit however long it takes to make a baby!!


It's really nice to see everyone getting to the same point together and the excitement all starting to build ! Congratulations DJ987 lets hope everyone else on here is as lucky and we get lots of BFP's soon :) I am still nervous but the excitement is completely taking over !

At work we are doing our job reviews and setting what tasks, courses ect we want to do next year and I keep thinking "What if" :)
It's really nice to see everyone getting to the same point together and the excitement all starting to build ! Congratulations DJ987 lets hope everyone else on here is as lucky and we get lots of BFP's soon :) I am still nervous but the excitement is completely taking over !

At work we are doing our job reviews and setting what tasks, courses ect we want to do next year and I keep thinking "What if" :)

We too are doing some planning at work for next year and I keep wondering the same...and I keep thinking--Oh i hope i'm off work at that time! :happydance:
I've completely planned my work in the next year around the possibility of me being pregnant/on mat leave. :D I just hope we actually get our :bfp: soon.

And Fairybabe, I've been doing that thing with buying clothes for 2 or 3 months now. Everytime I think about buying something I first check whether it would have room for me to "grow into". :D God, it's really about time we start ttc.
I've completely planned my work in the next year around the possibility of me being pregnant/on mat leave. :D I just hope we actually get our :bfp: soon.

And Fairybabe, I've been doing that thing with buying clothes for 2 or 3 months now. Everytime I think about buying something I first check whether it would have room for me to "grow into". :D God, it's really about time we start ttc.

I'm finding it harder to be patient now that we are just 3 + weeks away! Especially as O approaches for this month...I just have to keep reminding myself this is the last time for a while that we have to worry about watching out for the O! yea! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Wow, look what I missed! Big congrats DJ!!! I can't believe our thread has a BFP! And Sweetpea, Fairybabe, Dinah, Laural, what excitement! Hi membas!

Well, I've been traveling to see my family so I haven't been checking on here. I'm so paranoid that even when they weren't around, I wouldn't check in case they decided to use my computer later and saw it in my recent browsing history. Yes, overkill I think, but we haven't told them and I wouldn't want them to find out in an awkward way like that.

I just got AF yesterday so not preggers. This was a pretty easy 2ww in part because I was busy with traveling. Also, I found out shortly after O that I have a pretty good chance of getting to take a trip abroad for work in January or Feb. I knew that if I was pregnant the due date would be around early Feb and I wouldn't want to be doing 14 hour flights to another country right around my due date. So there was a little voice telling me, "Hope you're pregnant! But if not... you probably get to go on the trip!" :)

So, everyone in the 2ww, just plan an exciting trip 9 months from now and it will make the wait much easier! :) Anyways, this is an extra incentive for me to want to wait until July 15 like the original plan. Of course now hubby is saying, "nooooo! let's do it earlier!". Haha. July is still the plan, I guess we'll see what happens when I'm closer to O and become crazy broody woman. I will try to be strong! Amygdala, we can wait together this month. :)

Fairybabe, FX'd for your luteal phase! Mine was 11 days this month, yay, but the spotting beforehand was worse than usual, ugh. I'm not sure how much to worry about the spotting but I'm sure it can't be good. Go back to normal, body!
It's a deal zb5, we'll wait together and keep each other strong. That's so hard for me right now that O is fast approaching and both DH and I keep thinking "what's another month, really?". BUT we have a lot planned next month and none of it would be good for an early pregnancy. And I really wouldn't want to risk having an early miscariage and then having to wait to ttc again. I think ttc is quite nerve wrecking enough without taking such risks.

In the meanwhile I have an appointment with our gp this week. Last time I went I had quite a bad experience so I thought I'd give them another chance and if I don't feel comfortable there this time I'll have time to find a new doctor before our :bfp:. Really I'm just going for a check-up but I'm hoping they'll do a toxoplasmosis test as well. If I turned out to be positive I wouldn't need to worry about cuddling the cat so much.. Will see what they say.
Membas - Thanks! You're getting so close now, only a few more weeks to go!

Fairybabe and DJ - thanks for the advice on the TWW, pretty sure I'll be there very soon!

Zb5 and Amyg - I think you are doing the right thing. I was planning on waiting to but just by luck (or not so lucky... hmm) my ov seems to be pushed back this cycle, so insurance isn't an issue anymore. With the things that you ladies have planned, it does sound the more productive (and safe for possible bubs) route to wait out one more month. You girls both deserve a pat on the back for being so strong!

