TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

It was good to see family. We told them about the pregnancy and everyone is really excited. I was nervous though. I forgot to pack my doppler with me, and a few days after Christmas I started brown spotting. It went away after 24 hours and I held my breath until I got home and ran to the doppler to find baby safe and sound, heart still beating away. Terrifying few days, though. My next scan is the 12 week scan on January 19th (when I will actually be 12w5d). I am really excited to see baby again. It feels like time is just dragging until then.

Tasha and babytots, how are you ladies feeling? Any sickness still or is it starting to subside?

Kelly and yazzy, fingers crossed for you on the 12th! You'll be testing buddies. I hope we get 2 sticky babies

Comotion, often your body will gear up to ovulate and fail. If this happens sometimes your body will try again in a few days. It sounds like maybe your first set of OPK wasn't the real deal and this time your body is able to release an egg. I'm not sure though, TTC can be so confusing. Maybe try HPT 2 weeks from the original OPK and again 2 weeks from the new one? Good luck hun

Sunshine, how are you feeling? I am still so heartbroken for you :( Have you had any more ultrasounds or bloodwork done to see if you will need the shot? All of my fingers are crossed that this will happen naturally and you can try again soon.

Beck, how are you feeling? Any luck with the doppler yet? I forget exactly how far you are.

Galvan, I never actually did temping so don't know too much about it, but I have my fingers crossed for you that things go in the right direction and it was just poor sleep that made the temperature crash. Come on BFP!

Cami, so good to hear from you more hun, I still think of you often. Hope all is going well. I wish you luck at your HSG. You'll have to keep us updated
I think it was the lack of sleep. My temp is back up again today. I will more than likely start testing in 2 days.
Good luck Galvan, fingers crossed for you. Hoping for a nice strong BFP
Glad you had a nice time away Sil. Nope no luck with the Doppler yet, I've actually not had it out tonight and I'm going to leave it for a few days. If the measurement on the scan was correct then I am 8+3 today, I honestly think I'm more 9 weeks. But I've watched some you tube videos and I think I maybe need to try top he probe lower. Another problem is that I don't have the patience to spend 30 mins looking which doesn't help. Midwife again on Wednesday for actual booking in and should get 12 week scan date.

Feeling nervous this week as it's at this point where I had my mc so I keep thinking if I can make it to the end of the week with no blood then I might be ok.

Good luck tomorrow Cami, hope the procedure goes ok. :)

Sunshine, still thinking of you :hugs:

Galvan, will be keeping everything crossed for you.

Hope everyone else is ok :)
So quick update my bloods so far have been 819, 892 & 914 yesterday - supposed to go back to work tomorrow after the break but I'm back to the hospital again for scan and more bloods -- started bleeding yesterday & hospital is hoping that my hcg will have dropped tomorrow as a result if not probably have to have the injection. Very stressful time as I'm constantly monitoring my pain levels to make sure I don't have to go to hospital as tube could start to rupture at any point. Getting really fed up now - was hoping it would reabsorb naturally and wouldn't have to have the injection but I've had enough really now worrying about tube rupturing and just want to be well again & move on ......

Anyways, how are all u PG women doing? Hope the babas are all doing well - Sil delighted u heard the hb ok - that must have been scary. Becks hope u get to hear the hb on doppler soon. Babytots hope ur ms has gone by now hun? Tash congrats on getting out of first trimester.

All u ttc ladies I have everything crossed for u when ur testing xx some sticky (in the right place! lol) bfp's would really cheer me up xx

Galvan thanks for tip on folic acid - I had to stop taking all folic acid, vitamins, pre-natals, etc just to try to stop the growth of the PG in the tube so I know my levels will be low regardless of whether i have the injection or not so thanks for the tip hun xx

Yazzy thanks for ur kind offer as u had such an awful ectopic experience - I do have a lot of questions if u don't mind me picking ur brain I will pm you if that's ok? thanks so much for the offer hun xx

Anyways hoping to hear lots of + updates about the PG ladies and good news also from ttc ladies - sorry if I have missed anyone xx
I'm currently in the 'threatened miscarriage' category bled pink/brown blood for 6 days and then today a gush of red with 2 small clots then abi they later back to spotting now. Low tummy cramps and bck so think it's inevitable :( this will be my third loss. My hcg levels have risen but only by 4,000 not doubling. Emergency scan Thursday dreading it and dreading how the miscarriage will be :shrug: I'm further along this time 8+3

Am I ok to join x
Kelly hope that the spotting was just down to ovulation and you get your sticky bfp.

