It was good to see family. We told them about the pregnancy and everyone is really excited. I was nervous though. I forgot to pack my doppler with me, and a few days after Christmas I started brown spotting. It went away after 24 hours and I held my breath until I got home and ran to the doppler to find baby safe and sound, heart still beating away. Terrifying few days, though. My next scan is the 12 week scan on January 19th (when I will actually be 12w5d). I am really excited to see baby again. It feels like time is just dragging until then.
Tasha and babytots, how are you ladies feeling? Any sickness still or is it starting to subside?
Kelly and yazzy, fingers crossed for you on the 12th! You'll be testing buddies. I hope we get 2 sticky babies
Comotion, often your body will gear up to ovulate and fail. If this happens sometimes your body will try again in a few days. It sounds like maybe your first set of OPK wasn't the real deal and this time your body is able to release an egg. I'm not sure though, TTC can be so confusing. Maybe try HPT 2 weeks from the original OPK and again 2 weeks from the new one? Good luck hun
Sunshine, how are you feeling? I am still so heartbroken for you
Have you had any more ultrasounds or bloodwork done to see if you will need the shot? All of my fingers are crossed that this will happen naturally and you can try again soon.
Beck, how are you feeling? Any luck with the doppler yet? I forget exactly how far you are.
Galvan, I never actually did temping so don't know too much about it, but I have my fingers crossed for you that things go in the right direction and it was just poor sleep that made the temperature crash. Come on BFP!
Cami, so good to hear from you more hun, I still think of you often. Hope all is going well. I wish you luck at your HSG. You'll have to keep us updated