Kelly - Yay for AF! It's so nice when our bodies finally regulate. Fingers crossed for you this month
Galvan - When will you start testing? I was always so bad at waiting. I'd tell myself to wait until 10 dpo but rarely made it past 8 (even though I never get a bfp until 11-13 dpo - my bfps show up late)
Beck- how are you feeling? Colds are the worst. Feel better soon hun
comotion - I'm sorry you are going through this
Hopefully you get your rainbow baby soon and you will not need the surgery. Be sure to keep us updated. Why doesn't dh want to use preseed again if you don't mind me asking? Hugs to you.
Tasha- so glad your scan went well!
Cami- I'm so happy to see you pop in again! I was wondering how you are doing. Hope you are well hun. You'll have to let us know what the doctors say when they call back. I have never had those tested so not sure what it means
Babytots- I know exactly what you mean. When I hit the 6 week mark with this baby I was convinced I would lose it like my last baby. Even now at 7w3d I often get convinced that it's all over. It's hard to keep things in perspective sometimes. Sending you hugs
dano- how are you feeling?
Everyone else, hope you are well!
Afm, not too much to report. Just trying to deal with the anxiety of my first scan approaching on Tuesday. I'm somewhat jealous of you ladies who get scans along the way. I think I'd feel a bit better if I knew bubs was doing okay in there. I get a scan at 8 weeks on Tuesday, and then NOTHING until 12 weeks! Booooo. Just trying to focus on a positive scan this week though. I'm excited but nervous to finally see baby. The nightmares seemed to have calmed down a little bit for me (thank you everyone for the support with that. it's nice to know I'm not alone)