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TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Welcome pichi and newstar. I'm so sorry for both your losses.

Sil glad its not just me with the dreams. Mine aren't really nightmares as such but just really vivid.

Yazzy glad you have got a scanned booked hope the days pass quickly for you.

Hope everyone else is well?

Afm had scan today measuring perfectly for dates so offically 12+3 and due 27th July. Feeling a bit more real now. Have an anterior placenta so don't think I will be feeling movements for a while but at least I know why and I won't stress myself over it. Still no word from my consultant as she still has my notes so no appointment til the clinic get my notes back. Its really stressing me as I know from 16 weeks the antibodies I have will start to attack baby so I really need monitoring from them onwards but its looking likely it won't be til 20 weeks+

I've decided I'm going to book 2 weekly private scans til my 20 week nhs one just so I can be reassured baby is ok. Be money well spent if it keeps me sane although hubby keeps moaning it will be a waste. x
Thanks babytots. Sorry if I'm being nosy but what are the antibodies? Is that what has caused your previous losses...obviously don't feel you have to answer!

Welcome StarAngel! You'll find some great people here.

I hope all the ladies that haven't been on in a while are doing ok?!
Babytots yay for a good scan and measuring well!

I think if it helps put your mind at rest an extra scan here and there is a good idea.
Yazzy basically when in labour with my youngest his blood mixed with mine. He had a protein on his red cells that my reds cells didn't have so my immune system saw it as a threat and formed an antibody to fight it off. Because I was in labour he was unaffected. My hubby is likely to have this same protein which makes it's highly likely any future babies will too and my body will attack babies red blood cells. At best it causes jaundice and baby will likely need therapy under lights at worst it can cause severe anemia to baby whilst in the womb leading to all sorts of complications and baby would need blood transfusions in the womb and at birth be placed in the nicu. Hopefully it won't come to that though. There's no treatment for it so my levels of antibodies would need to be monitored frequently and if they reach a certain level then they will do regular scans to monitor the blood flow to baby's brain and if it's fast it can point to anemia. All scary stuff. It may possibly have caused my last miscarriage though it's not been proven as a cause for miscarriage.

The only way to know for sure if baby will be affected is to have an amnio but I just can't risk it because of the risk of miscarriage :( so it's just a case of wait and are and hope that my antibody levels remain low.

Thanks Kelly that's what I thought and they are only £50 so what's £150 in the grand scheme of things if it means we know baby is ok. X
So last month I spotted for 2 weeks after my AF "ended". I was really expecting that again this month. But I have had 2 days of no spotting! Hopefully keeps up.

Temping is going pretty good, have had a few wacky temps but I dont sleep well so don't know how accurate it is for me. I usually toss and turn for a minute before I remember to take my temp 😬. But it gives me something to focus on!
That's great news you haven't spotted for 2 days hun. Hope the temping helps I did start temping again with this one and funnily enough got my bfp on the month that I half heartedly temped as I kept forgetting lol.

Fingers crossed for this cycle hope it's your lucky one x
Thanks babytots! My emotions are going up and down. Feeling good about this cycle, then thinking it will take months to conceive, then feeling good again. The main reason I want another baby is to have my dd be a big sister. I see siblings and I want her to have that so bad!
Big hugs hun. It's so hard isn't it. I though it would take me ages to conceive after my miscarriage last year as usually it takes me 6-8 months so I was surprise to get my bfp on the 2nd cycle x
Im scared too. It took us 10 months with landon and 1 month with chelsea....so I have no idea how long this will take...I wish I just knew!!
Babytots that's quite crazy about the mixing of blood. I'm wishing you all the best at keeping those antibodies at bay.

I keep trying to keep calm, my symptoms seem to come and go through the day. Apart from insomnia at night!!
I can sympathise with you Yazzy on the Insommnia, it's either that or constantly waking up.

Hope everyone is doing ok? I've had a really bad sinus headache for the past 4 days and yesterday I had nausea to go with it, so been struggling and feeling sorry for myself.

Scan tomorrow, absolutely bricking it. I really want everything to be ok....
Good luck Beckz, let us know how your scan goes!
Thanks Yazzy here's hoping :)

Aww I feel you on the insomnia it takes me forever to fall asleep even when I feel dog tired :(

Beckster hope your scan goes well today hun x
Thanks Ladies, all is well :) saw a wriggly little baby who kept putting his/hers hands to it's mouth. Measuring 11+5 which actually only puts me 4 days behind LMP and a week ahead of the private scan.

We've spent most of the day in shock, kind of been in denial for the past couple of months, so scared that I would mc again.

Sunshine, not sure if you are lurking or not, I hope you are ok, been thinking of you :flower:
Aw that's lovely. So glad baby is healthy in there!

Pregnancy insomnia sucks for you ladies experiencing it :(. Have you tried journaling before bed? I know it's a physiological thing but sometimes if your mind is racing and you can sleep it helps to write out all the worries and silly things your mind is focusing on!

AFM, my opks are getting darker!! So exciting. Hopefully O will be in a day or 2, but I'd be happy with anytime this week! Dh knows we're back on the smep train and he's loving it lol :)
Beckz congratulations that is brilliant news about your scan!

Go Kelly...I hope this is your month!
Thanks ladies.

Haven't thought of journaling Kelly, that's a really good idea. I find I can get to sleep but I will randomly wake up during the night and my head will be swimming and I can't get back to sleep.

Yaye for dark opk's Kelly, keeping everything crossed for you!
Hey ladies x how are you all doing? Sorry have been MIA have been off licking my wounds ...

Beck thanks for thinking of me hun and I'm delighted to hear your scan went well that is fab u saw a wriggling little baba x

Babytots glad the sickness has eased off - happy and healthy rest of ur pg to you hun x

Yazzy how far along are you now? When is ur scan? Hoping baba is in the right place this time and everything good at the scan - you deserve some good news hun x

Kelly looks like you and I could be cycle buddies hun as my OPK was almost + earlier tonight, will do another before bed & I reckon it will be + tonight or tomorrow so O will be in next couple of days. We decided to just dtd this month and see what happens -- a bfp woud be fab but also would be very scary after ectopic!!

Hi to everyone else hope ur all ok xx
Good to hear from you Sunshine xx. Did you get a positive OPK in the evening?? I didn't get one today but a bit of ewcm makes me suspect tomorrow or Friday might be o. Hopefully we are both getting sticky BFPs this month. Your cycle went back to normal fairly quickly hey? That's amazing. I'm hoping to ovulste for the first time since my mc 3 months ago 😖

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