As for me, I am almost 100% sure that ov is right around the corner, my ticker is definately off! I've been doing OPK's and it seems to have gotten much darker today, but still not positive. Hopefully I'll be catching some of you in the TWW soon. :happydance:
I'm curious if any of you temp? I had an unusual spike in temp today (I'm on cycle day 11 and O is around cycle day 16). No signs of O, so don't think the spike was due to that. I looked back through all my charts and not really much spiking above cover line before O. Occasionally i'm .1 of a degree above, but I went from steady 97.7 and 97.8 to 98.2 this morning. I know it's probably a random event that just happens--I hope it goes back down tomorrow. I am about as sure that I didn't O as one could be....I get pains when I O--have all my life....soooo?? fluke temp rise i guess. I think I wanted this month to look perfect on my chart since next month we're on! Hence my surprise this morning.
I chart membas. And I've had random spikes before. Could be pretty much anything if it's just one temperature. Did you measure late? Do you have a bit of a cold maybe? Did you not sleep well? Did you have alcohol the night before? Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it, I'm sure tomorrow your temps will go back to where they belong.
I chart too Membas, (hence how i know when i ovulate, as the opk's are sometimes a bit vague...). I have found that my temp spikes if i have red wine. Doesn't have to be a lot either (not drinking much these days generally for obvious reasons!).

Or, did you have a hot drink just before? Are you feeling poorly? Or it could just be random fluke! And a temp to discount.

Zb5 and Amygdala, good luck with holding out! You can go and enjoy your activities over this next month in true style!

And zb5, yay for having an 11 day luteal phase. THat should do the job in due course!

Am doing my best not to symptom spot....and failing. Feel crampy. Big boobs. Slightly nauseaous. Which would all be fab, if i hadn't felt just like that last month too! LOL. Also tho, which gives me a teeny bit of optimism about the luteal phase if nothing else, i have noticed from the previous 3 charts that the 2 months with the shorter LP, both had a big dip in temp at 4DPO (that then bounced back up). The one where i completed a full 10 days, didn't. And yay, am 4DPO today and it hasn't dipped!! Got those fingers crossed so hard i can barely type!!

Laura, Dinah, how are you doing?

Sweetpea, fingers crossed you O soon! If the OPK has got darker, start the BD!!! Dunno which opks you use, but mine are just cheapies i buy off amazon. They go signifincantly darker i find, rather than matching the control line. According to the instructions, if it's paler than the control line it's a negative. Not in my case. Darker = I ov the next day, temp goes up day after. So get busy girlfriend and catch the eggy!

Have a good day everyone.

well i did a little experiment this morning--i've not always been a great sleeper--i toss and turn a lot, especially in the last few hours of sleeping. my morning temps may run a bit higher because of this, but they've always been consistent with a clear pattern for O. So--this morning as soon as I first started becoming restless, about 2-3 hours before my alarm--i temped, I had been asleep about 6 hours. The temp reading was 97.4. Then I tossed and turned, laid there a while and eventually went back to sleep--I was probably asleep about an hour and half before my alarm went off at 7:30. At this time, i temped again--98.2 (yesterday's reading). I'm not always this restless-but there is definitely a temp difference when I am. I don't recall being incredibly restless yesterday when I got the higher temp, but SO tells me I toss and turn all the time, especially in the early night hours and early morning hours. When I was a kid, my folks called me "flipper" as far as my sleeping habits go, and they'd laugh at the funny positions I'd get myself into while I was asleep. I'd wake up sitting on the floor, cross leg, with my head on the bed etc...

Thanks for your input! I know it's silly to worry about a single day temp...but you know, it took me by surprise. I find I'm a little more attentive (ahem--obsessive?) this month with the TTC date approaching.
Wow so much to catch up on!

Fairybabe - good luck for your first 2WW and testing! Also FX for a longer LP for you!

carbafe - thats great that you aren't taking the pill anymore :) GL with everything for next month too!

Sweetpea - so exciting! go, go, catch that eggy! So cool your hubby said to start straight away, same as mine :) Don't you just love them?? I think I'm about to Ov too so we could be 2WW buddies and keep each other as sane as it will be possible to do - do you have a journal? (I love to stalk lol)

Amygdala and zb5 - sorry you still have to wait but you have very good reasons and with everything you have planned for this month I bet time will fly by :flower:

DJ - thanks for the advice, not sure DH will be up to BDing all through the 2WW tho lol ;)

I have also been avoiding buying clothes and sitting at work during boring meetings about stuff coming up next year thinking - maybe I won't even have to do this! PMA all the way!!

