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TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Well, no AF as of yet. Being at high risk of an ectopic due to my tubal reversal, a late BFP scares me, so I hope I just have a 13 day LP this month or a faulty test.
So, feeling pretty down today. In a few days I would've been 20 weeks with our angel baby. We should be finding out if we're having a boy or girl.

Sorry to be a downer. I can't believe its been almost 3 months and we're still not pregnant again. I almost want to give up altogether. I really wanted a May-August baby so that my DD's things would be useful again. Thats a dumb reason but it still bugs me.
Hugs Kelly, I would have been at a very similar stage. My baby which was ectopic was due May.
Don't give up hun, you WILL get there.
Oh my god girls.....I just got a BFP!!!!!!!!

AF should have been here yesterday and I've been feeling so tired and a bit sick on and off...held my wee for an hour and did a test! Eeek first month ttc after my ectopic.
Feeling very lucky, I sooo hope this is my sticky baby :)

I think I have to book in with my doctor this week for blood tests and an early scan because of having a previous ectopic.

I hope all you other ladies are doing well.
Yazzy!!! I am soooo excited for you!!!!!! Post a pic so we can see :) congrats!!

Kelly, I'm so sorry sweetheart. I know how tough it can be reaching milestones like that. My baby that we lost was actually due on my DS birthday and I'm secretly worried it will be somewhat gloomy on his special day. Hang in there. I hope you get your bfp soon.

Galvan fingers crossed all is well and you get a sticky bfp of AF soon (but hopefully the bfp!)
Thanks Sil! I will take a pic of the test and post it later (I'm off out in a bit).
I'm surprisingly chilled as I've figured over the last 3 pregnancies, you can only hope and wish for the best. I will do my best to not over analyse symptoms!
Big hugs Kelly its so hard when you reach the milestones you should have been. I have a friend who was due the same day as me and everytime I see an update on facebook it reminds me of the stage that I should have been at. My angel would have been due March I should have been getting the nursery sorted and writing a birth plan but now I have to wait til July to do all of that with this precious rainbow in my tummy. Grateful to be pregnant but hate I have to do the agonising wait all over again not knowing if I'll get a healthy baby at the end of it.

I'm sure it won't be long til you get a sticky bfp hun.

Hugs Galvan fingers crossed its still a little early and you bet a bfp soon. Late bfps aren't always a bad sign. :hugs:

Yazzy thats fantastic news I'm so happy for you!! Fingers crossed the hospital keep a close eye on you during these early weeks. Shall look forward to seeing your test.

Afm not much to report getting some of my energy back so planning to try and declutter the house and get it redecorated as most rooms have my lovely sons artwork drawn on the walls lol. x
Babytots haha you sound like me, yesterday I told DH to just take DS for a few hours and spent 4 hours cleaning the house. I felt so much better after it was done.
Its crazy I'm in that nesting mode already got plans for how i want each room to look etc. House really needs it though as the past 6 weeks its been neglected whilst I got through the sickness. x
Kelly....same here. I was due in june and would be finding out soon that I would be having a baby girl. :( I also have a friend thats due just a few days before my due date. It is hard.

Congrats yazzy! Hope this is a sticky bean!
Hello. Hope you don't mind me posting. I have not been able to come back on the site for a while as it was too upsetting. I had a miscarriage on Christmas Day. I was only 6 weeks. I have PCOS so I am so worried that I won't get pregnant/ can't stay pregnant.

Anyway I just wanted to say hi. I am not sure if it's ok to post on here as I was so early and I already have a 2 year old little girl but I did not know where else to go.
Oh wow wee massive congrats Yazzy!

Galvan any news from you yet?

Kelly despite being pregnant again I still think a lot about how far along I would be with my mc. A week after my mc my MIL happily announced that a family friend was expecting and she was due end of May, same time as I was, I just wanted to run out and cry. Please don't give up. I'm very sure your rainbow is just around the corner. :)

Hooray for having energy babytots. I think you may have passed the feeling ill baton to me, I can feel my sickness/tiredness has been getting worse although weirdly enough today has been an ok day.

Finally traced this little one on the Doppler, woop! Heard it very briefly but no mistaking it that's for sure.

Told the inlaws I'm pregnant again yesterday as we want them to look after DD when we go for scan, they didn't seem overly excited so I'm just hoping they are being cautious for me after last time, still felt a bit miffed out it though :(
Welcome hope spring and I'm so sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 9 weeks but the think the pregnancy stopped between 5-6 weeks.

Your more than welcome to hang around here, the ladies on this thread are lovely and supportive :hugs:
Hey girls,

Hopefully I have managed to attach a pic of my tests....

Paranoia has kicked in already grrr, I stupidly did a second test this morning thinking it has to be loads darker than yesterday's but it isn't at all. Plus my symptoms are so on and off, I thought sore boobs should just always be sore but mine are fine one min and painful the next, what's that about?!

I will get booked in with the doctors and my blood results should be a better indicator I guess.

Nerve wracking isn't it?!


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Welcome to the group hopespring of course you can stay here. I'm so sorry for your loss and on Christmas Day too how heartbreaking :( Are you planning on ttc again or waiting a while? Either way I hope you get a sticky bfp soon.

Beckster hugs for the sickness but yay for the heartbeat. So sorry your inlaws weren't excited but like you say hopefully its just them being wary because of what happened before. I know my mum frets over me when I'm pregnant. Telling her about this baby when I see her on her birthday. Hoping the news goes down well.

Yazzy don't worry too much about your lines it takes hcg about 48 hours to double so tomorrows so be darker but if it isn't it doesn't mean its a bad sign as pregnancy tests only detect hcg not the exact amount. So as long as a line appears then thats good :) Yes blood tests will tell you more.

On the countdown to my scan now just 3 more sleeps. Need to change my ticker too as I got myself confused with dates. By lmp I should be 12 weeks tomorrow and not today and my scan has me at 12 weeks on Wednesday. Think will wait see what size baby is before changing it though.

I had the most bizzare dream last night too. I've been having so many strange dreams in this pregnancy its crazy but last nights was just madness. I remember being at the seaside with my kids and then suddenly I was in hospital and I have birth to a baby girl in the room on my own and my husband wasn't the father she was someone elses. You could tell by looking at her she had no resemblance to him. Then I remember breaking into a house at night to keep my children safe and then went home to find my rabbits had given birth to kittens and that the dads were cats who was sat in the cages with them. Oh how our brains work in such wonderous ways lmao!! I woke up feeling all funny as the dream felt so real and I'm mad at my brain for making me dream about a girl baby as I have my hopes set on a girl but keep telling myself its a boy and then my brain goes and messes with me like that. x
I took some time out to gather my thoughts but back now, I ended up losing the baby on Tuesday after starting to spot on 30th December. Hope you are all well

Wanting I'm so sorry. Take time for yourself. It's not easy but we are all here for you.

Babytots good luck for your next scan, can't wait to hear how it goes.
Thank you for the reassurance, I don't have anymore tests so I won't do anymore. They were not even 24 hours apart.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning for my first blood test, fingers crossed for good numbers!

Becks sorry your in laws didn't seem too excited. They may just be anxious for you.

I've told my OH, my mum and best friend. They've been with me through everything so I need some people to keep me sane!
Yazzy that's amazing!! Huge congrats!!

Does anyone here have a good knowledge of temping? My AF temps are between 36.0-36.3 so far. That seemed Low to me? This is my first month temping so no idea what I'm doing lol.

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