Yazzy good luck for when you test.

Commotion sounds like your body may have tried to ov but didn't quite make it so had a second try. Least you have covered all bases now and hopefully in week or 2 you get sticky bfp.

Sunshine sending you more hugs I have been thinking of you and I really hope that the levels have dropped when you have your bloods re-tested. Can't even begin to imagine all the emotions you must be feeling right now :( Miscarriage is hard enough but when you know that a tube is at risk must make it even harder.

Galvan hope your ds is feeling better. Glad to see your temps have gone back up.

Cami hope your hsg goes well hun.

Sil glad you had a lovely time with family and that they are all excited for you. Sorry that you had some spotting but good to hear baby is doing ok. Hope your scan comes round quickly for you.

My sickness is still bad and I had my worst day a couple of days ago where nothing would stay down :( Needless to say the strawberry milkshake that was helping my sickness I can no longer drink as it tastes foul when it comes back up. Today I'm having a better day and managed the school and nursery runs without being sick. It seems I have a really awful day followed by a couple of good days and then an awful day hits again. Finding it more manageble though and just trying to get on with it as baby is still happy in there and as long as I keep hearing that heartbeat I'll be happy no matter what the sickness throws at me.

11 weeks today just one week til I hit the elusive 12 week stage though I know from past experience this will do nothing to elivate my fears until I get past the stage I was with Jessica. 12 week scan is in 10 days and it can't come quick enough.

I hope everyone else is doing ok? Dan-o I saw in another thread you had some spotting hope thats stopped now and baby is doing ok. Tasha looking out for an update on todays scan ;) x
Babytots I totally remember strawberry milkshake coming back up... The worst!! Maybe 2nd tri will bring the end of sickness for you?

How far along were you with Jessica when you lost her? Xx
Thanks Babytots you are a sweetheart xx fingers xd ur sickness will be over soon hun xx I have been at the hospital the past 5 days out of 7 days and told them I deserve a job there today! lol I have to laugh or would go mad! It's been a very stressful time but I know I am incredibly lucky as I haven't lost a tube and the fantastic news from todays blood and scan is that hcg dropped from 914 on Saturday to 167 today so my body has miscarried by itself and the PG has reduced by about 50% so its reabsorbing!! It has been a hideosuly worrying time but I am so thankful that my body worked so well!! & the fab news is that I only have to wait until my next period and I can ttc again - so relieved tonight ...............

Welcome wantingagirl so sorry to hear of your threatened miscarriage - hope it turns out to be a sticky one instead xx this is a lovely bunch of ladies - v supportive : )

Dan-o hope ur ok hun!!?? Cami how was ur appointment? Tash hope ur scan was ok?

Hi to everyone else - any testing going on??
Feeling very relieved for you Sunshine. I can't imagine the added worry that an ectopic can have on top of miscarry ing. Do you have to go back to the hospital again for bloods, it gets depressing going to and from the hospital.

Welcome wantingagirl, will be keeping everything crossed for you on Thursday. :hugs:
Thank you everyone :flower: this will be my 3rd loss super gutted and so scared what it will be like this time as 9 weeks on Friday.

I've been cramping all day so feel like it's inevitable but I will see what happens over the next few days the torture of the wait is killing me

Cami I hope today went well.

Sunshine, I'm so relieved for you!

Welcome wanting. I hope against all hopes that this baby proves everyone wrong.