Membas - glad you feel a bit better now about the temp spike, I agree with the others that it is nothing to worry about :)

As for me, well, we BD'd again last night and without even talking about it we didn't use anything so I guess.... well, we are probably TTC not NTNP really!

Even more exciting - I just did an OPK and got my first positive! So I'm gonna jump hubby when he gets home *rofl*

OMG its just amazing to think I could be in my first 2WW in a few days when just about four days ago I was thinking I had another month to wait :D

Take care all,
:thumbup: dinah! we kind of had a moment like that the other night--seemed to be going along with a little less precaution than normal (although I knew my O was a good 6 days off at the time, he has really been a stickler for caution)...then part way through activities, he got his thinking cap back on and opted for more cautious activities. He knew I wouldn't stop him HA! I don't care this month, he still does. :shrug:
Almost forgot girls, if you need OPKs I got some from and have been very impressed.

They were cheap, free postage, super quick delivery and seem to be working fine. I also got an email from them saying I can pass on this discount code to anyone I know and you can use it all through June to get 5% off :) Just type in the word 'save' when asked.

Fairybabe, very interesting about the dip at 4dpo and the shorter LP. I have noticed that the cycles where I O earlier, I also have a short LP which has led to some very short cycles. It's so funny how they say women should have the same LP every cycle but that doesn't seem to be the case for everyone...

Amygdala, I'm curious about the toxoplasmosis test! We have 3 kitties but I heard that they're not as likely to have toxoplasmosis if they're indoor kitties (ours are currently). It would be nice to know if I had it though...

membas, I did a little test like that last month where I slept in a few hours on the weekend and then temped. I was rolling around a lot trying to stay asleep even though it was clearly time to get up... my temp was up about half a degree from usual. Big difference!

Dinah, positive OPK! Woohoo! Have fun :)

Anyways, for me... wait wait wait. About a week and a half until ovulation. All I have to do is not let my hormones get the best of me until then!
Zb5, as far as I understand it, you can only get toxoplasmosis by ingesting the old feces of a recently infected cat. So if your cats are indoors cats and you don't feed them raw meat then I don't think you have any chance of catching it (but still a good excuse to make OH change the litter tray;)). Mine is an outside cat though but even so the risk is comparatively low. Raw or undercooked meat is far more dangerous but I'd just feel better knowing I think. Not sure they'll be happy to do the test for me but I'll ask for it anyway. Does anyone know whether you can insist on a test and pay for it privately if you see an NHS doctor?
Morning ladies!
Dinah! Hurrah for the OPK+!! GO FOR IT!!!! And thanks for the links for the test. Hoping i don't need to buy more OPKs!! FX'd!!!!

Amygdala, i think you can ask your GP for any test you want, whether he lets you have it is another matter. It depends on the GP. Some will say yes whatever you ask. Others wouldn't authorise a test if you were rolling around on the floor half dead. Hopefully your GP is of the former type. I suppose if the GP won't test you, would te vet test the cat? I guess if your cat tests positive, then that would mean you have already had exposure? Dunno, i might be talking complete twaddle!!

Hurrah, 5DPO! And temps still high. Now here I go symptom spotting again....but does anyone know if being particularly gassy is relevant?! LOL. Still feel slightly nauseaous, but not sure if that is due to pre-exam nerves and the feeling of knowing nothing about anything and teh feeling time is running out. On the plus side, the days are whizzing by!! As they do when an exam looms. Had quite strong cramping last night, just before bed. Just for a moment or two.

Zb5, it's true, LP's do seem to vary. Not what most websites or books say. Just as well we chart hey?! If i hadn't started charting back in feb out of curiosity I would have had no idea and would have been targeting the BD midcycle! Now what a waste of time that would have been!

Right. Head into the books for me.

Have a good day everyone!

PS: Membas, just ocurred to me, when you temp, do you do it orally or vaginally? I started doing it orally, but found that it was more varied depending on how good i was at holding it in the right place under my tongue. Switched to the other end, it's easier, adn more reliable i find. And you can still hold a conversation with OH whilst doing it! (Though if you close your thighs together you can't hear the beep!). Hope that wasn't TMI!

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