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TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Kelly thank you. I've never temped so can't help with that but I've always gone by cm and cp which I've always found very accurate.
Kelly, mine is usually that before O, but jumps up to 36.5+ after O. I have low progesterone, so my post-O temps are higher when I take progesterone. They go up to 36.8-37.1.
Sorry to come being a downer again... This period is definitely not normalizing. It's still spotty then heavy then spotty. I'm guessing I'm in for 2 weeks of spotting again after my period "ends" like last month.

Is this something my dr could help me with, with a prescription or something? Or do I just need to wait a couple months for it to normalize on its own?
Kelly it wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor and see if they can help. Do you know if your hcg is back to 0?
:hugs: Kelly. I think it's likely they will say it's to be expected and you need to wait it out. Still go and see him though x
Thanks Yazzy.

Hope it goes well with your bloods and you get the results quickly.

Kelly mine are usually that temp pre ov too but it can be different for everyone once you have done a few cycles temping you will begin to see a pattern. Sorry to ear you are still bleeding :( may be worth seeing your doctor big hugs x
Babytots, been to the docs and have a scan booked for 2 weeks today, I will be 6+3 then so will hopefully be able to see everything in the right place! No bloods taken so will just try and relax for the next couple weeks...easier said than done!
Would you ladies mind another member to this group? Been TTC #3 since April last year. Fell pregnant in August but sadly lost the pregnancy at just over 6weeks. Back to trying again but I feel like it is taking forever this time around! My 2 other pregnancies were conceived 2nd cycle!
Welcome pichi, are you temping/using opk's at all?

Aw that's a shame about the bloods Yazzy, do they not routinely take them where you are?
I'm not temping. The first few months I did but wanted to take a more relaxed approach so just using opks. I'm pretty in sync with my cycles though and typically OV around cd17 with an lp of 11
Welcome pichi. Im sorry for your loss and im sorry its taking so long concieving your rainbow.
Welcome Pichi, everyone is lovely on this thread. So sorry for your losses. Do you take any natural supplements to help? I actually started taking red raspberry leaf tablets when I thought I was having a miscarriage (was ectopic) because it is meant to help tone your uterus and good to take each month before 'O'.

Beckz, no, bloods are not routinely taken. If there was any concern on being pregnant or thinking there is an issue then they would take them. I'm happy to wait for a scan as that will hopefully show everything is ok :)
How are you feeling?
Thanks ladies. I take baby aspirin and a multi vit. I have suspected endometriosis although it hadn't been confirmed as my Dr is rubbish. I had Endo removed during my sons c-section so I think it is back and causing problems :(
Yazzy when do you take the red raspberry for O? A few days pre or from cd 1?
You can take it anytime leading up to 'O' then stop til bfp or AF. I was reading about it on a site online. It's also meant to be very good for getting hormones balanced.
Yazzy, I think your lines look great :) Can't wait to hear how the ultrasound goes at 6 weeks.

Pichi, welcome. So sorry for your loss and fingers crossed you get that sticky BFP soon

Kelly, so sorry about AF being irregular for you again. I hope she sorts herself out soon and you can get back on track. It must be frustrating.

Hopespring, so sorry for your loss. :( I hope PCOS doesn't interfere too much for you and you get your sticky BFP soon.

Beck congrats about the doppler! That was one of my most exciting moments from this pregnancy so far I think.

Babytots I've been having crazy dreams too. Two nights ago I actually had 3 vivid nightmares in a row. I am not a fan of these dreams lately, haha

Wanting, I'm so sorry. We are here for you if you need anything.

Everyone I missed, sorry I missed you and hope you are well!

AFM, I am 12 weeks today. I can't believe I've made it this far. My 12 week scan falls on Monday at 12w5d and it feels like time is just dragging until then. I can still find baby on the doppler which is reassuring but I still always get nervous before scans. I just always have memories of the scans from my miscarriage and it's hard to push those down. My sickness is mostly better, but my energy is still extremely low. Hoping it comes back soon
Kelly, you probably can but you can also pick it up in supermarkets or health food shops.

Sil yay for 12 weeks, good to hear how you are getting on. Good luck for Monday!
Hello Ladies,

Very sorry for your losses xx

I'm on here looking for a bit of insight, Christmas was especially hard for me this year as I should have been going into my 2nd trimester. Past few weeks I have been resisting feeling low in myself, keeping myself preoccupied with gym and college (have gone back as mature), this evening I am feeling particularly low in myself and rather harsh on myself for little things too. I have no stresses in my life if anything I enjoy the distractions. And we really want to try again but I am scared that it will happen again. Besides, I am still mourning the loss to be honest. Anyway ladies I just needed to sound off!

I hope you are all looking after yourselves. Sprinkling baby dust your way. xxxx
welcome to the new ladies :)
Afm I decided to halt until feb 1st with the dong quai, it helped me get a period before but I want to see what the rest of January has in store. gl for ladies havin any scans x

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