Babytots I know exactly what you mean about the scans not elevating your fears. I was crying this afternoon I won't go into why because it's morbid. I feel like now is the build up to when it began to go wrong for Riley Rae (16 weeks) until she died (24+1) then my weekly appointments begin at 26 weeks as that's when my preeclampsia usually start about then and then my waters broke at 28 weeks with Honey but she didn't die until 36+6, so it's those eight weeks too. So I don't think there's a point I relax in this. :(

I hope the girls getting close to testing are okay.

My scan went well, I told her I was anxious and why so she promised she wouldn't go silent. She didn't, she spenty forty minutes going through everything, hb, spine, arm, legs, feet, hands, stomach, face etc. the umbilical cord, blood flow, where the cord was implanted in the placenta, just loads. Neck measurement was 2.3 so that's good. Baby was perfect size so official EDD is exactly the same as my dates. She gave me five photos too, will upload later x
Kelly I was 19 weeks when I lost her. Yeah the sickness tend to subside at 16 weeks although today has been quite a good day compared to how I was 2 days ago. Hoping I have turned a corner but I bet it will hit me again soon.

Sunshine I'm so pleased to hear that and great news you are able to ttc after your next period. Though I wish this wasn't happening at all to you :hugs:

Big hugs wanting thinking of you.

Tasha it's so hard isn't it at every scan there is that feeling of dread something bad will happen. I'm so pleased today went well for you and that you ha a sonographer who took the time to reassure you. X
Sunshine that is the best possible news in this situation. So glad you can try again soon.

I can't imagine the late term losses some of you ladies have had... So sad. I understand how the entire pregnancy could be filled with anxiety after experiencing that. I'm sure these are wonderful sticky babies though based on your good scans etc so far xx.
Welcome wanting. So sorry for what you're going through.

I agree, I cannot imagine some of the pain you ladies have gone through. I really feel a lot of sticky bean vibes!

So glad things are going well Sil. You're so sweet.

HSG was not pleasant but bearable. Had one bad moment of pain where I yelled out but didn't last long. The worst part was the radiologist kept questioning why my doc wanted the test. He kept saying the only thing it would really show is if I had blocked tubes and since I haven't had a problem getting pregnant he didn't see the point. Got me all worked up and upset and questioning if I should go through with it since it's expensive. I made them call my doc but he was not reachable. They told me I could postpone if I was unsure (which I only was because of the radiologist) but that would have meant putting it off another month. I'm just hoping I didn't go through all that for nothing but left feeling really discouraged. (Not to mention crampy)
Sorry for the vent.... Rough day.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Cani, I'm glad you went ahead. I think you would of kicked yourself if you hadn't tbh. Most doctors order one after recurrent loses, it isn't just the tubes but it looks at shape and size, if there is formation issues (like a septum), scarring etc. I would complain about him tbh x
Thanks ladies :flower: It's so hard to function and carry on as normal and the not knowing is just awful this is not how I want to spend and remember my new year distraught.

No not sure Hun...... It's looking bleak tho. With my 2010 miscarriage I bled brown blood 3 hours later full blown miscarriage. I got my betas recreated again from last rues til sat they went up but only over 4000. None of the red blood reached the pad yesterday but was there when I wiped on one occasion with 2 very small clots next occasion one very small clot yesterday morning, through night brown spotting again. This morning after BM some considerable red blood seeped out into the toilet. Sorry if tmi. Not loads if you know what I mean. My worry is I've had constant period like tummy and back cramps since yesterday surely that can't be good. First two scans seen a heartbeat scan booked for Thursday at 8.40 xxx
Cami sending you hugs hope the pain eases soon. That's really unfair of the radiologist to question you like that. I never had a hsg after my first 3 losses but then they knew it was more a problem with my babies then my reproductive system. Like Tasha says though it can show many things.

Wanting thinking of you hun it's horrible going through the limbo of not knowing. My last miscarriage was similar saw a heartbeat then started bleeding had another scan and still saw a heartbeat but a few days later I miscarried. I really hope this isn't the case for you though and you get a happy outcome on Thursday x

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